YAFI's Christmas Present to Kaw -- Freeing the Allies Market

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *_AppleSeeDs_ (01), Dec 6, 2013.

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  1. So why haven't you guys striped cella yet??
  2. I'm just saying, name one person you targeted with this little campaign to "Free the Ally Market" that actually matters in the ally market or stands a chance against you? *Crickets*
  3. @fight....If you had joined the campaign you would know how much hot air you are spewing. Now go focus on getting your main back to mp 
  4. Flight I was in there we had 14mil CS spy hansels with big allies...they stood a great chance, but we didn't want to fight anyone. We just wanted to free up some of the market
  5. Peanut you're an idiot. If you read you'd understand. I really wonder how the hell any of you survive in life being such dumbasses.
  6. Yafi used to be a feared organization and a real threat to the major alliances. Sad to see them joined the ranks of the washed up noob bash clans that are so prevalent as of late
  7. Yeah, used to be?

    Then how come you have to resort to using a mini account to post? :lol:
    Contradictory ;)
  8. Why haven't you learn how to read properly yet? :roll:
  9. Yes I have to post with a statless alt bc I'm not in a major alliance. So no I'm not contradictory at all, that's the point of what I've been saying all along. You're only a threat to friendless players, anyone in a major alliance wether in osw or not won't be touched by any of you 
  10. Oh so you play a social game but you decide to have no friends in it :roll:
  11. Your spot on statless alt. Yafi has earned the reputation it has by picking on the weak and never fighting the big alliances and standing up for the values Yafi has. Read last 100 pages. We wont be hitting people in osw out of respect. Once it ends and people test it. It will be dealt with at that time. I can assure you yafians love a good fight. The bigger they are the harder they fall. We like falls. Show up with your maib in my newsfeed ill give you a nice 1v1.
  12. What's a maib? And if Yafi attacks any top 10 LB and tries to force em to change their banner about ally hires ill reset my main...honestly, no ********. Bc I'm about 99% sure you won't. If you do wall or follow me on this account and I'll follow you with my main them reset, I barely play kaw anymore anyway. So keys see it Yafi, after the osw go after a top 10 that dosnt allow ally hires and ill reset my main. Lets we it
  13. Keys wtf,,*lets
  14. Good lord auto spell is aggressive with the new iOS update 
  15. Lest re phrase the challenge so it's fair as most can't hit top LB, if you attack anyone from a top pvp alliance ill reset, this being zaft Apoc OG...and now apparently UC..my mains 16m hybrid so it will be worth your time, 2T allies, not great but worth resetting 
  16. Not just attack but actively attempt to force a policy change about ally hires. Ill post an apology on forums then reset
  17. Omg you are ruining out lives with your endless bs, why would they waste any more time on you. What makes you think they need to prove anything to you...jeez
  18. Bc their wasting a lot of breath on here defending that they don't avoid big alliances and just attack noobs peeps that they outnumber vastly. And btw if you accept my challenge I don't mean some noob in a sub clan, target somebody that the alliance will actually defend
  19. Yatta yatta yatta. We got nothing to prove to you or anyone. We do our thing. Have fun trolling
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