Your bets here __PERSEPOLIS__ vs. KOTFE

Discussion in 'Wars' started by jasmin-bala, Jan 9, 2013.

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    Better work. There you go noob alt. and I'm not a part of omets... Idiot lmfao.
  2. Lmao mick I remember you telling me about that. Epic win
  3. @Micky, yeah you know when we were a kid in known farming clan if you couldn't fight your own war and would open up someone in public you were kicked and farmed by your own clannies. But that was old school classy farming methods. Now based on micky's you obviously dont have to fight your own war, you can start ***escape, hide behind your clan, run your mouth, open people in public, and claim to be a warrior, mmm that's interesting. 
  4. I await your noob comeback.
  5. I opened an osf to the forums. It wasn't a war. Chris and I have never been at war silly. Keep tryingand back in the day we opened osf's all the time lol.
  6. Any ways pers when I called you out multiple times you gave me a lame answer every time. "I'll get to you in 3 months" was always your answer. Never was your answer "look in your news feed". Although I was in yours many times, I never saw you in mine
  7. yeah I heard your story on another forum too, of course if you had farmed persepolis he would return your hits 10folds, but that LB guy should be crazy to give you 200 cash? That's a funny fairy tail but only immature kids like you would believe that someone out of no where give you 200 for farming pers. Plus if thats true youre giving credit to pers, cause his head is worth rewarding not useless like yours Micky, we will talk about this on your post to, we may find your LB characters 
  8. Watch out, this pure spy fail bombs you as soon as he regens just before he gets his ass 0'd. Must take allot of skill to do that
  9. Hmmm well Persepolis .. I had fun toying with him when he wanted to farm silver
  10. Lol believe what you want pers. Makes no matter to me what a nOibs opinion is lol
  11. Why we blabbering here anyway. I want this dumb noob to fail bomb me a little! Add me to your list, when do I get a turn??? 6 months? Or 3?
  12. Regarding three months you need to talk to Pers directly but as far as I know your on waiting list. He has been in multiple osws since then, so I'm pretty sure if you don't sell your acc and flee away he will give a **** about you. Just don't sell your account and escape. Thx 
  13. And you never returned hits. You waited a month, cried to LR council to put me in CA, they declined and Kicked you. Then you went on your whole "hate to be treated unfair" campaign and still never returned 1 single hit. Never lol. You just a LIAR lolz
  14. Either alt or perse,

    Or major kiss ass.
  15. And quit talking about yourself in 3rd person. We all know jasmin=pers lol. nOob and liar
  16. Vali when you finished your OMLET  I will talk to to pers to give you some **** too, sure if he couldn't I will drop in a tiny alt for your ****. Stick to your frying pan for now, we both too busy
  17. Bro. It's not classed as an OSW. It's classed as a noob pounding session.
  18. Naf- need to avoid failure, will not take great risks or will attempt tasks that are impossible for the sole purpose to gain recognition.
  19. I remember many occasions I would let perse back into the clan just to see her cry and complain about mick in cc and how we didn't help her then would get bored with the rants and kick again :) lollololol it was great entertainment but kinda shoots this perse is a warrior crap in the dirt. A lot of tears have been shed from her after the time she left LR till now. We didn't go to war for your own 1on1 issue perse but now she trys to act tough and alll I can do is laugh
  20. Lmfao, I love these OMETS jokes.

    Lmfao, I'm just here for estocs. My home clan is Infinity's elite.  keep makin these OMET jokes girl.