y'all forgot how to war and I can't wait to abuse that.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Swabia2, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. GL Swabia!
    Everywhere I see bring back wars to Kaw when the biggest osw ever in Kaw history is on and been so for 2 years where all major osw clans/alliances are active! If community want more war I suggest clans that's on the upcoming get more into farming and hitting on battle list take part in pvp events etc! It'll bring much more fun to the overall experience.
    And what vixen said...growing is a necessity to while in long term osw to do damage on your opponents!
  2. Seems like we're mistaking clans saying "they're at war", with clans actively being at war.

    I can't speak for these clans in the "biggest war in KaW history", but last few wars I fought, incoming was scarce, and you pretty much eb'd to strip. That's not war.

    War use to be relentlessly kicking the **** out of the other clan, burning through pots, and you could guarantee that 90% of the clan roster was on targets and reporting in CC.

    And growing is only a necessity to long term war because it's not war. If you're really on the other clan, it's not going to be a long term war because they're going to cop a deal so they can get back to growing.
  3. Hte mate, Hte. It does exist
  4. Drop me a line too! I'll rough up some noobs
  5. The amount of disrespect for Swabia in this thread disgusts me. The guy has accomplished 10x any noob nowadays could dream of accomplishing and knows his business. So sit down, pay attention, and learn something for God's sake.
  6. It's been proven in this thread just how little he knows 
  7. Omg onesy finally got his rogue badge :lol:
  8. do you and swabs get coffee together?
  9. Swabia should have picked a better target. Anarchy doesn't hit back. He doesn't play. Dude is half ass retired. I was sitting on him before. And nothing. Real boring. Js
  10. Oh he hasn't hit me for days, even though he acknowledged me being inactive and said I'd get hit forever. Funny isn't it Lili?
  11. to his defense u are boring. Why to kick a dead horse?
  12. That's really funny, Lili.
    You could make the same argument about KaW.

    KaW is a dead horse, tapping an atk button gets old after several years but people still do it.

    Why is Anarchy inactive?

    Because they don't have fun tapping an atk button anymore.

    Why do you find it so entertaining?

    It holds no real value.

    But yall idiots get off on it.

  13. I see you haven't gained any intelligence since I left. See if you comprehended my post a few pages back, or even the one just there I said that I told Swabia I was inactive/he acknowledged my inactivity (though continues to call me active?). Yet he still said that I pay well and he would "farm" me forever, and hasn't hit me since.

    His words not mine, ask him why you would kick a dead horse; but if you get all macho and aggressively reinforced that you're going to do it, at least follow through for even a short while so you don't look completely stupid and full of hot air.
  14. @anarchy. Did i hurt a feeler there? Lol

    @kasama. I liked ur cf thread to me. It was super rude and pathetic. U went crying on and on for pages until u asked mods to lock it. Good times
  15. no? Is that just your standard response after you have a nervous breakdown trying to comprehend the second sentence or?
  16. No i just literally don't care :)
  17. 1) If you post every day about your love for me on forums how is that inactive?

    You don't fight back, and you're a pincushion, and chances are you never knew how to fight, but if you log in daily to talk about how you enjoy my taste in your mouth I'd call that active.

    The crappiest kind of active from the crappiest sort of player, but active.

    B) Farm you forever? Get a hold of yourself, man. I have given 2 players that sort of attention and I can assure you that you're not one of them. I can't even remember your name or I'd have posted it here. There's 2 of you loving me right now like I've made your stark life in this game slightly better than your stark reality outside the game.

    4) Be sure to respond how you've decided you're not active. It makes most sense for you to type out that you're not typing. It's one of my most fun kinds of denial and it never stops being funny to see your circular logic.

    7) How much of this do you think is my inciting your rage to make you argue publicly against your own logic, and do you think it is more fun for the readers to see you self immolate or for me to keep pulling your chain when I think you've stopped?
  18. This cant be the real swabia