YAFI's Christmas Present to Kaw -- Freeing the Allies Market

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *_AppleSeeDs_ (01), Dec 6, 2013.

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  1. its funny cos people think its the end of the world when their allies are hired :lol:
    not being funny but grow up please its just a game :|
    last ally i hired was my friend and the owner before me didnt know her or let alone speak to her so he/she decided to rage which i found quite amusing :roll: then being my smart ass self simply put it no one has rights and its open so he/she cant do anything about it to stop me hiring
  2. ZERO STAY OUT OF THIS If you gonna talk make your own this one is about YAFI Xmas Present and free market SUPPORT
  3. Blackoid: nobody said you don't have the right to own your alts. You can own them as long as you pay for them. But same, I have the right to own your alts.
  4. EMmmm I do get the part ab owning own alts as part of anti strip tactic.

    Thou I dun understand y ppl wan to keep Frds as allies. Sinc dev introduced pm feature, ac is not required anymore to stay in touch with Frds. No offense but I still view allies as means of bfa and potential profit from trading.

    I hav many Frds who wanted to keep specific players as allies. But due to this campaign they hav chosen to volley precious allies up and remove dnh banners.

    I must say the outlook of the campaign is v promising ️️
  5. At blackold , your no different. It's a virus to the ally market! It started as 1 player doing it, then became about half the market was trapped by no hire banners.
    Friend, brother, sister. I don't care how special your ally is. I have alts as well. If I own them, I can't say they are not for sale too.
    The point of this, is too allow the ally's market to balance itself as a whole.
    Not just select ally's that don't have an lb player threatening to hit after re hire.
    Death to this Stupit trend . All ally's should buy and sell the same
    I'm a full supporter and when osw is over, depending on if this campaign still is active, I will gladly help farm the stubborn people who want to horde and make rules as they see fit for themselves
  6. Btw respect to muppet master and pizzo for taking an impartial stand and providing constructive views.
  7. I see many ppl still doing the ally hoarding of underpriced allies. The "only allies under 300b for sell" guys. Still hoarding allies because they don't own any under 300b.
    Also what is the difference in an underpriced ally at 300b and one at 600b. If the 600b ally is still underpriced then it's still an underpriced ally being help captive by a hoarder.
    I'm not knocking anyone but how can you allow someone to hoard allies at a certain price range? Hoarding is still hoarding.
    It goes against the very campaign being attempted. I'm not trying to call anyone a hypocrite but.... You can't tell your friends(pantera) that he can still hoard allies but whack others for doing it???
  8. There is only one word I need, to describe this thread... That word is "Fail"
  9. I feel that you should be consistent with your rulings. If yafi is the judges then please be fair judges. Needs to be a blanket ruling. Not a ruling for one while another gets to slide.
    Ppl with "allies under 300b for sell pm to inquire about others" need to be told to change banner yet again. Need to be something like "all allies under 1.6t for sell, on to inquire about others".

    Otherwise the plan and movement I fully support becomes nothing's more than a hypocritical way to help friends hoard allies. Which I fully don't support
  10. Why are people trash talking new age on this thread? It's completely off topic.
  11. What about the Cella's? Top 100 in lb allies I am sure most of them have "do not hire allies" in their banner lol
  12. The lol can be removed.. I really need to stop posting that damn thing.
  13. To reply to zero RE 9mc's old banner...

    It was in response to all the other LB and large ally hoarders buying from him but were unwilling to sell theirs. It was a natural response of frustration and he was all too happy to change it once the allies market was being open.

    There were many others in the same position as 9mc, and they have been more than happy to open up shop.
  14. Full support.
  15. It's a free market for ally's enough said if u want your ally's so much just buy back even if it costs you a good few bill so what if the ally is so important then buying back should not be a prob and from my experience it's only lb players and peeps in certain clans that feel they have the right to dictate to others!!! I give full support to this thread and might even save up to buy some ally's just to keep the ball rolling 
  16. Hmmm tat make sense ball. "Why shd I sell mine when yrs is not for sales"....

    But obviously the lb hiring hitting me now doesn't think tat way  despite the dnh banner not being there
  17. SUPPORT
  18. Thank you for the suggestion. Considering to add that in.
  19. Hallo All
    In Pm Pantera told me he won't hit over any ally hire so just go ahead and try out

    To me if sellers are not in Osw and allies are underpriced you can just hire. If someone request to PM/wall for hire but say NO or Tax you, please post SS here, Yafi will verify and take actions accordingly.

    We have been doing our best, allies market getting better isn't it? 

    If u have better ideas or resources we welcome you to join our clan here if not at least please respect us for spending our times, efforts, golds... to make this campaign works.

    This campaign have been started only 72hrs!! We need times, Your supports and Your actions if possible to make a successful Campaign!

    Papa Demon
  20. Agree with you Micky. Completely.
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