YMM_CmF vs. LSA Elite an official CF Agreement

Discussion in 'Wars' started by YMM-X-PROTON-X-CmF, Apr 3, 2013.

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  1. Ducky that was me  lol good war 
  2. ReSpEcT YMM  i challenge MotleyCrue-cmf to a 1v1  lol jks bro 
  3. MDK LMAO ANY TIME BRO LOL OOPS CAPS my bad hahahaha good to c u mate
  4. i have to come visit YMM been awhile, bit busy atm but ill be there mark my words 
  5. Can't wait bro cc will fire up as usual lol
  6. Ty for the war LSA 

    "ŸøÙñG MøÑęŸ MìŁŁįTį° _ÇržŸ MøFøŠ!"
  7. Thanks for the fight, was fun while it lasted. Shoutout to the 2 who gave me special attention all war - You know who you are. YMM did very well for their first war, and I am impressed. You guys will have a strong future especially if what I've heard about you guys gettin' some war training is true. I understand everyone was fired up for first OSW, but in the future perhaps maybe check the trash talk, as a lot of people would hold grudges after some of the comments made. That being said, I'll continue to be a man of my word, as I have since the beginning of this war, and honour our CF agreement. Glad to have helped trim the fat, and will actually admit, I've grown fond of a few of you guys, you're not a bad bunch ;)

    Cherry is still a dumpster. Also war runner... x2 :lol:

    LSA FIGHTING

  8. I guess all the "they don't even hit" propaganda is over. Should have SS my post, because I called this.
  9. Good war LSA! We will see you guys around 
  10. Wasnt skyj part of Tryouts? the clan that (tbh) got their asses whooped by NWoCB?
    Gd to hear your having success now..
  11. So technically YMM lost, the kicked member. And lsa laughs in victory.
    Good job LSA 
  12. Good war on to the next one.
  13. How on earth is sky on my chat list. -.-
  14. Was a nice war, I thought it was fun. Good job LSA
  15. Well fought LSA! Thank you for exposing my weaknesses as a kingdom and kaw player, well fought and good luck with your kaw careers!
  16. respect to LSA fun time had by all wish you all the best for the future.
  17. Cherry is not a war runner lol. Omega we both know what was we talk about. I did my end and please stop talking about Cherry that way. glad you honor the agreement
  18. Cherry is not a war runner. She fought bigger clan by herself and being strip many times. She love being strip. I don't blame here with those rocks hehehehe. Love ya Cherry 
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