You want fair EE matchups? Here's how!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by zzarky, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Lolnw good info I just started yesterdayit's game mechs outside EE! Let me clarify  it shouldn't be like that...all should get plunder based on their type of build in EE not like game mechs outside wars! That would mean you need to sacrifices some to get easy matchup! GH would leak but you can have huge builds that enemy can't hit...I think most clans use GH to lower cs hell we do it toobut would be more fair wars that way! Can hit whole roster but get same amount gold still EE is won by strat and KO's and I'm not dissing GH I have a few myself
  2. Let's be honest. GH Have ruined EE. I think the best solution is to keep current matchup algorithm based off dtw/dts + cs + bfa + bfe. But in the actual war nerf dtw / dts to go by raw building cs only. This would prevent GH from hitting 15 mil cs and vice versa. Having a GH all decked out could still be useful. But only against other lower cs players or other GH. To me it is completely ridiculous anyway that an account built in 60 days can pown a 3 yr old hlbc. That's my solution and my 2 cents. Keep the change. :p
  3. In other words if something gets in my way and offers a challenge I can't meet take it out of the game. What people spend for bfa is based on their hard work and is minimal advantage for the price. Let them have their bfa and bfe that they earn.
  4. This would kill GH with the dtw mechanic...

    He may be on to something
  5. Death get your eyes checked. Didn't say remove. Said to nerf. I have a GH u tool. Troll on somewhere else. Its not GH themselves. Its the plunder mechanics. And altering plunder mechs is way harder than what I proposed. Anyone that thinks lesser cs should be able to plunder 70-75 mil off a much bigger cs, yet the bigger cs should only be able to plunder under 20 mil, is not interested in a fair matchup. They only want to war when they have a huge mech advantage. And for now the devs have chose that route. So I'll just keep powning with my GH until ee is nothing but lb and GH. Any other builds. U can always try osw if you want some pvp action. But sorry no mith for you!
  6. Is hiring a GH Allie during EE frowned upon ? Or is it just good war mechanics . ( or any build for that reason )
  7. I just want to clarify a few things based on some of the comments, maybe I was not clear enough. Additionally I will list the reasoning behind my proposal.

    What I am proposing is that BFA be excluded as active stats during EE wars. NOT excluded from match making. Simply put, during EE wars the only stats that would be used would be RAW CS & BFE + Mith/pots. So if a leaderboard player attacks me (during EE wars), the only stats applied to their attack are RAW CS & BFE + Mith/pots. Likewise, if I attack a leaderboard player (during EE wars), the only stats applied to the attack are RAW CS & BFE + Mith/pots. It puts everyone on an equal playing field. Thereby allowing significantly more matching options. Allowing for more matching options means that there is a much better chance that your clan will be match against a clan of equal or near equal size and strength.

    BFA is a wildcard. It is a stat that you really can't glance at a players profile and see or quickly estimate. More importantly, the disparity between a LB player and a non-LB player is astronomical. Moreover, it is impossible to catch or even yourself with the LB players. I could spend a year devoting all gold only to allies and I wouldn't come close to touching the top LB players. Why? Because that whole time guess who is still growing their ally base? Yup, those same LB players. They are impossible to catch short of stripping them.

    Now do I agree they they work hard for and deserve those stats? ABSOLUTELY! I am just saying they have no place in EE wars, not that they should be removed from the game. Let's be honest, none of those LB players are growing their ally base for EE wars. They are doing it for OSW and their LB rank.

    BFE is not only a stat that is easy to quickly assess just by looking at a players profile, it is relatively easily attainable. Here's what I mean. Depending on your build size, you can spend a few days/weeks equipment hunting and build yourself a respectful and formidable BFE. Heck, you can do this during the season too with the mith you win. You won't be dead even, but you can at least bring yourself within range relatively quickly. The same is not even close to true for BFA. That is why BFE should be included, the disparity between the top and bottom is far less, and players have the opportunity to quickly close that gap.

    THE GH-
    Lets just agree that this is broken. The GH is still way overpowered. I hope that with the inclusion of the above, this will help this issue. As xXxOUT_Kickenassataur_LAWZxXx said.

    I think that just about does it. I will add this to my original post as well for clarification.
  8. Op post and proof is spot on . However ! I say hire there bfa during EE . It's what a GH calls " good war mechanics "
  9. Pretty simple math . What makes them special ? Bfa and 0 gold . That's a really easily fix if you ignore banners .
  10. support well thought out zzarky gh issue needs to be fixed
  11. It should be taken out of matchmaking AND EE wars to yield a higher rate of great matchups
  12. I have an idea. You guys want fair wars, right? Well why dont you all war as statless alts with no bfa or bre then it would be as fair as possible. Till then some variable will always going to affect the wars………
  13. what about making EE wars mandatory for all instead? ... with no chance to hide at all and even remove "dtw" totally, too ... no matter how matchings would look like ... "it's a war game" ... ppl can't refuse any wars in real life, either, and those with best guns will always win ... EEs would become kinda "perm osw" of a limited period only ... as after that period there would remain the elite of clans only keeping up (their) peace ... and the rest would finally obey or die as wished no matter what ...

    it already works quite fine in "private osws" atm (although I must admit, for a certain group of players only) ... so why not allowing same in system wars? ...


    sorry for the irony ... I'm "just butthurt" and dumb only ... 
    in the end it's not a question of updates only, but how certain players will always find a way to exploit whatever will be changed or not ... 
  14. I like it, support 
  15. The easiest way for there to be fair EE match ups is if only pure spies can participate.
  16. OP:
    Why not apply your theory to BFE instead of BFA?
    The same results would follow, all the people that did not participate in Season 1 and have no equipment would be on same level as those that did.

    Could it be that OP has a huge BFE and no BFA?
    Just decided to hop over to OP profile, what did I see? Yes, OP has basically no BFA and lots of Season 1 BFE.

    /end sarcasm ️

    So let's ask ourselves what could be done to even this out?
    I think we need to respect fact that people with high BFA and BFE both have played hard to earn what they have.
    Here is an idea that isn't biased like OP, since BFA and BFA are both static stats why not combine the stat as the same for match ups?

    Player A with 200m BFE and virtually 0 BFA can be matched to Player B who has 200m static BFA and virtually little BFE.

    This will create a fair matchup and the players with BFE will not be upset that their BFE is null an void same goes for players that have lots of BFA instead of BFE.

  17. I support to nullify BFA. Which will allow all to grw big. Good match up wit respect to own stat and Bfe.
  18. So should the nba make Lebron James sit out during the playoffs or Peyton manning sit out the nfl playoffs?