Wow frog everything you say may be true. And in part I agree with the principle. However As presented, It's the most selfish reason I have ever read for having children. What happened to love and the desire to be part of a family? If cheese or anyone does not want to be a father that is fine. Their choice. Only those willing to enrich the lives of their offspring should have children. It's about what you can provide for your children. Not what you can get out of them. In my twenties I had a dangerous career, no guarantee I would be home the next day, and to be honest. I would of been a very poor parent at that stage of my life. Now after meeting the right person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I have two very loving children that know everyday they are loved and wanted. And my sole desire is to give them everything I can to set them up for their future. It's about being ready for a family, and willing to commit every part of you to others needs. And it is just as reasonable for those who do not desire a family to live a life where they are happy and not making others miserable just to provide a carer for their future. The children and spouse would resent a partner / father who has no desire to be a parent. Emotionally damaged kids and broken homes don't help anyone. Family life is hard work. But so worth it to me. But I didn't always feel that way, and I am glad I waited until I was ready to be a husband and father. A lack of desire to be a parent in no way means a person will be lonely assuming they find love. And everyone has the right to seek happiness.
@optimal Love and desire to be part of a family? Too emotional for me. Love can all be explained through science anyway. The downside of us having those sexy big brains means that human children take longer to raise than any other mammal on the planet. A calf is walking the moment it is born and leaves its mother for good after a year. Presently a human needs a good dozen years before it can completely function on its own. For this the human female needs the assistance of the male more than any other mammal. Love is natures way of making the male stick around to see to the needs of the offspring alongside the female. This is also the reason why the human reproduction act takes longer than any other mammal. Ever seen monkeys doing it? Over in a second. No emotional bond whatsoever between the partners. Bonds are made in the prolonged love making rituals of humans. Men "feel" they are in love and choose to stay with the females. Love is natures way of having our species survive.
Nothing wrong with not having kids at all. When you die you leave no one to take your place so it keeps population controlled a bit. And marriage doesn't mean squat now, same sex can do it. Next people with a car fetish will be able to do it. Then people who want to marry their pets will be able to do it. Personally I like having kids, I get to share my life and adventures with them, watch them grow up. But there is nothing wrong with being selfish either. To each their own.
@ frog. Damn dude you are cold @ artfuldodga I hold marriage in high regard. But you are right. There is actually some sad individual that is using the same gender marriage precedence to seek the right to marry his computer. Same gender up to them whether I agree with it or not is irrelevant. Marrying your computer. That's just pathetic no matter how you look at it.
If cheese doesn't have children tats is a bonus to the rest of the world. Me, imma breeder. His op should be encouraged to people stupid enough to following it. Gattaca! Gattaca! Gattaca!
Okay after reading this thread... Creating a strong family unit is the best way to insure your own success. It also takes the burden of the state, tax payer, etc. Asian sensibility is superior in my opinion.The OP in itself is immature at best, but after reading through it I really didn't need to say that. @Frog, Ive always found that admirable about Asian culture. It was unfortunate there is a new generation coming up that doesn't want to accept there social responsibility when it comes to their elders. The materialization of the east is kind of disappointing in that regard.
Even as recent as 30 years ago, more than half of marriages in Japan were arranged. It is still a popular option today, although many young ppl in Japan are too self-centered to protect the family unit. In my country it's the way things are done. The oldest son gets the family property and in exchange he supports his parents after retirement. Grandparents in exchange do a lot of child rearing to help the family. An eldest son who does not do this is an embarrassment to his family. Here is an interesting fact: in Japanese households where there are only daughters, the eldest daughter's husband will often change his last name to her name, thus becoming an adopted son.