I think we should blame moderate Christians for the actions of the following groups: •LRA •UDA •IRA •UVF •CIM •The Aryan Nations •The Orange Volunteers •CRF •PAF •Red Hand Commandos •PIRA •RIRA •Antibalaka •NLFT •KKK(American group that targeted African Americans) •LVF •UR •Red Hand Defenders •UFF •RUFF
Spend millions on campaigning seems silly just for a troll but we will see what that voters do.... I don't vote nobody I know vote...would be really funny if he was prez
so you're saying that you left a video game bc of views of the people in the forums?? Makes sense....
I can totally agree. Most of the times i get into the forums it makes me cringe pretty hard. I know my views are far far different (and far right) but i honestly don't even want to engage some of the people here. Even if i wanted to share my veiws it turns into a "hurr durr ur stoopid" or something of a sort. Solution? Avoid most people on kaw and just stick to your friends here. Avoid these topics cause you know its gonna make you cringe in disgust. Just avoid it, its not worth to some extent. I wished i had not read the crap on this thread but yet i don't know why i did. Just avoid it next time. Or lurk, laugh, cry, cringe and don't comment.
I personally think trump is just a decorate pretending to be a republican cuz he knows theyll lose if he wins
Trump is no more than a shock jock, Howard Srern, Imus..etc. it actually cracks me up that people even react to his mouth spew. If memory serves, I can't quote which one, but there is this thing called "freedom of religion" protected in the bill of rights. So anything he proposes to single out "people of Islamic faith" would be deemed unconstitutional. So why even react to this crap. He would be good for the budget, I fear his foreign policies, dude just might launch nukes, so I say CRUZ IN 2016
@far right wingers, our views are so different all we here is stuff that can't possibly be true or as one of you eloquently put "hurrrr durrrrr" talk we here the same bs from you all The only real difference is that I believe a rich person should have to shave a few million off their mansion budget of like 50-60mill so people going through hard times can have food. Meanwhile you believe they should starve so that billionaire can buy a secondary indoor pool or his own movie theatre or something ridiculous.
Trump will probably get a medal of Honor off Isis as his stupidity in his comments is probably the best recruitment advertisement out there,and is showing the world how idiotic politicians,wanna be politician,are.
Guy is quite clearly a nut. Sad thing is USA will elect him as president and the whole world suffer. But at least then he'll have decent PR and wont gaff again.
When you hear Chris Christie talk about how he is anti-vaccine, or when you hear Trump talking about restrictions religious rights, or hear about Ben Carson being a creationist, or Scott Walker wanting to make a wall on the Canadian border to prevent the 100 annual illegal border crossings, you're going to be reluctant to support these people. They are, quite frankly, nuts. There's a few other crazy policies to point out: Sure, this is anecdotal, and these policies aren't shared by everyone, but they're held by at least some people in power, which is bad enough. Starting another ground war in the middle east (like the last ones were successful) "Expanding" the war on drugs (as if it has been remotely successful in the past 40 years) Taking away the right to marry someone of the same gender Teach creationism in schools alongside actual science (right after alchemy and astrology class, right?) Get rid of environmental laws Take away the right to an abortion Ban Marijuana again Get rid of disability benefits, social security, welfare, and the minimum wage.
Lets focus on what we can all agree on.. I think we can all agree that we are fed up with corrupt politicians on both sides and that something drastic needs to change, correct? That america needs to be given back to the people and taken away from big government and professional politicians, correct? Seems like the smart move for all of us as americans would be to band together behind an independent who is not filthy rich and or a career politician, someone from a working class background who is not heavily funded by lobbyists. Send a clear message to washington that the almighty dollar will not determine our leadership. That's why I do not like being classified as far right,, I'd gladly vote democrat if I felt they were the better canidate. I tend to vote republican but voted for bill Clinton for example. I support trump bc he is a complete 180 from the usual politician, he's not perfect but he's a change, and that's what we desperately need. Someone posted a statistic about how much working class wages have increased since the 70s compared to CEOs on another forum.. Wish I could find it but it was astronomicaly different and the working class wages have barely increased in the grand scheme of things. And the future projection of it if the trend continued is basically pointing that in the near future holding a decent steady job will land you a used single wide trailer, a beater car, and an application for food stamps.. Meanwhile the guy that owns the company is buying his third home at some vacation spot....We cannot sustain as a society like this. Ill give a more personal example, my friend is a supervisor for american electric power,worked there for 14 years, makes 22 $ an hour...20 years ago that would of been a respectable job and he'd have been middle class easily... He was talking about his checks come to 620 $ a week after insurance comes out (wich has went up drastically since obamacare). He said his grocery bill alone with two kids is 250 $ a week, leaving him roughly 370 $ a week to pay two car payments a house payment and all other bills. Hes living check to check and barely getting by. He made the comment he'd better off working for minimum wage and getting free health care and groceries..and the sad part is its true. We cannot continue on this path where the middle class is being eradicated. It can't be the rich and the dirt poor. Somethings gotta give
The rich only care about the rich.. (Mostly) Why would a billionaire care about the people struggling? Yes, he would create wealth, wealth for the already rich people and companies. None for those that need it.
This is not what the monmouth poll showed in the same day. Cruz had a sizable lead. Both are graded as A- pollsters. (CNN and Monmouth) interesting.