YAFI's Christmas Present to Kaw -- Freeing the Allies Market

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *_AppleSeeDs_ (01), Dec 6, 2013.

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  1. Happy Holidays
  2. @WoBuZhiDaoWoShiSui. ITs not about buying their allies . Some you guys are crushing the little guys that have the same banner and leave the Big DOGS alone . We all KNOW that the BIG dogs have hundreds of allies . I don't think its fair . If you guys are campaigning ( which I support ) . There's shouldn't be exceptions . I could easily pick 2 leaderboard guys, no one even DARE wall them.? Really ! ..PICK AND CHOOSE CAMPAING .
  3. Go ahead and pick the 2.
    We want those on leaderboard and not in OSW.

    Thanks for supporting the campaign and helping us sieve through the clutter! :D

    You have 4 more days to do so before the campaign ends.
  4. Yafi can u please clear somthing for me?

    When you say lb not in osw, do other players also in an osw count or is it just the lb ?
  5. All players in osw. It would be unfair if it wasn't.
  6. Other players as well, if we know they are in OSW or they clarify and prove to us it is an OSW. Countless players outside of ally LB can prove it.

    The only exception is the OSW we engage them in because of their banner.
  7. I wasn't seeing this In AT.

    Thanks :(
  8. ️Support️

    I'm in osw (well kinda regs or ZAFT don't hit me :lol: ) and I'm trying to sell my Freshly stripped ally's.
  9. Fake osw banners from LB players are the worse. I PM for ally hires as they request, only to be told the ally isn't very active. Yet the ally has 50-80 actions in last 10 EBs. Oh and he suddenly costs 50bil more gold. Yay LB players.
  10. Allies for Sale Freedom
  11. Wait didn't sicniss ask for cf? Those look like some big strips you did there buddy 
  12. You SUCnISS noobs don't understand this game do you....? I could give a rats ass about a noob like you with 80bn in allies that you never stripped off one of my alliance members. Your leaders know how we do things. Banks, cupcake. We hit them hard.

    Now correct me if I'm wrong...didn't your weak leaders ask for a CF? Then had to break CF because a noob clan (Fi) with ~20 people had all they could take with a GH? Now Fi dropped SUCnISS flags and dispersed.

    I don't blame your leaders for not keeping you informed. Most of you are too ignorant to operate an electronic toothbrush. So I'm sure telling you to "shut up and color" is, in fact, the best SUCnISS marching order.

    I won't be on this thread anymore, as it's obviously not my war thread. I'll be in war. SUCnISS is welcome to give me their thoughts in my newsfeed.
  13. Apoyo que haya libre mercado de allys y que no te farmeen cuando compras un ally a un LB, pero creo que no se debe imponer lo que cada uno pone en su banner. Happy kawing
  14. Will this thread fall out of AT after Christmas?
  15. So Sugah how many of your allies are below 500B? Not many i guess, so does this mean you are against free Allie market?
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