Your voice matters to me

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Titan_God, Jun 15, 2015.

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  1. Why are banned players allowed to create secondary accts and play. Ban is ban. This is a sign of no structure routine and pay to play people can cheat game, cheat community and then come back. A ban is a ban of the ip and person not the acct. So keep those banned players out . I have ss of banned player admitting ban. And don't give me that we gave him a second chance crap. If so all bot up if ya get caught create another bot acct to play with they'll let ya.
  2. Is this a feature that could be Implemented in the VIP program? How much was that again? If the account is a PRO pack alone many have spent real life cash on their account..So now you cannot suddenly say we shall NOT be doing this kind of brown nosed thing again.This kind of selective treatment you keep using is very similar to that of the Gestapo back in the 40s.Only difference is you are basing it solely on cash not on color/race or religion. The game
    Has now become impossible to compete from
    Hard work alone,similar to the gates of auschwitz my ancestors were greeted with "work Shall set you free" , we have about the same chance of "work" alone meaning a god damn thing.I have no problem with inferno and he is a member of the kawmunity and held in high regard by many. Yet I cannot understand yet AGAIN why you will not make this option available for other users.I Do not understand why you are even mentioning the resetting on accident!! That reset was solely down to the the attitudes and platitudes of the Devs and the way the game is going as of late!! This is what needs to be addressed now ! Make it so people do not wish to reset in protest ! Not simply say "here is your account won't do that for the rest of the smucks". Because I will guarantee you one thing you think you wouldn't do this account revivals for the LB?! Lol pull the other one dev it's got a bell on it! You need to look very closely at your morals here and your unethical condescending and biased actions,perhaps you could also do some lesson in the equality,if too busy even look the word up in dictionary! I am a paying customer why the heck do I don't get the same basic service ? It is like a restaurant these select few are eating on gold plates with fine silver and in eating of the trash can !! Get this sorted now ! Stop your elitism now I am sick and tired of it if what you are doing is not illegal it is certainly immoral and unethical.

  3. Unless you're a mod "who has done a lot over the years". Mmhmm.

    "We're also looking into making it harder to accidentally reset in the future." -- surely you don't mean Inferno because it wasn't by accident and that's already in place. All I had to do was email Support and ask that the reset button be disabled on all of my accounts.

    Goooooood going there.
  4. Yea, it's pretty funny they're trying to insinuate it was an accidental reset. Lying deceiving devs, shocked I tell you, shocked!
  5. Well all you boobs complaining about account resets, it's your own fault not ata. Would they favour a mod over you guys? Yes mods are recognised players. Is it morally right? No. But who cares it's a game after all.

    You lot take this game way to seriously for just a tap tap role play game.

    But however it is clearly stated that once you reset you never get the former account back. And if you reset when you spend money you're basically a idiot.
  6. I mean honestly is it reasonable to compare thedevs to such an event? I'm literally laughing at this comparison. What the devs did wasn't biased to players, it was based on how they've interacted. The mods in general do a lot for them and the community as a general. Yeah it was an exception, but it wasn't based off of the money Inferno has paid. A huge problem with this community lately is how hostile we are to each other. Calling other players names such as "emo" because they are going through a rough time is the opposite of what a community should do. If everyone has such a problem with what the devs are doing, why is everyone going against each other and separating? What the community needs is each others support, not the critisim, name calling, and harassment that has been going on lately.
  7. The players are angry at devs can take it out on them the way they really want to. So it gets taken out on the nearest thing. A fellow player. Simple
  8. SUPPORT....This is a great idea and will allow people to learn to war without feeling the ridicule from seasoned war veterans ...and getting a larger part of community warring a war game
  9. Really is a great idea. Sad part is participation would be a problem. Current wars now need to offer much more incentive, really indi wars are the only shot at being the closest to a fair chance of winning.
  10. ^ Not going to lie, that made me laugh.

    Okay, my first time back after a few days being forum ban for.. Know what, let's not talk about it.

    I had a lot of sun with my time off so, yay.

    To this current dilemma. I think Inferno is awesome. Dude has always been cool dating back to when he was called Drgn.

    Despite this and despite our friendship in game, This action, I feel is wrong. It also occurred with horrible timing.

    This is how bad and off timing it is.

    I agree with Chubby Chaser and we have been disagreeing about everything in KaW for the past year and a half.

    I am glad to see Inferno back, though the setting and the situation is wrong an unfair. It pains me to speak out against a friend who I think is awesome but I most stay true to myself and my morals. This reverse reset was wrong.
  11. I am fully aware of the role mods have in the kawmunity, I have no hard feelings to any mods and am friends with several. How can you say this is not biased ? It is clearly giving special treatment to people not available to others,I simply ask for this to be available to everyone as this is outrageous to me. This is solely down the Devs wanting to save face! Do you see how bad it made ata look having a mod reset ! A mod of all people who puts countless hours of dedication and private time into the game! Mods are not paid they do the role for their love of the game and when they are saying to hell with this and resetting it sends a huge message to the Devs and is damaging to their business! There is no other reason for this inferno just made and showed us all if we were ever in doubt what immoral actions the Devs are capable of. I demand to be treated as a equal I am a customer and demand the same service! If this is only available to VIP users please release the cost details of such program Ty.
  12. A police officer also does a lot for his town, community, and country. Still he should adhere to the same laws he is sworn to uphold.

    Just to put things in perspective.
  13. LovelyM is the chick that inferno all upset and got him to emo-reset.

    You are trying to draw the comparison of mods to police officers, which in it self is a joke. Society gets angry when police officers get special treatment from judges in court.. So what's up with this special treatment?
  14. You completely missed my point. I was stating the police do a lot for their community but should not be held above the law

    Mods do a lot for this game but should not be given special treatment like this. I am actually agreeing with you on this issue mate
  15. I'm laughing so hard. What makes you think you have any special knowledge of me and Inferno's interactions?

    My point is that the devs didn't base their decision off of other players. Their opinions on them in this situation had nothing to do with what happened. But when it gets down to it, it doesn't matter why the devs did what they did. The community's reaction is what determines the future. Creating an uproar and all thus disagreement and fighting gets us no where
  16. As per the Dev team for KAW
    (and this is all legit)

    1)We can now bot as much as we like provided we spend several thousand dollars/pounds/whatever's towards the game. (So much proof everywhere you look)

    2)As long as you are a mod, you can throw a hissy fit, write a slanderous thread slighting your "employer", reset in protest, then after a few days have your account restored with a cool couple hundred bil in gold. (Let's not forget this is not the first time this mod has thrown temper tantrum and quit, only to have it all given back to him, but honestly whatever)

    3)Just like in communist China, the forums is completely censored and no real information is allowed to stay up for long (until eagle watch reports it) because we have a vague tou which can be twisted to make anything a breach of said terms.

    ...This has got to be the most inept Dev team in the history of video games, and it would be better if you Devs just shut up and ran the game. Every time you turn around you just screw yourselves, weather it's posting inappropriate gifs, showing obvious preferential treatment, or just flat out posting lies to save face, you will never fix this if you continue on this path.. We're all at a crossroads, there's been a lot of damage done, the milk is drying up, and the cows are all too old to produce like they used to..

    Want to save the game? Start by actually banning all the cheaters, start giving back to the playerbase, (now would be an excellent time for those login rewards you've forgotten about), and once and for all, start enforcing the same set of rules for everyone or dont have them at all... The favouritism has to stop, it's been obvious for a long long long long time.. It's frustrating because we are all equal here, from red and cella, all the way down to the newest account, we all matter, we're all potential/existing customers, and when people see the how slanted this game is, it's no wonder we can't keep new people longer than a month now..

    It's up to you, the Devs, to fix these things, it's not as hard as you think... You created a group of mindless hardcore zombies with this game back in 2009/2010, and now the prospect of cleaning up and quitting is looking like an achievable alternative (more so every time I open this app..) I've dumped money into this game, and I started at a terrible time because I've been screwed with every update since the release of highlands.. I have openly complained for a few years now, but like I said, enough is enough.. Take back your game, restore it to its former glory, start talking to us about what's going on and what we'd like to see done with the game we are all so hopelessly addicted to..

    I don't want to quit, but you are making it extremely difficult to justify sticking around..

    KAW needs help, from all of us.. We're in this together..

  17. No offense but anything you say is irrelevant and meaningless as you're clearly biased.

    Creating an uproar is the only way to enact change and bring light to ata's actions. It absolutely matters why it was done and the mere fact it was done speaks volumes of how meaningless tou and their standard procedures are as the intact them and enforce them unevenly.
  18. The general feel of this update is its crap and devs haven't said anything about it
  19. And that's exactly why I was reluctant to post. Just because I'm friends with Inferno, my opinion doesn't matter? I'm putting aside the whole matter and making a point about the community's actions lately. Let's say that entire situation never happened and Inferno was still at reset stats. It doesn't change that this community is becoming more and more hostile towards each other lately. When I first came to kaw, which admittedly wasn't that long ago, what made me stay was the friendly interactions and the way everyone was so welcoming. Creating a new account now us getting harder and harder, not because of the game, but because the players. Less and less people are willing to help and that's one of the biggest problems in this community.
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