That's why there's an off topic section , anything can be posted and talked about. Other people are posting their opinion (which people obviously have) except for those that are saying not to post the thread. What is your reasoning? It's just another topic to discuss
IMO tried under Federal Law is correct. 50 states under the same law. The crime was so heinous n therefore secular opinion has no place or bearing on the case. State n Church have no business sleeping together in matters of law and penalties. Laws rule ppl of a nation n not any singular religion due to the obvious bias. The anomaly to this is the precedent on American currency when E Pluribus Unum was replaced by In God We Trust when secular lobbyists undermined the Constitution despite non-secularists arguments. Laws of the land should serve all ppl equally where as religion cannot nor ever will in a diverse society. That clarifies my opinion on whether he be tried by the state or federally. His guilt appears unquestionable. Defence claims he was radicalized n seems an attempt to claim he cannot make his own judgement. That sounds like a plea of stupidity to me. If not he clearly must be a descendant of a lemming n follows who leads.
Personally I think they should lock him in a room with all the people his actions effected. Give him to the mothers, fathers, wives, and husbands of those he murdered or injured. Almost positive he wouldn't come out of that room alive, and would get to experience some of the terror he caused others. In fact put it on TV as a warning to any other scumbag that might have the same idea. But instead we'll keep paying to keep him alive and in prison while we also pay for his appeal while his victims are forced to relive the terror. In short should he be put to death, YES. Cause his victims can never get back what that lowlife and his Coward brother took from them.
In the trail his own defense didn't try to plead his innocence, they just wanted the jury to have "mercy" and not give him the death penalty.