I was raised Muslim for half my childhood. The other half, I was raised Christian. I have read both the Bible and the Quran cover to cover. I don't practice either religion any more. I have welcomed strangers into my home and will continue to do so if asked. I don't ascribe to hate and fear mongering.
muslims should be banned from america and Europe and australia. trump will have two terms. whatever happens is will of one true god of the world. everything is built around it.
He's certainly not a common man by any measure other than genetics. I belive that he says the things he does not because he believes them but because so many Americans do. He says these things because he knows the media will talk about him which will make him even more popular. He's not stupid or ignorant. He's a very savvy businessman who knows that in politics, you have to say stupid and ignorant things to appeal to stupid and ignorant voters, who unfortunately, far outnumber the well-informed voters. In other words, he says this crap to satisfy his customers (the voters) so he can make a profit (winning the presidency). For him, this is just another business venture.
Sad thing cheese he's really not that great a business man either ... And surely the presidency of the united states shouldn't be a bauble to attract the likes of trump self aggrandising blowhards who seek the office to simply have another " trophy ".
I like trump because he is a straight shooter. As for comparing trump to the big H..... He is trying to close the borders to future terrorist. It just so happens these terrorist happen to be Muslim. Prevneting future immigration of Muslims is in no way the same as seeking out and destroying all Jewish people because you blame them for losing a war.
Why not adopt Jesse Ventura's idea of banishing party politics n vote for ppl? Whats to be afraid of? No faith in ppl but faith in a party?
He's not exactly wrong I'm canadian, but trump has some valid points. He may not be expressing them the most pc way possible buy so what a points I'm familiar w some of the global issues. To think they're not a problem of epidemic proportions os crazy. Gaddafi himself said this was exactly how this was goin to happen, CAIR has had several board memebers convicted of aiding terrorism. Not to mention is also recognized as a terrorist legal wing and ties to Hamas. Their sole purpose is too tie up court w countless frivolous law suits making even the mere mention of anything against islam a socialially unacceptable. I've seen a few of these pictures n read a ton of story's not to mention the translated memeri tv feeds he's not exactly lieing abut hus facts or embellishing his views. Is a but extreme? Sure but that's kinda th3 times were living in. I don't know how many photos you've seen of "refugees" but I see a lot of military aged men nxt to no women n children. That's just my 2 cents BNI FTW
Dionese... about your old post... we're not part of the British Empire... it's been the Commonwealth since Westminster was passed a long time ago Our head of state is the Queen of Canada (who just so happens to also be the Queen of England).
First off, check your history, races, nationalities have been blocked from entering the US before!!! Secondly, the constitution is for AMERICAN CITIZENS ONLY!!!! Your premise that the foreigners are constitutionally protected is hugely liberally flawed!!!! Thirdly, if your going to quote, get it right, trump wants to halt the immigration until they can figure out how to properly vet the incoming during these dangerous times