YAFI's Christmas Present to Kaw -- Freeing the Allies Market

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *_AppleSeeDs_ (01), Dec 6, 2013.

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  1. Bump for future compliance and or insubordinate 
  2. What? I hurt you feelings? I changed my banner for you. Now what? You attack me anyways cause you don't like my new banner? Thought your goal was to "free" KAW of all this oppression? What a joke. Have fun messing with me because I disagree with your actions instead of going after those you profess to oppose 
  3. More damn noob tears. Dude just shut up and hit back. You don't like it. Frankly I doubt anyone cares. Its a war game not a crying game. You think peoppe cried back in the 1500-1600 blah blah because they got hit? **** no. They hit back. And harder.
  4. @Moca: freedom of speech is always granted and cherished! Disrespect and insults are not necessary and tolerable to make a point or show a disagreement. Complaining about incomings? You simply asked for it!
  5. I merely speak the truth. Changing banners will not change actions. All this does is bully people into changing a banner. Not sure how that helps. It seems to my like just another excuse for guerrilla warfare
  6. Nice allies moca................
  7.  still not getting the point. I agree with your goal. All ally's are and should be for sale. I just don't agree with your tactics. You like my ally's so much... Buy them. My point is that I don't like being an ally donor for someone's war and then expected to but back at someone else's convenience. I was told that if I wanted to avoid this it might be a good idea to put something in my banner so I did. By choice. Now you act like your running around mob attacking people to make them change their banners is for a good cause. Well I just don't see it that way. By all means attack me for my opinion because obviously I am the root of all evil as I am hoarding so many ally's and attacking all those that try to buy them from me.... Yeah ok...
  8. Oh keep it up and your allys will be bought. We are nice like that. Sleep well!
  9. Why can't we all just get along. Please...lets hold hands around a camp fire sing a few songs like "why can't we be friends" and other beautiful songs like that. Come on people stop the violence for once, forgive ur enemies, forget what they did. Come on people for once be nice!!!!

    I'm just messing with all u noobs. Make kaw fun again!!!

    -google the love machine.
  10. Be nice everyone, it's Christmas! :D
  11. Is it time to sing our Christmas songs apple?
  12. 
  13. Merry Christmas Yafi
  14. While the idea is great but people always find a way to cheat thru it . My concern would be that I have seen clans going after people with these types of banners only to pick and choose who they are going after . Why going after a guy with 2 allies and one is his alt ? while the big dogs sitting in the Leaderboard no ones dare to touch them?
    The tricky part is they all say the same thing! " Don't buy allies over 400 or 500 B " what is that?. The funny thing is they don't even have allies under 400 b . Isn't that cheating the code? that another way of saying don't buy my allies . Plenty of them are sitting on the leaderboard so if you guys are doing something about allies market at least do it RIGHT. NO EXCEPTION.
  15. Bump  thank you YAFI
  16. @tornado.. Jus hire their allies regardless how many Bils. Am sure the Lbs are friendly guys. Wont hit you since they earning gold. :lol:

    They may be big but they are approachable too.
  17. Counting down to end of campaign 25th Dec 2013 :)

    We will be continuing on some of our current fun targets ;)
    as well as invite some new awesome members (who have proven themselves) onboard :D
  18.  Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!! 

    Oh wait ...

     Ho ho hoooooo  Merry Xmas everyone 
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