Yes, We Have to Talk About Trump Again

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. "Anti Semitic " is more associated in the media with Israeli and or Jews. Thanks for clarifying
  2. The way you brought up Israel leads people to believe that the statement is anti Israeli.
  3. You're welcome. As I'm sure you're well aware, the zionists own the mass media in America. So they've taken the liberty of claiming ownership of the term Semitic, which isn't a good term to use for the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, since both are Semitic people.

    I'm not against Jews or Israeli people, but the government of Israel has been taking Palestinian land for half a century and they keep taking more and more. They've implemented what's known as apartheid by surrounding and isolating Palestinian communities so that Palestinian farmers may have to drive through several Israeli government checkpoints to get to their land.

    Israeli apartheid has been condemned by most of the civilized world, with only the U.S. supporting this behavior. But you won't hear about that in the news because Palestinians are savage animals intent on killing Jews for no good reason.

    At least, that's what the Zionist owned mass media will have you believe.
  4. So calling Palestinians terrorists is wrong because they don't want to abide by the laws set forth by Israeli government on Israeli land regardless how it was obtained? Live by the laws or keep launching rockets into Israel seems to be the question what the world is confused about. When you say the US supports these tactics and the rest of the world doesn't, which world are you meaning ? Third world? The mass media doesn't give Israel their fair shake. Yea that's owned by American Jews that are liberal democrats whom turn their backs on their own people and only raise a voice when it suits themselves. I don't count them in the mix.
  5. To be honest American politics suck. It's a broken two party system. I blame the voters.
  6. I like Trump because he's not Hillary, so that's a plus. Can't believe there are people who think Bernie actually has a shot though.

  7. Be more creative than that.
  8. No. Its wasted virtual words. Trump supporters are too stupid (or sheep like) to listen. The rest are also pretty pathetic. The American political system IS bad.
  9. Domo, I respect and encourage your right to defend your family. I'm merely pointing out that the outrage caused by terrorist attacks is unjustified and purely serves the terrorists, not the wider population of the civilised world nor any domestic governments.
  10. And to all u sheeps who support him, go ahead. But that's exactly what IS wants, make the world black and white
  11. There was an article few weeks back by an Aussie comic basically said Trump represents the worst aspects of international opinion on America.
    Pompous over opinionated ignorant casually sexist and racist vain ugly and full of a unjustified self delusion of its own superiority.

    Hopefully he's not the next potus, because he's just ignorant enough to believe his own hype and bull.
  12. Why stop Muslims? Terrorists ain't Muslim.
  13. ^Of course they are.Everytime i turn on the news or flip the newspaper and see a terror attack or stabbing ,im not surprised its someone with a name with "Mohammed" or "Abdul". Sometimes racial or religious profiling is necessary to handle these terrorists.It may not sound politically correct but that is the only way to handle these people when they are the very people threatening our way of life.

  14. So because their name is Mohammed they are Muslim. Wake up stupid folks!!!
  15. You Americans need to learn from your big brother Britain. "You ain't no Muslim Bruv"
  16. Ok so what about the Irish ? Buddhist monks ? Hindus ? Christians ? Can we start to profile them too ? Let's not forget the Germans French and Spanish as they've all had nasty little terrorist groups and I guess we need to throw the Kurds and the Greeks in that group too . So basically every one is a terrorist by your infantile logic .
  17. The best example I can give you would be to ask if you would follow Chinese law if they came here, surrounded your town with Chinese settlements and blocked your access to water except to get it from them.
  18. He's not a troll, he's just gathering the support of the south.
  19. Just saying, to all the people complaining about Muslim terrorists, only 2% of terrorists follow Islam. You must also remember that when you translate Islam into English, you get "Peace". I don't know anyone who would join a peace organization to wage war