Your voice matters to me

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Amun-Ra, Jun 15, 2015.

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  1. Honestly the best way to make kaw more friendly to newer players is to lower the gap between the large and the small. This doesn't mean pushing the smaller players higher as the middle players are still way too far behind hence plenty are retiring. You need to make the top upgrades expensive with minimal stats. Not expensive with massive stats. This recent update has simply pushed away plenty of players and this is really disheartening for many members of the kawmmunity.
  2. I think the devs should have HTE and ROTWB promos so they get their money. But then I think it would be good if there was promos for other regular epic battles too, so other players that don't pay to play get a promo.
  3. As most of everything said in this thread has been said countless times shouldn't it have already been reviewed? You've made these same statements on many threads already. Did you not actually read them and look into the problems already brought to your attention countless times?

    We're beyond the point of being paid lip service to. Most of this stuff has been Harped on for months if not years. What is it you're doing exactly that this appears to be new information to you that you're not ready to address?

    This would be like if I went into a restaurant every day for lunch and received soup that was cold and complained about it every time. How ridiculous would it be if after being served cold soup every day the response from the server was always 'thanks for bringing this to our attention,I'll confer with the chef and manger and review the situation and get back to you.'

    How is this acceptable? Stop jerking us around and admit ata isn't willing to devote time and resources to the future of kaw or give us some information.
  4. A lot of what's been said here has been around for a while now, you're 100% correct with that. We've seen similar feedback before, and have acted on a fair bit of it. Though we simply can't do everything at once, and some suggestions or feedback may not work in it's current form. That said, we haven't done the best job of communicating this with all of you.

    We'll be doing our best to respond to all of the concerns in this thread once we've had a chance to go over it all at the end, and will let you know what to expect.
  5. I've seen similar replies multiple times in the past, yet here we are again. The only voices are the VIP players, not the rest of us.

    I've decided that you guys are tanking kaw on purpose. If you wanted to stay in business you'd keep the entire players base, large and small spenders happy. Why? Your big spenders aren't going to stick around when there is no one to play with. It's a bold strategy, I'll say that.
  6. On the size disparity, I get everyone's angst. I resent the smalls that get free ride right now.. when I toiled for a a long time. I resent the bigs cause they just getting bigger. The mids who spend occassionally and are also mostly your admins and clan owners are getting squeezed. You lose us, what do you have really? Thats the question you should be asking yourselves. The specifics of hit ratio need adressed too but this is more to the core. You are about to lose yer bread and butter.
  7. We've mentioned this in a few posts, but the VIP Program was something set up by support a while back. It's also been on hiatus for almost just as long because it never had a set role to fill, and so we were hoping to revaluate it's purpose. Yes, these players were sent a feedback survey with a few questions on the game but we never base our designs on a single type of player. We gather feedback and opinions from a number of sources including this very forum. We've used a lot of this feedback to refine events, bringing PvP into the mix, and addressing concerns over player experience.

    We're definitely not trying to "tank" the game either. We've put a lot of work into refreshing the visual appeal of the game, adding contents to engage our players (such as the events page and new EB's), as well as made early game progression easier.
  8. Well I was considering a long reply, hover lets stick to bullet points.

    1. tighten hit range massively. This will also balance events.

    2. Destroy exploits for ee by putting a minimum value for attack actions.

    3. Tower builds = earn less plunder. Tough leave it as that.

    4. Increase pvp payout. It's a war game not just ebs. Let us grow hitting players.

    5. Add a new lowlands. It won't affect lb stats much. But it will help all new players and mids earn extra plunder.

    6. Reduce the earnings curve of larger builds making it easier to grow and catch them with 3-4 years work. They benefit from being untouchable in the meantime.

    7. Name and shame botters regardless of who they are. Show the community it is not acceptable.
  9. Allies as already suggested. Automatically give new players max plunder for first month. Add additional kaw run max plunder allies to exceed the demand. With set volley limits on all returning only what was paid at max price. 1 bil.
  10. Just do away with ally plunder bonus. It's basically pointless at this stage of the game. Someone gets stripped big deal, most people who would have enough bb to get back to mp multiple times anyway. Why have an obsolete obstacle in the way of new players? It's a different game now and suits no purpose. Those that are going to bank in allies are going to do so anyways, likewise for those that stack bfa or ally trade.
  11. Should I wipe thier ar se too ... ffs, lets hit ebs for them also
  12. support to your willingness to address the issues so many have spoken out already to devs about. I hope that having a mod say the same things will now get someone to pay attention
  13. Having a support team actually get back to you in a timely manner with the authority to compensate justly when compensation is due!
  14. @ digiverse

    Sure why not if you feel it would help.

    If you can find some 10k allies in the meantime please let me know.
    I'd love to buy 100 like I used to.

    Now what do you have to say that offers a solution, to any of the problems ?
  15. This game is pretty much on life support. How about we worry more about helping the community grow than making pompous posts about potential new players not being bogged down at the beginning.
  16. 1) Daily freebies of some kind. A vast majority of tap games have this already, yet kaw lags behind.

    2) Estoic wars: make every build pay as if the had full defensive pots (spy and troop). This would severely hamper 'stacking' in wars and eventually encourage more participation. This is kingdoms at war, no?

    3) Tigers idea of gold vault is brilliant. Often kingdoms don't want to war because saving for buildings is tedious for the majority.

    4) Offer some kind of bonus to people with EE level 5(or any level) if they win a war -- something that would make kingdoms want to war more than once every two weeks. In the past, during events, the more EE level you had, the more bonus event items you obtained. This last event of a mere 25 was lackluster in a game that should be promoting, oh, war?

    5) you advertised the 5000 tier prize banner as 2/2/1/1 and apparently changed it to 1.5/1.5/1/1 in an update DURING the event with 0 notification. I sent a message to support and I was told if I updated my app, the advertised prize would now be correct (the lower prize). Sorry that's just bad business to bait and switch. You should honor the original advertised prize on ethics alone.

    6) Make WAR events already outside of Seasons. They don't have to be huge, but the current trend of HTE/pay huge to win decent prize events that are very EB favorable is really off putting to many. I laugh as most event equipment is more powerful than season war equipment. Very lame for a 'war' game.

    7) Integrating PvP with pve in the last event I felt was the wrong idea. They should be seperate entities. Please go back to them being seperate events.

    7a) Please discourage PvP events from being whomever can sink the most Xtals into OSF and OAF. It's a joke really. The free plunder/item boost was AWESOME, I only wish more would actually be encouraged to PvP in the events (also see ridiculously HUGE hit ranges problems).

    8) the live leaderboard is awesome during events. Keep that please.

    9) Code in war crystals already. The excuse of it being impossible is just a pathetic brush off answer.

    10) remove the need for max plunder with allies. It is archaic and these days very off putting to new people who can't have an ally and quit because the market for small players is non existent.

    Thank you,

  17. Full support for the gold vault. Basically I either have to make enough gold between wars to upgrade or take a huge loss by banking in bb. Lot of people don't play with alts that they can use to bank on buying allies back and forth. We need a built in system to get past that. Anything will help get war participation up and this would be a huge step towards that.

    As far as your number 5 goes. I just checked a little while ago to see the description of hte and if it was still advertised as 3x normal haunt. Seems they went ahead and ninja edited that out. ;)
  18. Retrieving information ๎€Ž

    Sorry all been quite an active day ๎„ but I'm still pounding away at the keyboard ๎– still appreciate the posts from everyone voicing their concerns and needs๎€Ž
  19. I just want communication with the devs. All other mobile games i play (some MUCH bigger, some much smaller) have forums and you can easily communicate with the devs themselves. They ask us questions about the state of the game and they respond to our questions, and in a very fast manner. With in the hour usually.

    It seems like the devs here like to hide behind the shadows and never reveal themselves. Its not a good image to have. Sure its tough to answer the hard questions and it can sometimes make players unhappy. But it make them more unhappy when they feel their voice is not only being unheard, but completely ignored.
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