Your bets here __PERSEPOLIS__ vs. KOTFE

Discussion in 'Wars' started by jasmin-bala, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. I didn't say it wasn't a gd build but u need to use it in the right environment for it to work 1 pure spy ain't going to bother the likesof KotFE. Unless he/she is using pots to hit with which I doubt. What with the little spies that he/she does have won't be doing much pot burning.
  2. And if you are using pots to hit I can safely assume there not a chance in hell you made 50 bil.
  3. Jasmin (persepolis) ?  My main is a bigger spy than persepolis Isa, but thank you for your opinion.
  4. So your another butt hurt spy??
  5. And since this is a betting thread, I'll offer up the same deal I made Cheese. If you get a surrender out of KotFE, you can have my account. Straight up.

    And on that note, I'm done talking to alts.
  6. Semray, I ask him from here to post or provide his ss if any to prove that each hit he is burning 11 pots. And as you said if he uses pots then he may run out of pots in a few weeks, so I doubt he's using pots either.
  7. Same goes for me ill match Issac bet!

    I'm done
  8. There's always someone wanting a pop at kotfe and it always ends the same way
  9. @Annoying. How many dang devices do u have kiddo?
  10. Name change. But you wouldn't know because you don't pay attention
  11. You are correct I don't pay attention to the obvious children of this game that make multiple alts to spam forums just to be annoying because they have nothing better to do
  12. Yes your so right. I spam so much. :roll:
  13. Cheese was a tool [ reset ] . This other person no different . Talk big , then kinda just fades away. Reminds me of a few others as well...
  14. There is no better Vacation than being in someone's CA. Just an all around feeling that your being Ed by many, and also it gives you time to Vacation from the game as surely if your being hammered by the greats you will be logging on to all 0's.
  15. Didn't he try this with Last Rights too?
  16. The funny thing is, he's not that first, and won't be the last.
  17. Surprise surprise a statless alt
  18. I am prob pretty biased considering I am in Fire Emblem Academy but Persepolis has no chance. It is rare when he is not being 0'd. So obviously my bet is on KoTFE
  19. He already responded to this post on his wall, I'm trying to get ss and post it right here. Anyone on pc can also do that.