Your bets here __PERSEPOLIS__ vs. Zerg

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIl__CYRUS__lIl, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. Thought I would do some quick math here. All estimates are very vague, just giving an idea of the effect your having on zerg.

    You said this has been going on for a couple months? Lets say 2 months. In that 2 months you have burned around 200b in pots (so you say).

    Zerg currently has 86 members, so we shall pretend they always have 86 members. 1T divided by 86 comes to around 11b.

    So after you burn 1t in pots, you will have taken around 11b from each member. (Big money)

    At your current rate of burning (100b per month) you are looking at a 10 month time frame to achieve your goal. (Quick work)

    Heres the kicker. 11B into 10 months (lets say 300 days) comes out to around 36m!!!!!!

    So all this effort and chest thumping, and you are basically denying each member of the clan ONE ATTACK on a haunting per day. ONE ATTACK.

    Out of a couple hundred, you are taking ONE.

    Bravo sir, bravo!!!!!
  2. He's really teaching this clan a lesson
  3. TNT your math was noobish as expected, no one said zerg noobs losing 100B per month or the war been going on for 2months you just making it up. Secondly, the fact that u forget to take into acc is that they are losing way more than this number on

    - STEALS, the amount of which was never supposed to be calculated as the deal was burning 1T of pots, not 1T damage to their clan

    -Spending money on TOWERS to protect their butts (results in loss of plunder)

    -WASTING their SPIES to pin persepolis (more loss of plunder) which is not happening easily as the noobs need at least two to three players to pin persepolis before he unloads

    - Buying more and more POTS to protect their unbanked GOLDS

    Add to the list above the stress it creats for the members who have cash out like (COR29) waiting for an upgrade but in order to save it they have to either ask a member to pin them over the night or they have to stay up for the night or SPEND XTALS to reach the upgrade faster.

    There are many more into an osw like this which can be listed in more detail in a different thread as this post was not meant to be an OSW 101 for the noobs.

    so please if you have no idea how osw works either keep it shut and just watch the thread and walk away or if you want to post stupid comment make sure they are funny

    Thank you
  4. Lol, I once tried to explain osw to I didn't.

    That would be foolish. But carry on.
  5. Lmao!!! Ya bro? Is that how it works?

    Steals- Do you REALLY think your steals effect them? Really? Do you know how much a steal takes? Do you know game mechanics?

    If he is max xtaling, woke up every hour to unload, and didnt have a clan on him, best case scenario he gets off 48 fb's in 24 hours. Thats 1 fb for every 2 people in zerg. So if he spred his attacks out, a member would get a fb every 2 days.

    The problem is, we both know thats not the case. Hes probably been sitting around with 0 spies since this started. No, i dont deny that they are probably not sitting on his regens, because they probably dont care much. But if you think hes shooting off more then a few fb's (excluding xtals) then you sir, are dilusional.

    Morever, you say it takes a few people to pin him?!?! Lol, ever 0'd a ps? Its about as hard as punching a baby.

    This is a joke bro. Keep chest thumping all you want, we all know this is a joke. Zerg is sitting in cc laughing right now about the cute little ps barely able to burn pots.
  6. And as for the stress of being scared to keep gokd out. You think somebody is afraid to carry gold because they "might" get a fb of steals tomorrow?

    Lol in 2 days somebody averages what, 20-40b? Losing a few hundred mil probably strikes fear into their hearts.
  7. Well TNT you obviously have had such arguments with many people before too and still dont know how osw works.

    But to clarify things for a noob, Where the heck you got that 48 fb LIMIT from?? And Who told You they get MAX 48Fbs in 24HRS? Dude are you playing KAW or you mixed up???

    Who told you its easy to keep someone in PIN? Who told you you can EVER keep any single player in ZERO spies EVER'? dude common you either not playing this game or you bought this acc recently cause u are an absolute nooblet.

    And Who the .... Told you that you can have LOADS of gold out for which you worked your butt off and can be relaxed because you know you get 1Fbs STEAL max over the night??

    Who told you steals will be steals are gonna be shared EQUALLY between everyone in Zerg?? Dude those who get more attention get more Steals how can you EVER divide the loss of one SINGLE player among their whole clan and say , this guy loses 40B over the night they have 86mbers so they make 1T A day, thats the MOST stupid math ever seen in life dude. Get back to elementary school before I post you a thread on OSW and teach you how to fight a clan all alone
  8. The stupidity of your post just shocked me, but i will answer to the best of my ability.

    Where did I get 48fb from? Well, if it takes 1 hour to fully regen your spies, that means you get 24 fb's in 24 hours. If you max xtal, which last time I checked was 24 in 24 hours, that is another 24 fb's.

    24+24=48 somebody please correct me if i am wrong (not cyrus, he is less then intelligent)

    You ask who told me it is easy to keep somebody in pin? Who told me? I told myself, the many times i have kept somebody in pin.

    You ask who told me it is easy to keep somebodys spies 0'd? I told myself, after the MANY times i have sat my sweet ass down on a ps and kept those bars empty.

    Check it.
    Step 1: O the spies
    Step 2: Get the regen (spies regen every 5 minutes)
    Step 3:Drink a beer while waiting for regen
    Step 4: When spies regen, scout 4 times. O'd again
    Step 5: Drink beer for another 5 minutes

    Thats EXACTLY how easy it is to keep spies 0'd. Anything else bro?
  9. Didn't count his alts.
  10. Oh, and who told me you can sit around with gold hanging out, and not be afraid of a ps snatching it all?

    Nobody, but seeing as I am currently in an osw that delivers me WAY more inc then a fb of steals a day, and have no problem going to bed without banking, im sure zerg feels the same sense of safety.
  11. Komora, true I didnt count alts.

    In op it just says perse, not his alts. So thats what my observations are based off.

    Im assuming there might be a few ps alts then? Ahhh no, just got real now.
  12. I like Zerg. Years ago when the 48 hour system wars first came out, Zerg was one of only a small handful of clans who would do a friendly war with a Zaft clan. If I remember correctly, they also went the whole 48 hours too and did not ask for forfeit after the first few.

    So I bet on Zerg ^-^
  13. i have seen this thread pop up to many times to not say anything. so i did a little digging.
    1 - zerg has confirmed that they are pinning __persepolis__ along with his 2 alts iii_bestman_iii and lil__cyrus__lil
    2 - Persepolis is correct in that he is costing zerg money.

    but here is the kicker - the part that he is leaving out on purpose is that he is way behind.
    1- yes people in zerg are STILL UPGRADING and the admin in the clan have told them to upgrade the required towers first so persepolis will not cost as much in burning pots
    2- i have seen the screen shots and i find it hilarious that persepolis inflates his numbers. He has a hard time counting it seems (example : he claims he burned 11 pots on 12 hits recently on a player. Screen shots shown to me indicate that he only made it to pot #8 ) thus showing that his claim that this would cost 25*12 = 300 mil (math on his wall) when it actually 11mil in pots * 12 = 132 mil
    3- zerg has pointed out that it is impossible to constantly keep a pure spy pinned all the time, but they have forced Persepolis to burn over 40 xtals so far.
    4 - AND THIS IS THE BEST PART - Persepolis is fond of chest thumping to prove that he is costing a clan so much.............but i find one small problem..... 3 accounts and only 200 bil? lets do some math. based on the size of his 3 accounts he should be making in excess of 20 bil a day on each one. so if we take 20 bil times 60 days times 3 accounts = 3.6 trillion in losses. somehow this looks much more than the 200 bil persepolis is claiming. There is no way possible for a single player to keep up against a clan.

    I started reading this thread for insight as how to war a clan by myself. Ultimately all i see is a loss on both sides. Zerg will lose pots, and Persepolis will never grow. The advantage will have to go to zerg with time though. They keep growing while Persepolis will be stunted in growth. So for all you other people out there looking for advice: Persepolis way of war only works if you don't care. His way of war will stop when you run into a clan that doesn't care either.

    I would stick to a 1 v 1 war one side will eventually concede.

    and yes, this is an alt..... no i will not post with my main..... i heard persepolis would prob try and farm me if i posted with my main.
  14. More noobish comments by TNT,

    who told you 1 acc is on zerg noobs that you assume they get ONLY 48fbs in 24hrs??

    Again There is No Way you Can Keep someone at ZERO Spies 24/7 just Keep this in your mind, If You could ever keep someone at ZERO spies 24/7 either your target has not been a Farmer or You have been pinning a DEAD PLAYER. You can test it on me when Im done with these noobs 

    I cant argue That your final play was Laughable  yeah every 5Min lmao these noobs in zerg also had your mindset too thats why they cant get away with it now they thought well we take a beer every 5min and boom boom spies ZeROed now we can go cook for 5min and come back ZAP spies Zeroed  but thats not how it works nooblet like I said we can test it for sure 

    Regarding steals you still dont know the mechanism and I dont have time to go through it with u, like I said its not osw 101 for noobs but Ask wulf abt it. he will tell you the amount of Gold you gain depends on How much Gold you got OUT. And it doesnt calculated based on 48xtals max in a day  have fun
  15. Hotchkiss bets on zerg because zerg used to do friendly wars with Zaft and didnt ask to FF for the whole 48hrs  this was laughable too, Sigh who im dealing with in kaw?
  16. See - Im a lil drunk so excuse the spelling, grammar etc etc etc...
    but ... Give us proof otherwise you are just another shocking forumer spreading rumours.

    Proof is key. You have no SSs, so you have no key. Mods please lock this for utter bordom.
  17. Pure spies work better in groups so If your claming 1 pure spie can farm a clan your wrong all zerg eould have to do all members ass then have 3 people rotate shfts siyting on him
  18. Dude, that text was sooooooo unorganized I couldn't even tell what it was about. Try to make it more clear next time and not a big wad of text. ;)
  19. Wait, WHAT?!?!?!

    Depending on the amount out, the gold they lose changes?!?!?! Dang, in the 100t + worth of strips i have partaken in, I never knew!!!!

    (Smell the sarcasm?)

    We both know you are not max xtaling on all, 3?, of your accounts. We also know you are not awake 24/7. So even with the alts, 48 fb's is probably pretty accurate, if not an over shot.