Your voice matters to me

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Titan_God, Jun 15, 2015.

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  1. [​IMG]
  2. They only care about LB. hence the latest update only catering to big players
  3. Account resets/recovery isn't specifically a ToU issue, but more a support policy. As kaw_admin mentions, it's a lot of work to recover an account. It's nothing like using windows system restore but requires direct developer involvement.

    Our general policy isn't to recover accounts, but yes in this case we made an exception for one of our moderators who has done a lot over the years to make this game a better place.
  5. You're right, I'm sorry. But please be aware it is much more difficult than you suggest.
  6. Also, please don't reset your account unless you never want it back in the future.
  7. Admin/community - I fear this thread is very long and as such many members of the community may not read it.
    Can you please make a separate thread on this point so it's clear for everyone who may not look at these last few pages? :mrgreen:
  8. Also don't buy, sell, trade accounts or bot unless you're prepared to dump thousands back into the game.
  9. Except if you're inferno? What about the bonuses? Kaw_admin? He didn't have 700k wins or 50k steals is that more rewards for his "contribution" along with restoring a manual reset account?
    You know you're spitting in the faces all of your paying customers by doing this right?wasnt he one of the building glitch people? That's a positive contribution?
  10. Point is, he reset on purpose and made a retirement thread. You've set a precedent now and it will be used against you in the future with the community and perhaps even google and apple.

    I've also have requested in the past about having my reset button grayed out or deleted as I have small kids that often use my devices and could easily reset without knowing, and never have had a reply. I'm sure there are others in a similar situation and would be pretty upset if they didn't get restored because of a valid reason.
  11. I think t1-t3 buildings should be deleted as they are irrelevant. Have new players start the game where your build starts to matter. There is a lot of problems with this, just a thought that came to me.
  12. I guess you can demand your money back now from google play and iTunes now via email I will be looking into this further and you should to as a player
  13. Titan I must say this is the last hope I have for this game. Kaw_community admits he's been passive on his job which shows their hopes for the future. This game has already lost so many great players and more and more everyday. The biggest problem is the new lands which need to be reversed and all gold spent refunded at least take away the last 3 levels. Other biggest problem is hit restrictions way too high. This thread has the ingredients to revamp this game only up to the devs now.
  14. Fo sho
  15. Why can't kaw_admin explain why Emoferno was given extra achievements? He didn't have 700k wins and 50k steal badge before he reset?
  16. This must not go unseen.
  17. Is he even playing still? Thought he retired regardless of his account being reset.
  18. They cleared his 700k wins just now.
  19. ATA needs to easy up simple. Event new lands event it's never ending now. When money becomes more important than a good overall gaming experience the game will died. Hit ranges do need looked at. Why is bfe taken into account in pvp events but not bfa. Why not randomly reward mobs for pvp honour in battle and why is the EQ from events and pve better than war EQ in war war game. I got more if you want them
  20. This talk of new players getting a head start of 1-2 complete builds for free is just silly. Devs already have a new player package, there's a reason why people can get mega stats and that is because of years of play or spending stupid money.

    What I'm seeing is old players commenting on what they think new players think, no actual new players saying anything.
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