Yes, We Have to Talk About Trump Again

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. Sorry, I didn't fact check that - it was on the news so I assumed it was true - it's only half true. He hasn't ruled it out, but he has also said he wants to take a "close look" at mosques.
  2. I wonder if Trump has recently invested in defense contractors and is using the presidential race (and the mass media) as a stage to drum up support for a holy war.

    He could stand to make a fortune!
  3. I love trump....he has the sack to say what most of us think but won't say for all the political correct nonsenese we are expected to adhere to
  4. If you think what Trump says is in any way correct, you are an idiot.
  5. OK...

    Indonesia is a Muslim country.
    Are you gonna stop Indonesians from entering America?

    3% of Canadians and an even larger percentage of Europeans are also Muslims. More than 99.9% of these people arent terrorists. Are you gonna block them from entering the country as well? Do you know what kind of economic and political impacts this will have?

    What about businessmen, truckers, airplane pilots, and others whose employment depends on entering the USA now and then?

    Also, what makes you think that an Islamic terrorist won't simply say they are Christian just to get into the country? That's a pretty bad security idea. Religious screening is a joke. What's next, atheists?

    You're also ignoring the fact that most terrorist attacks in America are done by crazy people with weapons. Over 350 terrorist acts (AKA mass shootings);have been done in America this year - but they're not called terrorist attacks because they weren't committed by Muslims.
  6. @Nathan. I don't disagree with the majority of your post, but the 350 number is incorrect, and you are not the first today to quote that misinformation.
  7. Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders should combine forces though.

    If only the political system was set up for compromise and not for citizen division.
  8. I really hope there aren't many of you, who will stick to fascist ideals in reaction to a perceived over sensitivity. Is it taken too far? Definitely. Is political correctness still generally correct? Yes. Be nice. And Muslims aren't terrorists. Not even a significant portion. Welcome them.
  9. I could get behind that. One as president the other VP. Imagine a cross-party candidacy!

  10. You mean the Canadian?

    I hope trump becomes the Rep candidate because he'll never win
  11. Another crappy American politics thread. Oh joy.
  12. If we define mass shooting as a shooting in which multiple people are injured/killed, the 350 number is true.

    However, obviously they're not all on the scale of San Bernardino
  13. "Trump has the balls to say what most people think"

    I hope most people in this country aren't blatant racists. The only thing trump has done is give that ignorance a safe haven to thrive. It's actually disgusting. Being prejudiced against your fellow man is not okay. And it is pretty sad he has so many supporters simply because he makes outlandish and racist statements. My alcoholic uncle would say crazy crap too. Doesn't mean he's a solid candidate for anything political.
  14. Being racist and prejudiced isn't fighting political correctness. It's being racist and prejudiced. There's a big difference
  15. You call trump the racist.

    How many societies/groups/clubs/scholarships are limited to blacks only? White only?

    Answer that question and you'll find the real racists.
  16. After Canada's last election there was talk among people about making the Green Party leader into the Environment Minister, but unfortunately it didn't happen. To put a Green MP in the cabinet would make it harder for the Liberals to forward their own environmental agenda.

    Something similar would happen here. Anarcho-liberals and socialists don't mix. Sanders is going to get someone who is aligned with him on 90% of his issues to be VP candidate if he continues forward. However, if the Republicans vote anyone in the primary, Rand Paul is the best bet.
  17. I support Rand Paul. He's the only one running who has called for the Federal Reserve to be audited.

    That's pretty significant.
  18. Such a bad example. You blame groups that try to help minorities because they have faced systematic oppression for centuries. Net you're going to go on about the BET and why there isn't a WET. Well pretty much all television is the WET.
  19. None of those scholarships and groups would have been needed if this country had treated every race like equals. There is still systematic racism in this country. The first step to solving a problem is acknowledging there is one. And people like you want to keep pretending everything is fine and dandy.