Yo. This is news... And something else.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Nlaz, Jun 1, 2011.

  1. Uhh that was untrusting but once u gainbhis trust he's loyal.. That might have been contrast lol

    And to*
  2. I now take over bobs character
  3. :cool: Lol, CUZ I CAN:cool:
  4. Name: James Eagle
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Affilitation: Tavoc
    Eyes: Light Blue
    Hair: Light Brown
    Build: Not incredibly bulky, but muscled
    Height: 5'6

    Quick on his feet
    Not afraid of much at all
    And cool :cool:
  5. Thanks for signing up... Seems like you all skipped the terms and conditions. When you opened this thread, u can under MY terms and conditions. Muhahahah! So after you submit your character, he/she/it is mine to mess with. Not yours, not his, not hers, MINE! hahahha owned. Lol.

    iOwn, iPwn:
  6. Hahahaha this should be interesting :3
  7. Yes, when u even thought... Yes thought! When the idea was conceived as your brain child to click and respond on this thread, anything you posted was now mine =P

    This my children is called a dictatorship :D

  8. Name: Shadow (real name is unknown)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Affliction: neither (works as a mercenary)
    Description: chin-length black hair with white stripe along right side, tan, has some muscle, 6'0", wears all black, dark brown/black eyes,
  9. Until murder you 

    Say what?
  10. Zaln...you're...umm...well....

    You're really freaking me out.
  11. Eh don't worry. He probably just got addicted to crack while he was gone.
  12. Hahahaha lol myst
  13. @Iririn
    Heehee I'm sorry there hon, didn't mean to freak you out... I meant to throughly freak you out XP

    Shhhhhhhh... Keep it low profile, kayyy? What happens in Vegas STAYS in Vegas. Mmmkay lol?
