your next fang/moth promo

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by WKK-IXI_OriginalHobbit_IXI-WKK, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. You've got my vote Hobb. I'm with you on not complaining about what I got for free...doing what I was going to be doing anyways. However, it would be nice to have the option to say, trade in for a particular piece of equipment, and grab a few extra aqua/inferno to assist in a pesky upgrade. The success/fail rate would be the same, we would accept the risk, and could reap the rewards. I think the option to say, trade in for inferno and what not, would actually be an even greater incentive to draw in those, not wanting the equipment for lack of need/interest.
  2. support good idea and would work to use those extra ones you get
  3. Support ! Cracking idea hobbit, I'd much rather be able to get 5 more inferno instead of the staff / Sling they look good but against my bow etc there not so hot :-/
  4. I really liked your idea for possibly saving them. Let's say that I got 4000 moths which I could use to buy the staff, but I really wanted the shield, so after the event ends I wait I till the next Christmas event and use the moths there to buy the shield after I gain what I was missing. Another way to do it would be to convert all gained moths/fangs etc. into one kind of currency that can be used and saved across all events to purchase a multitude of smaller decent equipment, or saved to buy one really good piece of equipment, Or as previously mentioned used to buy aqua/inferno or possibly xstals
  5. Neat, that was my idea too, we are planning on something like this but it's quite a big change so it might not be ready for the next promo.
  6. U cant lose now u got kaw_admins basic 
  7. I love this
  8. Thx for all the support guys and ty for responding kaw_admin I look forward to seeing what comes of it
  9. great work hobbs.. see even tne little people, or in this case hobbits have a voice and can be heard. lol im gald this was heard/seen by kaw to hopefully be implimented asap. i might also add that this is the very first post i have ever ran across that has absolutely no drama, negative attention or comments.. not only agreed upon and supported by all readers but also added on to as well. cant wait to hit the candy shop.. woot