We as Americans have constitutional rights in OUR country, not other people, muslim or any people from another country..... USA allows disallowing people that could create problems in our country.
Oh good a biblical scholar to assist us. Now which parts of the Bible were written by Solomon or king David ? I get the New Testament has named gospels but who wrote Revelations ? And these forty people did they all get together at one time ? Or was it more a colabarative effort over a long period of say generations ? Also who was king James and why are bibles named after him did he write it too ?? Oh was it written in English or perhaps Aramaic or Hellenic greek ? Why do some people say the bible hates gays, women those who touch pigskin work on Sundays and let not forget those who desire their neighbours ass ?
Don't Muslim Americans and Americans born in other countries still get to enjoy those rights or they not counted as Americans ? Yes it's constitutional for the president to issue guidelines to exclude certain groups but is that really what America wants to be seen to be doing ? How is that holding up the ideals that America claims to stand for ? Isn't this an area where constitutional law needs to catch up with perception and changing social standards ?
Racists and bigots? What part of political incorrectness do you not understand? If Trump displays that political incorrectness then you should be able to figure out that people prefer or want a president like that. It's something most liberals can't comprehend. (not calling you a liberal cause idk you stance on that) If Trump wants everyone to speak English or everyone to assimilate to american values/culture(s)/etc and someone some says that's bad or not politically correct. But then suddenly he has a ton of supporters! What's going on here?!? People want what they want. In this case americans. If its that form of political incorrectness then thats that. They have the right to that in their country. Also what is "hate speech"? You either support free speech or you don't. You can publicly say bad things about anyone or anything, even me. I wouldn't agree or like it and i will confront you but i would never call it "hate speech". You either support free speech or you don't. Free speech also doesn't mean keep flapping your lips. I absolutely agree. People who have made a honest living and have been here for more than a generation and have built a life in the states HAVE the right to say they don't want people of a certain group or of a certain religion in their country. The fruits of your labor are yours and yours only to enjoy, regardless of how some liberal hippy gets his political correctness butthurt. Possibly because their parents are american? And back to what i said about political correctness. Some americans or in this case most don't care for it. And i do not see a problem with that. I don't think changing constitutional laws are a good idea.
Actually, the president does not have the authority to prohibit American citizens from entering our country based on a constitutionally protected class, like religion. So, no, he wouldn't be allowed to block Muslim American citizens from returning to the U.S. from abroad any more than he would be able to block women, for example. However, he could block non American cititizens from returning based on country of origin. Two presidents have recently done this: Carter with Iranians and FDR with the Japanese. The FDR case is special because the military withheld evidence that proved that prohibiting Japanese Americans from returning home, and incarcerating the ones already here, was based on pure racism. In fact, the government issued an apology and even paid those Japanese American citizens who were arrested during WWII, admitting that its actions were unconstitutional.
I find it funny trump would have to amend the constitution to do this, yet if they tried to amend it regarding gun laws...
The people that are trying to enter the USA are not America citizens. By law this country has the right and duty to protect US citizens only. You know that there's a threat from extremist from these regions of the world. No matter what religion they are.
I know the president can't block America citizens from returning but I was attacking the flawed logic in the post I quoted where they implied Muslims were not citizens or Americans .
You sir, are wrong. Part of the first admendment rights say that you have freedom of religion as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of the American people. While accepting refugees doesn't to do that, we don't know for sure that some of them aren't radicalized and will become terrorists. That being said, it's for the protection of the American people. But instead of focusing on what trump is saying that you think is against the constitution, let's look at what's going on in America that's against our constitution. Another thing in the first admendment rights say that you have the freedom to petition the government. Which is happening across America. The only problem is, these petitions are turning into riots, which is not protected under any laws in America. The right to petition the government and rioting are two totally different things. Yet, what is being done about this? Absolutely nothing. So, before we want to jump down someone's throat about what they said, which is constitutional, let's focus on what's happening right now and what our government is not doing. Another thing, our government hasn't followed the constitution in so long, most the people that live in America don't even know what it's actually like to live under the constitution. This country has Americas fathers rolling in their graves.
Trump is a monster the republicans created. This is the direction the Republican party has been headed since the Southern Strategy with Nixon, continued by Reagan, and escalated by Bush, Rove, Murdoch, and Ailes, as well as the whole host of right wing radio shock jocks like Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, o'Reilly, and others. The plan was to appeal to, and stoke up the hatred and fears against minorities and other groups, as means of energizing the base to vote. People were taught it was okay, and even patriotic to be racist or bigoted - as long as they couched your bigotry in code words; they were taught to distrust and hate the government, while supporting politicians who also said they hated government; they were taught to think of Democrats, not as an opposing party with different ideas for America, but as traitors who hate America; they were taught that not being able to force Christianity on everyone all the time was an attack on their beliefs; they were taught to distrust intellectuals, facts, and reason, and instead to trust slogans and simpleminded statements, even when they were demonstrably false; they were taught that complexity in issues and language is deception, and that offensiveness, no matter whether true or not, was honesty; they were taught that to avoid an argument they could lose on its own, they should deflect to different arguments and supplement those with personal attacks; they were taught that words can be a negative influence when spoken by a Democrat, but never cause harm when a Republican incites violence against a group of people; they were taught that some parts of the Constitution are constitutional written by the forefathers in perfection and blood, but other parts and ideas are wrong and should be ignored; they were taught to equate machoism with strength, and building consensus and reaching out to others as weakness; they were taught that working together and compromise in politics is treason; and they were taught not to believe anything they heard on any news channel that didn't reinforce what they already believed, sane or not (and they were taught this by media and alleged news channels). Now we have Trump, the true embodiment of all these things Republicans have been trained over the years. Now Trump says things like Muslims were dancing in the streets on 9/11, and his supporters ignore that there is no evidence of this. He says Mexicans are rapists and murderers, and his supporters believe him. He puts forth insane policies with bo reasonable expectation of legality or success, and his supporters cheer louder. Republicans realize his lies, bigotry, and ineptitude at government has crossed the line, even for them, and they try to call him out on it, but they can't, because his supporters have been well trained. Usually, when there is an outlier like this, they are able to restrain it and use it to simply fuel the narrative they created. But because Trump has his own money, and a true ability at showmanship, they can't stop him. The Republican party created the monster called Trump, and they can't stop him. But truthfully, they should have realized this would happen, as it is the culmination of what and how they have trained their voters.
Hate speech is protected. Else everyone saying all this crap about Muslims would be in jail. The constitution says congress shall pass no law abridging the right to free speech. It protects citizens from the government; it doesn't say anything about what citizens can/can't say.
Why is it you can do a quick video search on the Interweb for Muslims dancing in the streets after 9/11 happened and you find Video proof
Trump is calling for the blocking of Muslims, which includes American Muslim citizens traveling abroad.
Yes. Trump plans on improving america by evicting leal and proud Americans on the basis if their faith. Its disgusting. What I find weird is that Trump has had many business dealings with Muslims. He respects many muslim businesspeople. The whole evict the muslims and immigrants is nothing but low manipulation of the downtrodden and hateful in America.
Wrong. Here's the first amendment: Where does it say that "as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of the American people?"
We almost had laws against hate speech in the US. At that time, it was called "group libel" and fell within the "defamation" category of actions (instead of speech). However, it lost favor and was never backed by groups with enough money to get it accepted. So currently, hate speech is actionable only when it rises to incitement, which has an element if "imminent" effect. So when politicians call Muslims threats to our country, they have plausible deniability when some supporters act on that and commit terrorist acts against an American mosque, or an American planned Parenthood clinic.