Postponing your campaign . Why? Did you guys just realize that your campaign was full of ****, no logic behind it. We Yafi, war and wig are going hard after HV and vontez, we will beat the 30 of them single handedly...blah blah mother ******* blah. I love it when big clans go after smaller clans, you are looking for that apology thread to boost your egos. You guys said I started this "I believe I didn't" so why not go after the problem at hand ME. That's right you won't cause of that thread ego boost apology that you thrive off of.
Good thing you guys are putting a hold on this. Wouldn't want u guys farming your own members, check out "Aadnan" banner. FREE ALLIE MARKET . What a joke
Your clan name bothers me.. Shouldn't it be "you ASKED for it"? Or did you run out of gold to pay for it from all those allies you hired
No I posted him as my target never said anyone to hit him he's my 1v1 why I put targets around his name in WCA lol xD just said it's all I'm good fun
Traditionally a name in any announcement means 'hit this guy'. Clan announcement, world announcement alike. You say support yafi then post kratos with target emoji around him. That again is traditionally known as 'hit this guy'. So why make him a public target if your aim is to 1v1 him? And if you truly mean to 1v1 him why announce it to the public? This is Kingdoms at war not egos at war yet that's what I see a lot of. Just fight him and stop boasting about playing this game as it was intended.