Your bets here __PERSEPOLIS__ vs. KOTFE

Discussion in 'Wars' started by jasmin-bala, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. Sorry what did I have to say? That act is "noobish" to make a fake acc for impersonating someone else. If kotfe claims to be a heck of a clan they don't need to act so improfessional and "noobish and childish". But you think i'm alt? Sure now what? Farm me but beware Persepolis checks this thread regularly. So, be polite and don't act noobish.Thx
  2. So there an important questions not been answered since I started this thread.
    How much cash did Kotfe make or is making in this war? Anyone any idea? Thx
  3. Ok he's made 50b so far? Once Kotfe start pinning him for days on end he should calculate what he could be making and count that as a loss really. But it is an alt designed specifically to start **** and die. So really yah he technical can't lose. But in no way can he deal a blow to Kotfe that they cannot recover from in an hour or less.
  4. Partially I get where you're coming from but he has no allies no pots no cash out so pinning him you think is a gain for kotfe? I mean does any clan with wise leaders do it to look after porless allyless farmers just to keep the pinned? I doubt it but I'm hearing you
  5. Any hits on a pot less person is free gold lol. He is a toy. Simple as that.

    You know how you always wanted a toy you could interact with. Well here is a perfect example.
  6. So he's made 50b purely from fail strips?

    PURE 50b? Like 50b profit, or had like 45b and now has 50b? People always lie when it comes down to that
  7. Lmfao this idiot reports his fails on his wall?
  8. Persepolis, you don't make money off farming a pure spy, you just get satisfaction knowing you're farming him and there's nothing you can do about it.

    The last time they made a serious effort at an eb they made 67b collectively.

    Your question is invalid.
  9. Lol pers such a nOob. Kotfe is making trillions on EB daily. You have made 50b this whole time. Put it all into perspective. Your 50b compared to 90-100b off their haunt. Lolololol what an idiot.
  10. Not sure what kotfe makes in actuality daily but you made 50b. One haunt nets ANY clan 60-100b. So in one haunt they have made more than you have this whole time. Just because they don't make it off YOU doesn't mean they aren't making it. Which still makes you a  who uses a pure spy alt to farm, and claims to be a bad ass. Hahahaha at least I always used my main to farm people and not some pure spy  alt.
  11. Sorry I guess some of you didn't get my question. I don't wanna know how much they make off of eb, I said in this war. Outside this war persepolis accs are making billions of money too so those answers are totally irrelevant. I asked to act like pros not noobs here. Thx
  12. how do you know...
  13. Btw persepolis asked a few times on his wall why micky (blackhandsatan) sold his acc once he found it in trouble, why he sold his troubles to someone else and escaped and is still claiming to be a hige chicken ****? So, I guess unless you don't prove you are not a noob, micky, points you trying to make here are not valid. You first try to wipe your *** then make comments about someone else's war. Thats what persepolis has posted many times
  14. Cause I'm his alts that's why I know. Genus of course he's playing with his alts, if not he can can't he? What would your common sense tells you???? What would you do? Make 10alts and play with only one? Wish I could hear the opinions of pro kaw players too.
  15. Bro. We know your this noobs alt.

    Go back to fail bombing noob.
  16. Mickey didn't sell accts to escape anything besides the game of KaW... He's back now and all his friends and fighters are stoked that a great player and great friend is back in the game.

    C'mon keep the trashing off the thread.

    I have friends on both sides and fam on both sides. Both sides are great warriors and respectable war clans. Lets not turn the forums into a place for pot shotting between the two sides.  Fight hard guys and have fun 
  17. You caught me wooow, I'm surprised omg , omg omg omg. Ok now still you are trying to figure out if i'm alt or main and not answering any of my questions. I said the whole point of war is to damage the opponent, you said they are making momey I said nonsense cause hes making money too outside that's why people make alts. Now you saying fail assassins, have you read wulf's kaw 101 on the forum or you want me to bump it for you? That's not called failed, when you burning each set of 11 pots it's 24mil damage. Considering the fact that one acc is fighting 3 clans would that be a "FAIL"?
  18. He has no pots and no allies, he's already lost the war. All he's doing is trying to earn respect but he just looks like a dafty.

    Happy kawing
  19. ..........smh
  20. @ Cynder : what two sides are you talking about? We are discussing the war between pers and kotfe but micky is talking about something else obviously, to that pers asked him if he was a pro as he claims to be , why did he sell his acc. I personaly know the new owner of the acc and I know she was farmed and may still being farmed for micky, if he was a warrior why didnt he stay snd fight?? If he didnt have **** to stay and fight his own fight then he better stay off pro topics. He can try finding my main but not making stupid comments under my TH.