Your voice matters to me

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Titan_God, Jun 15, 2015.

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  1. Support this thread

  2. Seriously, are you high on something?
    To be a Moderator it's the lowest form in a game. Doing ATA business for free.
    Moderators today are actually the weakest pathetic bunch EB players I have seen.

    Go home to mom and dad basement and find other games you can lick developers nice shiny A

    We coming for you all mods again and don't care what clans you are in. You better play with MP allies!
  3. Forgot

    Defiantly No Support 

    We coming for your allies when you sleep...
  4. Support  This is a step in the right direction  good job Titan.

  5. Jesus.

    So, because players who have helped the player base succeed, and were recognized for it, they are "the lowest form" of player in KAW?

    Do you get how ridiculous that sounds.

    Look, I respect players looking out for the game. I support the decision to try to better the game, but if this is your platform, I weep for the future.

    It's not going to help the game. Not at all.
  6. Generalwolf,

    I honestly could care less what you think of mods. We get nothing in return for our services, we do it to help the community. I've never had a problem with NA myself but since you like slinging crap by all means go right ahead like you did in my newsfeed which was rather funny to look at.

    I removed myself from my home clan at the present time to work on the issues at hand. So no hitting back sorry buddy but there's more important things to handle and you are not even on the list since you have apparently nothing to contribute otay.

    Just do what ya do and I will as well ️
  7. Lol at the volunteer free phone app police telling us to support the devs with all that's going on. Just lol.
  8. Maybe institute tiers for clans/builds:
    Eg Platinum,Gold,Silver n Bronze

    Same tiers can be used for EE or PvP.
    Just a random thought.
    Tiers would be hit ranges etc.
  9. Thank you nighthawk that's a good idea  thank you for your post
  10. 1. Stat disparity due to constant ebs and tiers can be discouraging.

    2. With the growth of ebs, pvp is hardly used outside of wars.

    3. I believe that the devs themselves should have more direct face-face interaction with KaW's userbase.

    4. Not all mods are like this, but I believe there are quite a few that abuse their power.

    5. With economic inflation, the smaller users have absolutely no chance about getting allies because they're so unreasonably expensive.

    I know these are community complaints, but other than ebs, the game is fine at a technical level. There are ways to upgrade it to appeal to me but that would just be me. But my complaints are mostly in the community.
  11. All u need is max plunder from allies for eb.
    Eb plunder increase is good for u n newer or small builds. It doesn't matter if u get a propack inactive ally either as long as u can max plunder.
  12. But that's the problem. Look for 1 BIL allies. That already takes new players a long time along with buildings and pots and such. They're to expensive.
  13. Yes i agree ally market is overpriced.
    Very hard for u to buy n keep them.
  14. Suggestion for devs:

    Let newer n smaller ppl get max plunder from lower tier eb's to allow them to buy allies for higher tiers. Drop build SH excluded.

    Or a PvP event solely designed for them.

    They need a leg up to grow n proceed forward.
  15. RiP Wulf Hail Titan_God
  16. Thank you Titan. And AJ basically summed up 90% of the problems that I know about that need to be fixed.
  17. Made a new account 2 days ago and it took me a day to get 1bil by volleying small 50m allies over and over for hours. New players don't know that they should do this and even if they did it certainly isn't appealing to do so. I'd quit kaw within an hour if I was new.
  18. Support to Titan and AJ.
    Frog, clan cost needs to increase so there are fewer clans. There are so many tiny clans that fail ebs and frustrate new players to quit. Fuller clans, more build help, completed ebs...
  19. I'm a busy bee arm all but please keep
    Posting and pm me I will leave no one behind :)
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