Your bets here __PERSEPOLIS__ vs. KOTFE

Discussion in 'Wars' started by jasmin-bala, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. It looks like perse is making alts like jasmin and cryout to praise himself :lol: :lol:
  2. lol he pers makes alts to kiss his own ass lol
  3. this another family recruitment thread ?

  4. Never heard of this noob till a few days ago when another statless alt posted about him.

    He's a potless pure spy? I could work him over with this acc by the looks of it, he's just a pot burner.
  5. So Let me get this straight,

    This guy just, fail bombs you before he gets zeroed?

    Ooooooo! That's hard! I can burn 500 plus SDP a day with all my alts with ease.
  6. I have more pots than _Persepolis_...he says he doesn't bully clans, ask genesis? He's butt hurt bc Mickey and last rights kicked his butt...jasmin, why dtw?? Roch, more to come :)
  7. Did I mention he's a crappy leader as well? Goldless, plotless, t5-less, friendless lmao!! I have more friends that have backed me up and I'm a newby lol lol lol lol
  8. do you even know who mickey is? :shock:
  9. _Persepolis_ couldn't even beat warbeast in clan "Persepolis"...what makes it (hairy hideous Persepolis queen :) ) think it can beat any clan! Lol lol

    _Persepolis__ the great
  10. 1 trillion on KOTFE and all her subcans.And I expect a payout OP
  11. Good thing I left clan "Persepolis" it was a crap hole!
  12. Geez, what sdp do you have. :roll:
  13. About 65B Persepolis leading, this figure is based on posted and calculated logs, waiting for kotfe to post how much they've made so far.
  14. Lol Perse idk what I did to you but as you've seen, I will hit back
  15. Jasmin, I have not upgraded in ages and will never lcbc. Roch u forum noob...
  16. I'm aware that I'm a forum noob. Please, try a new insult.
  17. Is the fake persepolis who was made by kotfe for impersonating Persepolis? Well honestly this is really childish and noobish to play like that and that's really a shame for kotfe.

    As far as I know Persepolis's main been HLBC for a while now and not sure if he is planning to join it in this war.
  18. ⇧Perse's Lt
  19. "Childish and noobish posting with an alt" says the alt.


    And if I wanted to I could post (unprovable) battle exploits on my wall about a victory that I can't possibly ever obtain.
  20. Lol perse keep making alts like I saidand of course you aren't going to bring your main out. Cuz it would get stripped and smashed too quick.

    And you didnt get kicked from LR for "beating on me". You made a threat. I farmed ur silly ass. You never returned fire. Just made more threats of how you would destroy me "in 3 months". When I called you out and said why not do it now, you made excuses and kept threatening to hit me "in 3 months". Lolololol. Pathetic attempts here on forums u reject