Yes, We Have to Talk About Trump Again

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. Can i ask this to be locked. I find this offensive since i am anti anti muslim and trump is anti anti anti muslim. Plus im a noob
  2. Ya god forbidb the american people be drawn to a man who funded 100% of his own campaign instead of accepting millions in lobbyist bribes.

    God forbid we be drawn to a person who says exactly what they think instead of dancing around every question until your more confused after they answer than before.

    God forbid we want something other than a career politician who has made their riches off other peoples hard work....

    Ya what's wrong with you america, your supoosed to stick to what they feed you and not question it
  3.  TRUMP 2016
  4. U act like the media isn't feeding you Donald Trump 

    You act like he worked hard for his fortune.

    You act like he's the only candidate that doesn't take lobbyist money.

    All these things, you are wrong about.
  5. Do you really think he wants to serve in public office out of the kindness of his good heart? What if you find out that trump used his candidacy for financial gain?

    Is anyone watching Trump's investments right now? Where's he putting his money? Could he earn even more money with the power of the office of president?

    He's a businessman. He is loyal only to the almighty dollar. He's not doing this out of a genuine desire to serve the American people.
  6. A vote for trump would be the same as supporting das führer back in the 30s and 40s..

    We all remember how well that turned out... I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time.. Like that moustache, or that hair...

    At the very least I will thank Mr Trump for the giggle.. I don't even know how he can take himself seriously...
  7. Really??

    Comparing Mr. Trump to Hitler?

    I think that's a bit extreme.

    I guess a vote for Bernie is a vote for Jesus?
  8. I guess historical figures are banned words.
  9. Well he does want to make all Muslims publicly identified... He does want to "get rid of them"... He is blaming them for our problems...

    I'd say the similarities are there. And he's been able to attract a large number of people by appealing to their fears.
  10. Irrelevant until people are serious about voting.
  11. No, the Jesus comparison is a stretch.. The fact that you can't see the similarities is quite scary actually.. It's extremist behaviour, shutting down the entire country to a religion? How can you even confirm such things? There's no religion section on a passport, so then they start asking you what your religion is? Talk about major violations of your rights as a human being.. It opens the door to some scary places, where does it stop??

    You know who else discriminated against religious beliefs?

    Das Führer did
  12. He's a hate-monger that's constantly making an ass of himself. Whether he's got money does not make up for that.

    The fact people agree with him doesn't make him right, it means hate-mongering is popular. Guess what? 100 million morons CAN BE WRONG.
  13. Yeah, he's honest and a straight shooter, still a xenophobe with bad ideas. Questioning authority is good. But the way he is doing it won't work out and will just make us look bad as a country.
  14. Name one other serious canidate in last 15 years hasn't taken lobbyist $.......key word here serious, not some fllake who couldn't pull 1/10th of the votes and ran only to get his name out there
  15. Havnt seen one person say they like him bc he's rich
  16. I'd like a Latino ,Cruz or Rubio to get into office, I think Rubio is very young and has his best days in politics ahead of him. However he implements many ideas for his domestic policy to bond families closer a more Latino thing.

    Being Mexican I'd despise if Trump goes for president but id rather have him than Clinton. Clinton would be the death of us, she's guilty of treason and yet can walk away from it pathetic bought out politician.
  17. So what's yalls answer? We just keep voting for the same run of the mill canidates and keep watching everything decline? Ya lets throw another bush in there or clinton bc she's done such a bang up job at her current roll.....somethings gotta change and another dirty professional politician will just speed up our collapse......
    Do you all live in the real working world? Are you rich kids or just have amazing jobs that you don't see what's going on for most americans? Someone actually said "name one mistake obama has made earlier" omg what planet do u all live on, america
    Is in a terrible place right now...there are almost to be found, everythings moving, ford and nabisco building plants in mexico next year, add em to the long list of companies that already jumped ship...our economy is collapsing, I couldnt imagine beimg 18 right now and having to look.for work...I'm 32 and certified in 3 types of wedling with 11 years expedience.....ive been permanantly 5 times in 6 years due to companies moving or shutting down and am no longer even working as a welder bc there's no work to be had unless I move across the country....obamas war on coal has absolutely crippled many parts of the us that depend on is a coincidence that some of his biggest lobbyiest were natural gas tycoons???? Coals biggest competitor is natural gas btw. ....coincidence I think not...

    Its crap like that that's gotta stop..these corrupt dirty scheming politicians.......if I have to vote.trump to send a big screw u to washington then so be it
  18. Can someone translate what this person is saying?
    (Also, don't add spaces after a quote... It takes up unnecessary space)
  19. Exactly what I was thinking... I suppose people want someone/group of people to blame?
    Now that I think of it, this really seems like classic human behavior... Everyone wants to put blame/take action against or for something, he's giving everyone a scapegoat... (Did I use scapegoat right?)
  20. Who cares. Debate after debate after debate and who wins..... It'll be a 51 to 49 vote either way like always (it seems).