YAFI's Christmas Present to Kaw -- Freeing the Allies Market

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *_AppleSeeDs_ (01), Dec 6, 2013.

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  1. I'm talking about when other players go to youre profile to look at you're allies to see what would be a good one to buy
  2. Yes, and I think with pretty basic analytical and comprehension skills, you would also see how irrelevant that question is.
  3. Look at topic. Allies market vs allies profile page. Hell of a difference.
  4. Don't argue with me I tried (failed) to translate. Lol
  5. But even so hiding you're allies is pretty much the same as saying don't hire my allies just you're not putting it in a banner
  6. Which part of allies market do not understand?

    Probably you should try this. Go to the Allies Tab, and press Hire More Allies.
  7. Very nice initiative, though not sure i agree with the rationale that 1.5T is overpriced. It seems that the market should dictate what is overpriced rather than an arbitrary figure. Why exempt the wealthy from following guidelines that everyone else is asked to live by...if someone has $1.5T burning a hole in thier pocket...and they like the stats/reputation then why
    That said...seems like a good thing to fight for, cheers!
  8. Because
    1) 1.5T is a big amount that is currently overpriced for allies.
    2) to serve as a guide against people who aims to profit quick via this campaign by hiring overpriced allies since most LBs will hire back.

    It goes in line with our belief that if you want your allies, overprice them.
  9. Ooooo shut up you big cry babie if you want a allie buy it if you dont want to sell your allie hit back. It as simple as that yafi just trying to get back to the top.
  10. What about banner like"Allies for sale except(insert name)Some of us like certain allies you know....
  11. To a certain extent, that makes sense, especially if the owner has severely overpriced the ally, eg 2T for a 18mil stats ally.

    Of course still free for hire if underpriced, e.g. 300b for 15mil stats ally.
  12. What about 76 bill for 1.3 stats,that sensible??
  13. You guys are dumb...
  14. The big question is!!!!!!! How donnothefirst and cella OSW???? With high eb activity in eb??? With estoc edge?:( and protected by yafi?
  15. ZAFT is in OSW. They have been for a few months now. Everyone knows they are in war. Except you I guess.
  16. What if you blindfold yourselves? Then you couldn't see your allies.

    What if your banner gets shredded in a wind storm? Then you better hope FEMA isn't trying to save your allies.

    What if....?

    What if....?

    What if ...?

    Y'all sound like my 8 year old niece.
  17. LOL everyone can change banner saying do not hire my allies OSW just open ur eyes and check clan eb history and u will see what I'm saying open ur eyes use brain LOL look Appleseed who is appleseed owner? If appleseed can't wall his owner better delete this tread and forget this present:( I support yafi for this activity but they really need make it fair weak or not big or small should be fair
  18. @ superhiro

    Read the op and you'll see wall or follow those in OSW to inquire about ally hires Donno is in OSW ATM, if you know anything about OSW you would know how frustrating it is to have allies hired while your in OSW
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