Yes, We Have to Talk About Trump Again

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. They said that they want people to prejudice Muslims to the point where they kick them out their country, so they have nowhere to go but ISIS (I'm Silly In Syria)
  2. Thats fine and all but if 2% of your apple was poisonous would you still eat it?As we all know they have the highest population among all the religion in the world.Just this 2% is enough to wreck havoc in all parts of the world.Look at Europe how many refugees they accepted and welcomed with open arms only to be met with so many problems.Even the so called moderate ones are sympathetic to the cause of Isis,Al Qaeda etc...
  3. Where did you hear this?
  4. Congrats for providing a pointless and irrelevant response based on inaccurate information. Oh and of course a simple inability to read and understand the original quote.
    Today you sir have won you winner you
  5. By the way, apples have a small percentage of poison in their seeds, called arsenic.
  6. And the article is about how they are sympathetic for the reasons behind that specific attack, not sympathetic for isis.
  7. I read the article, too. On the surface of it, I can see how it might be troubling.

    The thing is, there are push button issues for every religion. For Islam, pictures of their prophet is a big sin. But that definitely doesn't mean a person who draws him deserves to be put to death.

    The key question was whether the few British Muslims who felt sympathy for the attackers wasn't really vetted, as explained in the article. They ran out of funding before they could clarify what the respondents meant.

    It also wasn't clear whether the sample is statistically significant or representative of the Muslim population in Britain.

    I don't think the study went far enough and it's too bad the results were published before they had a clear answer on that.

    I do agree, however, that on the surface, the results are troubling.
  8. Organizations which publish images of the prophet deserve to be attacked: 85% said they disagree.

    The results are confusing.

    I wonder if a similar study has been done on British Christians or Jews on hot-button issues.
  9. I would imagine the results would be similar
  10. I don't think you know what I meant by that. Out of all the terrorists in the world, only 2% are Muslims.
  11. I believe people need to be educated the difference between human beings and ideas. I do not think all Muslims are bad (terrorists). I believe it is discrimination to say all Muslims are bad/terrorists. It is like back in WW2...discriminating against Jews. However, the IDEA of Islam and what the Qur'an says about non-believers in Islam is, by itself, violation of fundamental human rights. This is why people like Trump are not insane (in this case), but no one have the courage yet to rephrase their words to mock the "religion of peace." Please do not say religion of peace or Islam means "peace." Instead, provide examples of Muhammad's action (the guy who brought the "religion of peace") that demonstrate the meaning of peace. For example, you can say that Al Hadith (collection of books that report or narrate quotes and actions of Muhammad and, along with the Qu'ran, are guide to the Muslims) say that Muhammad ordered to kill 1000 Jews in one day, how many woman he raped, when he order a 120 year old woman to be cleaved in twain because she refused to acknowledge him as a prophet, etc... In addition, have anyone wondered what ISIS or other terrorists do right before they perform a terror action or behead an "infadel"? They read verses in the Qur'an that justify their actions! You can look this up on the internet you know. I wonder why some people would defend their god or prophet? Is it because that god is so weak and is ordering humans, mortals, to defend him? I am just curious.

    Looking at the issue of refugees...I believe we need to be picky if we decided who are we allowing to come to the US or European countries? Are they males, females, families, students? Some people might say, we should help them. Help them how? By accepting the young males, who treat women in the Middle East as third class citizens? (Yes, I got good news for you...woman are third class citizens in Middle East. Kids being as second class). Among all the Arab nations, Jordan allowed over a million Syrian refugees in their country. Why do not we help Jordan? I think we already are. If you still want to bring some refugees (because you think Trump is an idiot, which I do not think he is in THIS CASE), only allow woman and families who have15 years old kids or younger. Why? Because these two populations are vulnerable and kids will adopt quicker to the new ways and traditions of society. Nevertheless, we will hope these kids won't be mind washed and cause inside job terror after becoming citizens. Haven't you heard about the Muslims couple (man and woman) killing 14 and wound 17 in San Bernardino, California? So, are people like Trump right in THIS CASE? I think they are, but they need to rephrase their statement, which is unlikely because Islam is a "religion", and no one can say anything about it unlike Nazi ideology. What is the difference anyway? One is called a religion and the other is not...

    P.S. everything I said above I know from direct, personal experience...

    I like Rubio and Cruz though! Trump is insane in other matters.
  12. You can take parts of the bible and use them to justify terrible actions too, and people have done it before.

  13. Finally he realizes what we all knew. First thing wrong with you, an irrational desire to make half-asses threads where people just go around yelling at each other without actually reading the other person's post.
  15. Two words were filter.
    First paragraph: how many women he r a p e d
    Second paragraph: and no one can say anything about it unlike N a z i ideology.
  16. TBH I think we should just ban white people from entering the US since some of them have been involved in mass shootings
  17. And Jews because between 1980-2005 Jews carried out more terrorist attacks than Muslims.
  18. I think penguin brings up some very good points. Religion isn't much different than ideology. In fact, religion is an ideology.

    Both the Quran and the Bible encourage their followers to do some pretty barbaric things to "sinners."

    No religion has its hands clean. While I don't want to have a contest over which religion has killed more innocent people, I will say that in our lifetime, it is Islam that is most often being used to justify horrible acts. I don't think anyone would argue against that.

    I think the reason people are hesitant to blame the religion of Islam is because if we persecute one religion, it opens the door for all other types of faith-based persecutions, which would obviously lead to a "holy war," in which millions of people would likely be killed all in the name of security or justice.

    I don't think most people want that.

    So you have people on both sides who think that waging such a war will prevent the other side from committing more acts of violence.

    Do we want to escalate that?

    I'm not against saying that the way some people preach Islam needs to be improved, but at the same time, we have to be careful how far down the hate rabbit hole we want to allow ourselves to go. Are we willing to put our entire population at risk over a few extremists?

    They want holy war because they have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    I don't think people appreciate how fragile our society really is. Our country could descend into chaos. The stuff some of you guys are calling for could spark a conflict that will bring the fight to our shores. Do you really want our people caught in an all out war?

    I've been over there in war. There's nothing glorious about watching kids get shot and blown up. I don't ever wanna see that here at home. It's disgusting.

    Let's be smart about this and find some middle ground.