YAFI's Christmas Present to Kaw -- Freeing the Allies Market

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *_AppleSeeDs_ (01), Dec 6, 2013.

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  1. We are not immune either thats all that can be said
  2. Liberating those being held hostage, dont worry all you captives YAFI will have you free for Santa coming
  3. SupportExcellent idea.
  4. YAFI I don't want this as my present, can I regift or something?

    I just want my allies hired.
  5. Support but just a few thoughts...while people will change their banners to comply, what's to stop players from farming you if you hire their ally? While 95% of banners are all bark and no bite (I know because I ignore most banners except for real osw and ee and get into my fair share of skirmishes over it), it tends to be the lb that do have the bite and, coincidentally, have the gold to back up their bites. To the old timers, remember when banners didn't exist, and you only knew who was going to farm you over a hire from trial and error? Would this be returning us to that era? What are YAFI's thoughts on this?

    What's going to be even more interesting is to see what happens when pvp is introduced. If people are uptight about their allies now, I can only imagine what it is going to be like when pvp is incentivized. I've always been a big advocate of free market ~ ranked 62 on the ally leaderboard even though I am not a spender in this game attests to how it is possible to play the game without spending money AND allowing ally hires is very profitable. However, I can foresee people being very protective of ally hires when the update drops......
  6. Absolute support.
  7. Excellent...

    Respect for keeping it to common sense (wall or pm in osws/EE preparation or for really highly priced allies) as every decent ally trader would have honored those tacit "rules" anyway.

    I always predicted that underpriced allies would not be sustainable by force, quite interesting to see Yafi as catalyst for the market equilibrium.

    Like 
  8. I'll be available as an individual for support in any 'skirmishes' () that may arise from this escapade.

    Looking forward to it in fact.
  9. Well it sounds odd but it uses PvP,so I'll support it out of principle.....
  10. Bump. And fully support!!
  11. When in war don't buy my allies.
  12. Like how all the no stat noob are talking **** 
  13. Thank you Yafi. Those banners are getting old
  14. Yes you and dragonoob
  15. I king_areek. You can call me lord nub rubbish
  16. Some people asked what will happen to people associated with us (members or friends) that have attack for hire policies?

    They will get same treatment as anyone else.

    Happy Kawing and thank you for your support.
  17. Thank you Yafi!
    I haven't been hired in ages because of my owner, hopefully this might change this
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