Your Medieval Job?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IE__DragonBorn__IE, Jun 28, 2016.

  1. Humble farm boy or Pirate ☠
  2. I'd be a stray dog.
  3. Fishing the ancient seas, sounds like a damn plan man :lol:
  4. No Todd you would be RobinHood and I would be Maid Marian !
  5. Horse master
  6. Either Court Mage or Researcher at the Mage's College.
  7. Swallow Rancher and Coconut Farmer
  8. Scientist or mathematician
  9. Whore.
    Not really, I'd be a guard I think.
  10. Running a tavern would be pretty fun apart from the breaking of furniture...
  11. im a horse neighhhhh
  12. Wandering villager
  13. A peasant 
  14. I would do what I do for my real job... Dig
  15. European or African swallows?
  16. Guard/Knight

    Unless I can be a state alchemist, then that one