Your voice matters to me

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Titan_God, Jun 15, 2015.

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  1. Maybe we could include some of the positive ideas I've seen in the summary too...

    War bank

    Group Indy wars

    Smaller indy wars for novice warriors

    Events with build token/ spy glass rewards

    ...just to name a few that I remember
  2. War bank is by far my favorite idea. Upgrades are too damn expensive now to bank between wars. Think this would be the biggest single addition to the game to get people out warring in large numbers. Hell I'd even pay a fee monthly or weekly or something to have access to it.
  3. How about this for a idea... The account the dev has well why don't the Devs actually put one of their workers on it playing like us. And none of that xstals or hte let's see how long it takes them to legitimately get to base complete. And even better let's see what equipment and rewards they get from events..Also I didn't see the dev doing any event for that equip they so proudly wear! I would like that to be removed as it personally offends me. This would in fact be productive as realistically the Devs are always going to be looking on at the situation from a outward perspective unless they do what we do and experience the torment with us.
  4. Well that's what kawcom was supposed to do in the beginning when they were introduced. But then because who knows why, they just didn't.
  5. Kaw needs dev transparency and fairness between all game users. Dev and player relationship sucks.

    Mods get specialist treatment.

    I have evidence of mods botting, being accessories to account sales, selling accounts, ignoring clanmates' and friends' bypasses in public areas, being accessories to botting, taking advantage of game glitches, muting people they don't like for no reason, sharing personal info of people they are harassing..... More publicly the FOXES clan name being given to a mod, now moderator reset reversed.... And absolutely nothing is done about it.

    Seriously tho, turn off the server so I can get on with my life
  6. Wow just wow that's exciting,riveting and yet interesting too nie where can we see this "evidence"? These are some STRONG allegations to make. Most likely grounds of a lawsuit or something or at the very least a complete refund damn reading that just blew my mind.
  7. Ever read the ToU? The devs can do whatever they like. They can terminate accounts or the game as a whole with no notice, for no reason. They have no obligation to the players or to refund money spent.
  8. Best thread ive ever seen made and there's no better time for it than now with so many unhappy players. I didn't want to read 41 pages so I mostly just saw AJ's points- all of which are spot on. Not sure if this has been mentioned in the pages I didn't read yet but ally search functions need to be enhanced without doubt. All you can adjust is price so you search through hundreds of inactives to find a single semi active player. This would pump up the ally market. Another thing. If a player quits, why does the owner get punished? I understand that this could be abused with ppl volleying self made accounts then having those accounts quit but I think that there needs to be a way around that issue cause if you have an ally at 1t quit an reset that's hardly fair for the innocent owner who gets half his gold back. Maybe make the process of quitting much more difficult?...... Idk.

    Again thank you for the thread. It's been overdue and I hope something actually comes of it.
  10. They are somewhat restricted still and can result in fines etc from Apple.. One cannot simple put anything and do as one wishes when on the App Store.If such evidence is there they must take action.
  11. That pdf is a good read I suggest people read it

  12. 'Said anything' is the key words there. I've seen forum after forum, page after page of complaints, some dating back for years about things that continue to happen or don't get fixed and the devs don't say anything meaningful. I personally think that's the biggest problem.
  13. Let HTE remove from game. It has become a disease within kaw , and is the only reason why the gap between players is so big atm. Re-instate hte again as part of a Promo weekend or something like that (like it was in the beginning)
  14. Thought of another one:
    The summer promos from 2 years ago.

    Maybe intertwine it with the current BR system -- when a clan competes a BR give them all a spell to run the same EB after with a 2-3x bonus? (Minus hte/rotwb)
  15. Any further flaming/derailment/posting of 3rd party links/screwing with forum formatting will result in a ban.

    Keep this thread on topic, it's here for you to voice a constructive opinion for the betterment of the game, not for you to flex your ego.
  16. I'm glad this post was cleaned up.
  17. Reminder
  18. I would like to see all inactive allies (2weeks inactive) reset. A real reset not a 24hr one. I also feel that to encourage people to play more and be more active, and also increase the value of gold the owner of these inactive should be rewarded with 1nob per 20mcs ally nothing else. If the ally is below 20mcs they should be awarded nothing but a very important lesson on to use better judgement in the future on their choice of allies.
  19. That is a horrible idea. I am sorry.

    I will tell you why.

    1) It will kill an already messed up ally market. It would be more hell to find an ally than it was in FC.
    2) what if someone gets hospitalized and can't play for a few weeks? They shouldn't be punished
    3) pro pack players paid good money on this game. If they take a vacation or some time off, they should be able to return with their account
    4) The 1nob for every 20mcs player will cause the GAP players to consume the remains allies in quick fashion l.
    5) You idea would actually kill this game..
  20. Free Elvis๎ง๎’๎’
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