Your voice matters to me

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Titan_God, Jun 15, 2015.

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  1. Is there anything they can do? It's not like they can track the ip or purchase information of those that frequent the site or sites. And it's not a program, as far as i know, that interacts with kaw by the players using the service. It's pretty crappy people are using a cheat service, but I really have no idea how they can handle this.

  2. People are unhappy because the things that NEED changing, the important things that have been problems for years, don't get changed..... And I think that's fair enuf
  3. other people likes this, other people hates this, whatever move they do it would be 50/50 good and bad for others....some are rightfully need to change, but expect that complaints will never be gone...(same as haters)..... and those complaints make the devs look bad whatever they do... I'm no longer sure if which idea is good enough to be requested to the devs because there are some things that are affected as well (not some, almost everything depends in the idea itself). Maybe very planned enchantments should be made first before making a big change (new eb, an idea that can change some systems, etc.) and also take each idea slowly because of it's result to the present and common system nowdays........
  4. I'm lookin at wars and the hit ratios are really bad

    U can't apply the same algorithm for smaller accounts and huge accounts.

    It's one thing when an account hits another account half its size when these accounts are smaller. For example: 2m cs with bfe, pots and miths hits a 1m cs with bfe, pots and mith. The 1m cs should be able to hold their ground and attk back.

    It's entirely different thing when 120m cs account hits a 60m cs. With the smaller accounts, the use of mith, pots and bfe make a difference which allows a 1m cs to hold his ground and defend/attk even though he is half the size of the attacking account. With the bigger accounts: at best your mith, pots and bfe are negated however there is no way a 60m cs will b and to hold their ground against a 120m cs attacker. It seems that hit ratios need to get tighter as accounts get bigger.
  5. This is one of the best memes I've ever seen. Thanks for this good chuckle.
  6. I can't lie I didn't make it.. chubby chaser sent it to me
  7. We got the document from Titan and we'll review it and draft a post about it midweek next week. Also there should be some other goodies around that time.

  8. Once again thanks for the constant updates as of late. I have seen a lot more dev/admin interaction the last few days than I have in a long time which is great to see. This shows you guys are wanting to improve more and that shows you are going in the right direction.
  9. Join my clan bro
  10. I agree with Kezzer! It's good to see that you are communicating with the community. You're doing an awesome job, keep up the good work! :D
  11. Can you keep this on topic please...
  12. Sorry just a last tag on to give us am idea which ideas are liked and hated on the forums.
    Could you add an fb like button with counter to posts as well as a dislike button.

    It would provide the community a way to show which ideas on threads like this are actually popular and those that are hated.
    That would give us an easy voice to use especially on simple debates about updates to ideas, without everyone spamming support or derogatory remarks.

    Be nice to see who supports which ideas on here the most.

  13. Dear god, I need clan members. P.s. pls help Aztec and their homosexual ways.
  14. If you put imgfit on your gifs, they will look much better

    I will use your gif as an example.

  15. Btw a quick thing I noticed that still hasn't been fixed. I'm on pc currently and the old Kingdoms At War logo with the dodgy sword going through the W is still up. Should be a simple fix right?
  16. They would probably have to pull the art team out and draft out a PC logo.
  17. It depends on how they created the load screen background. If they created it as 2 separate layers (picture and kaw logo) then they would just need to use the kaw logo. It's just a matter of whether or not they have a suitable version readily available.
  18. My guess is the devs or kaw_com is only posting like they actually care when they don't but it quiets the crowd. I don't think anything will come of this but I guess we'll have to wait and see
  19. :lol: that look :lol:

    Some of us would surely complain (always) in some ideas and plans in kaw (because the things that they wanted or needed haven't given yet) but we (those who are content and understand its difficulty to make these changes in kaw) would still wait for the new enchantments and hope for the best :)

    By the way, expect that there will be another land sooner....... (maybe, but my instincts and a slight wonder make me tell that there will be)...... I'll not tell you what it is because even myself didn't know if what it is but I'm 65.... um.... 60..... or 54% sure that there will be another new land. Devs (in case it will really happen) make sure to increase eb payouts more before releasing it (in case) because I'm sure many players would retire seeing as what happen now :p
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