YAFI's Christmas Present to Kaw -- Freeing the Allies Market

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *_AppleSeeDs_ (01), Dec 6, 2013.

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  1. Good! Sick of all those fools with underpriced allies that go bat sheet crazy when you hire one!
  2. Support
  3. i think this schoupd be all year long lol
  4. SupportLet the game's begin
  5. Copycat -doesn't your banner read dnh?
  6. Yes it does Suzzie !!!! Better change that quick cat !!!
  7. I support an open ally market.
  8. BUMP 100% support
  9. Happy Christmas to everyone at Yafi and thank you for giving kaw a great Christmas present no more stupid don't hire my allies thank you best wishes to you all teddy krueger
  10. Let's do it! I support
  11. Full Support
  12. This is a nice idea 
  13. LOVE...THIS!!! SUPPORT!!! It drives me crazy when I see those banners. As though they had the only right to buy!
  14. OOOOOOOOOOOO THE DRAMA. Love it!!!!!
  15. Great idea but dont think its possible. So many people now say allies not for sale(especially lb)
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