y'all forgot how to war and I can't wait to abuse that.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Swabia2, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. Here is strip percentages without factoring lb mechs or ua
    Steal Percentages
    100 - 10%
    200 - 19%
    300 - 27%
    400 - 34%
    500 - 41%
    600 - 47%
    700 - 52%
    800 - 56%
    900 - 61%
    1000 - 64%
    1500 - 78%
    2000 - 86%
  2. Swabia you don't even have full def pots
  3. All modern OSW clans know that a bigger CS/bfa player takes more per hit on a smaller player versus a hit from a player of comparable size.

    @swabia. Your cause is noble, but at your size it's not going to be effective. If you were a bc player running 24 xtals a day on a large hte clan, then you might get somewhere.

  4. No, we were off in Apoc trains, couldn't have been us.

    Blub Blub ️
  5. Bax, Blubber or whatever you call yourself these days. Do you even know where that attack button is?? you spend more nobs on changing your name than anyone I know. You are sure a S M R T one
  6. 20Nobs against all the Battle Cries and Seals you dropped for me ️

    Get those cogs going and see how your math on that goes 
  7. Onesey, with 2000 steals you can take 86% of what someone has up?

    Have you lost your mind?

    Do you mean 2000 successful full bars?

    Steal percent is currently .002%

    If someone could be stripped with 2000 actions a clan could drop a guy in minutes instead of days.
  8. Ok, so if the steal percentage is .002, then this is the math you would do, correct?

    (Starting amount)*.998)*.998).998).988) and so on.

    I put it into a spreadsheet and here is what i found.

    At 2,000 roughly 98% would be taken.

    At 2,300 is when you hit 99%.

    Did i do the math right?
  9. Talking smack whilst hiding behind a small account just makes u look like an idiot op.....if u want any lessons on how to upgrade come hit me up u moron....you sound like another todd try hard....in fact are you todds "massive" main.
  10. 5% gold taken: 57 steals (3.166 FB)
    10% gold taken: 117 steals (6.5 FB)
    15% gold taken: 181 steals (10 FB)
    20% gold taken: 248 steals (13.777 FB)
    25% gold taken: 320 steals (17.777 FB)
    30% gold taken: 396 steals (22 FB)
    35% gold taken: 478 steals (26.555 FB)
    40% gold taken: 567 steals (31.5 FB)
    45% gold taken: 664 steals (36.888 FB)
    50% gold taken: 770 steals (42.777 FB)
    55% gold taken: 887 steals (49.277 FB)
    60% gold taken: 1018 steals (56.555 FB)
    65% gold taken: 1166 steals (64.777 FB)
    70% gold taken: 1337 steals (74.277 FB)
    75% gold taken: 1540 steals (85.555 FB)
    80% gold taken: 1787 steals (99.277 FB)
    85% gold taken: 2107 steals (117.055 FB)
    90% gold taken: 2557 steals (142.055 FB)
    95% gold taken: 3327 steals (184.833 FB)
    97.5% gold taken: 4097 steals (227.611 FB)
    99% gold taken: 5115 steals (284.166 FB)
    99.5% gold taken: 5884 steals (326.888 FB)
    99.75% gold taken: 6654 steals (369.666 FB)
    99.9% gold taken: 7672 steals (426.222 FB)

    Someone else confirmed Onesey's numbers. I'll have to run some confirming to repeat this info.
  11. What size of an account do you need to be then to start talking smack then oh wise moron consumed by your own idiocy.
  12. Something worth losing u idiot.....I can build an account his size in a day and start calling out all of kaw and acting like a bad ass because ive nothing to lose.

    Does that answer your question idiot.

    Think before speaking next time.
  13. Sorry let me savour Swabia confirming my info after calling me crazy :roll:
  14. Swabia trying to be relevant once again.... once again he isn't
  15. No it does not you pleb, you've just repeated yourself stating at some random stage in the game you get big enough to decide you have something to lose.
    So against no, you have not answered my question, and once again you're proving your consumed by your own idiocy.
  16. I'd say some witty put down but by you trying to argue that a 20mcs and a 1b cs account have the same to lose your just making yourself look the moron you are.

    Good luck trying to convince the community your right ......you'll need it
  17. You really don't get it 

    Again you haven't stated at what point is it acceptable to decide you have something to lose. Thats what Im asking, you stated that he wasn't big enough to talk smack, so I'm enquiring at what size do you have to be.

    Im only asking a follow up question on this great knowledge you seem to have.
  18. Wow.....so now u need me to tell u what a respectable account looks like....do u even kaw Bro. ...or do u just have small man syndrome.

    Anything +200mcs in my book...but even that's low.....however not low enough for you to make the cut ;-)

    Keep trying though
  19. Thats what I was asking, now all of KaW knows due to your great wisdom.

    Stick to the Epic Battles is what you say, keep upgrading!
  20. So many irrelevant nubs calling swabs irrelevant because of stats. Kaw is in a sad state.