your next fang/moth promo

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by WKK-IXI_OriginalHobbit_IXI-WKK, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. Support, great idea.
  2. Support great idea hobbs
  3. Great idea Hobbit  I agree with others also if prize range were in incriments say of two ppl would ie 'me' go further insane  everytime I hit the goal and push for the next level. . . .

    Having the power to choose the prize which best suits my needs as a player would be of great benefit.

    I really hope to see this or something similar happen 
  4. Well done Hobb!! I support this idea 100% It's a fabulous idea. Perhaps by doing this the annoying ppl that complain all the time will be shushed. I like all that the devs have done so far and this would make it that much better. Thank you Hobb 
  5. This is a Great idea Hobbit! I support this a 100%. 
  6. Support, can I trade the 2 equip I got, I'd prefer a few more inferno 
  7. Support great ideal hobbit
  8. Great concept Hobb!
  9. I agree its a great idea, but however, its fine for me like the past two were,
  10. Excellent idea Hobbs, as I spend a lot on this game and keep getting aqua drops (currently at 248aqua and 0 inferno) it would be nice to be able to shop, so to speak and swap moths for inferno. I will not buy inferno in Mage for xtalls as this is expensive. I buy enough xtalls and nobs as it is. And the amount of enchantment fails is ridiculous. Great idea Hobbs and I hope that devs take a serious look at this suggestion. Ppl are fed up with enchantment fails, and to be able to shop and swap is a great idea. FULL SUPPORT
  11. Like this idea full support
  12. Support to this idea! Very well thought out.
  13. I support the idea of Hobbit 100 %
    I wanna also thank devs for all their efford, but the items we got were very disappointing, as i have better once from eb. It should have been something special and better then we can get from eb.
    I rather wished I can choose what i want. I would have chosen inferno as it never drops and enchanting fails all the time.
    If i think about how much time we had to spend doing nml to get those moths/fangs and how much we lost money by doing it b2b, the items we got were not worth.
    Thats why I seriously hope you listen to Hobbit and make promo better.
  14. Hobbs you have my full Support Great Idea! ! ;-))
  15. Support this great idea!! What a superb concept and something that would bring in a clan concept if helping each other with the tokens (moths etc) if they could be gifted. Those, whose need is greatest, could be benefitted and assisted in growing. Inferno is such a small drop compared to aqua that an ability to earn it during promos would increase the participation as well. I played more and spent a considerable sum chasing moths and now I wish I hadn't. Unless there is a real change to the outcome I won't chase again. The game is close to being great again if the devs really do listen and make some changes to introduce a shop for promos.

    Well done Hobbit!!
  16. Support I was thinking this myself just dont post.
  17. Support!!!
  18. I think this is an excellent idea, hobbs!! While I appreciate the effort the devs have put into making these promos fun and fair to all...having a bit of choice as to how to "spend" my hard earned rewards would certainly make it more exciting! It might even make me like NML again....who knows!
  19. You are sick and should be whipped for that LUVSYA