YAFI's Christmas Present to Kaw -- Freeing the Allies Market

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *_AppleSeeDs_ (01), Dec 6, 2013.

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  1. I don't check to see if OP of a thread is updated. It still says nothing about it.
  2. Rules as you go
  3. Full Support :)
  4. I think Sarc needs to mention Red and Cella at least one more time here for effect. Me thinks it's ally envy ;)

    It's a fun idea and i respect that some guidelines were added around hiring in ee or osw.

    Cheers 
  5. It is frustrating to hav allies hired in osw. However if we take the courtesy to pm, (dun wall cus oppo will know u are online when u reply) I dun see much problem self pinning after u receive a pm for ally hiring for the following reasons:

    1. U earn a Gd profit. Well maybe some lb dun need trading to grow or make profit but for most, trading while selfpin will gain Gd profit when ur trp is mostly expended in osw

    2 u release a few tril maybe, convenient to strip the opponents with ur replenished fund 

    3. U rotate out yr backend allies. (those not shown in the 20 allies u owned) opponent may hav ss the allies u own either while shopping or by other means. Sell yr allies and oppo may be screwed when they prep for a strip and suddenly realized the targeted allies doesn't belongs to strip target 

    So even in osw there are many advantages to sell yr allies. The key will be contacting in pm and letting them sp b4 hiring  esp for lb, not many oppo can hit u even with gold out anyway 
  6. Agreed I've sold prob close to 100trill. It's very handy . Most already have common sense to pm first.
  7. I've tried to follow a few ppl in Osw to buy some allies. Haven't yet received a follow back. Will try again to follow them though.
  8. Lets look at whats really going on. Player x has a tb/ab what ever slang from an ata game you want to use. PlayerYafi says..he can strip them, take their bonuses, ruin their gaming because hes more important and should be able to do so without any repercussion. Player X now has his alts as a tb/ab this time Yafi strips them and they all reset in unison..after due warning and perhaps even a buyback. Will that player try to strip again?

    In a real world free market its called a poisonious pill clause, specifically to stop thug like corperations from stripping smaller ones by making their cost outweigh their value. Thats whats really going on. Some people forwhatever reason wish to remain allies and the only way is the threat of great loss by reset. Bear in mind also, they may not be able to buyback after you OP the ally..

    So the question to ask yourself before pressing the hire button on a name like iwillresetifhired , is this...Will this person be an actual ally, or will they farm me till they can reset again. ~Caveat Emptor
  9.  it isn't the poisonous pill clause. In that situation the investors 'flip-in' to dilute the shares and make them less attractive to the acquirer. In KAW try resetting an ally and it might turn out more costly for you to re-growing that ally. Plus the added bonus of you getting stripped n farmed for resetting that ally.
  10. Does this apply to owners who's allies have dnh banners too or just to the owner?
  11. @laffing

    We are not targeting owners of people with DNH banners, just the individuals with DNH banners.

    I think that was the question at least
  12. You have to forgive Lala...he's like 14 and wanders off to chase butterflies for long stretches at a time (At least 3-4x in the 3 years I've knows him). No way could anyone expect him to follow all 110 pages of this thread....too many butterflies that need to be chased. *side note - how do they not have a butterfly emoji

    Now back to the convo about the poisonous pill or investor flip-in that caused most of us to join Lala in his butterfly hunt 
  13. If multiple allies have "do not hire me" , we will approach that owner.
  14. @chainkills
    But what if that person has realy mean allies who put dnh banners as part of the evil plan to use yafi to farm their owner :O
    U can't blame a guy for having mean allies who ganged up on him
  15. WE ARE BIG BAD YAFI FREEING ALL ALLIES!!!!....you guys make me laugh hahaha.....no
  16. What if I don't want to be hired and put something like "hire me and I will farm you" on my banner/wall.??
  17. At thrilla where's your allies
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