YAFI's Christmas Present to Kaw -- Freeing the Allies Market

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *_AppleSeeDs_ (01), Dec 6, 2013.

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  1. Just a little something to think about for those of u posting "the ally market will inflate and all allies will be overpriced" wrong. No matter what, the same gold is being pumped into ally hires. The difference is, bigger players or players in bigger clans won't be able to bully other players into buying overpriced allies while keeping the underpriced ones just to later volley it amongst their Alts or clan mates. This way the price of allies will move up gradually and evenly throughout Kaw.
  2. Refer to Appleseeds answer on page 59...basically said what I said just explained it a lot better lollol ️
  3. Full Support!!
  4. Maby you guys shouldt have a look at lb 17 ?
    I asked him earlier about a allie i wanted to buy and he just deleted my wallpost !
  5. Name is pantera
  6. @Johhnypizzo

    Where was CR when Ayiraa and Whitknight were farming players daily for allie hires. I don't recall you doing anything about it nor asking them to change their banners. Let's be clear...they weren't osw banners either. It's funny how all of the sudden you support these ideals because YAFI is behind them, yet you did not enforce them on your own clan just months ago.

    I eagerly await your or any CR leader's response. Thanks and happy Kawing :cool:
  7. While we are on the subject...I've seen Osiris support on this thread. Where was your support when NCKZ and your other 10 lb had farm for hire banners and would hire hit even though not in osw or ee?

    Where were WAR leaders when 9MC had a hire hit banner while not in war or EE?

    Where were resilience leaders when socket rocket ( the biggest allie cry baby in kaw) would farm players for allie hires when not in osw or EE?

    Maybe your clans just loved LB players so much that you were willing to look past those banners? I dont know..I'd like to here from all of you :)

    At Regulators we have always believed in the free allies market. We have had members in the past with no hire banners or hire hit warnings in their banners outside of osw and EE. It was made clear to them that we would not support that game play with clan action. The same goes for our allies. We have different alliances who's members choose no hire banners for their own reasons. We stated in alliance talks and our own internal clan talks that we would never back an allie over a war that started because they hire hit someone for hiring an allie outside of osw/EE.
  8. Am not one of the YAFI's but am a supporter of Free Ally Market. I do not need YAFI's campaign to buy ally from any people as long as they are not in EE war or OSW. But with this campaign I am with them to show support with my little means.

    I hope more would show support and the impact would grow faster and more effective and eventually we have more firepower to handle big targets!

    btw ally hoarders had a common cowardly traits... they don't hit buyer who are bigger or equivalent hence they do not apply their banner consistently. this is act of bully on smaller accounts. If the top Laoda or Red wants an ally and decide to buy. those ally hoarders will just whine a bit at most.

    therefore YAFI is not just freeing the ally market but also to challenge those who only bully the weaker players.
  9. Reposting this from a response to SuzzieLonger's very worthwhile thread supporting this very subject.

    AS a council member of Silent Resurgence clan and someone who wars at Battlegrounds, I fully support this! There is currently something critically wrong with an open platform game that in principle espouses free trade, social interaction and so forth, yet where a significant number of the best and underpriced allies are held by a privileged few, who either indirectly or directly threaten others who simply wish to develop in the game, via the fundamental principle of ally trading in an open market, a right and basic entitlement of all players!
    KAW defines allies as the underlying currency of the game in its overview and guidelines, yet some wish for this open market to be somewhat less than open for their benefit alone.
    This is the sort if crap I want to escape from that is the reality in the real world far too often, that should not become enshrined in a GAME, so full support to Freeing the Ally Market and YAFI!
  10. hhhmmm sounds like a dumb ass Christmas present!!!
  11. @ Muppet_Master

    You clearly must be unaware that half of Battlegrounds used to carry hire hit banners during seasons 1 and 2 of EE right? players like Hlneo were famous for hire hits even though she only did EE a few times a week. A lot of your other players had " no allie hires for Season 2 or get farmed" :lol: :lol:

    Banners like the above were rampant in Battlegrounds. It certainly never stopped me from hiring because 99% of people who have EE banners are scared of incoming that lasts more than 1-2 hours anyway :cool:

    The point is that you guys hopping on the free allies markets need to look into your own members and their policies about hiring allies before you tout your support of free allie trade in forums. Most in Kaw may not have the balls to point out the hypocrisy here, but as I am warring 30 clans already...what's the difference?..lol
  12. @ _zero_
    I am not condoning or supporting views or others, and notice like many others that more than a few kaw players, as you point out have changed their banners if not their views.
    I personally have never had such a banner, with the exception of 'don't hire if WOC cast / ee war'. This is simply my view, and a view I know shared by the majority of my kaw friends.

    You may well be right in your comments and therefore this open forum and discussions are serving the purpose of realigning views of many on this subject.
  13. Who is YAFI in the 1st place?
  14. @SR-Muppet_Master

    Is it not the fact they have changed their banner because they are afraid of being stripped? :lol:. Like you said maybe not their views :?

    I bet as soon as someone smaller hires their alley they will hit them anyway so doesn't change anything really does it?

    and this whole no hiring alley whilst woc is casted not so long ago a battlegrounds hired my alley like 5 minutes before war I was unable to do anything at the time, did I cry moan or write on the guys wall calling him all kinds of things under the sun? NO. I just waited till a week later and rehired the alley 1 hour before EE started and the person started crying and threatening which is typical behaviour from someone who thinks they can bully someone when they are bigger stats. It will be interesting to see how these so called reformed characters will act in future that's for sure.
  15. Well said zero
  16. I'm also curious ab the issues zero pointed out. Being an active ally trader I've noticed There are a few hi profile players who hav long ran the dnh banner but hav removed it recently.

    But when ppl asked to hire allies the reply is always a blatant "no!"

    I'm curious what ans yafi will hav for players tat is currently manuvering around the banner criteria but still doing the same thing as always.

    Will yafi take action against such players (maybe in the long run) who hit anyone hiring their allies even without a dnh banner? In doing so, serving "justice" and help maintain game balance?

    Or as long as the dnh banner is not there, notorious ally hoarders will still hav thier way?
  17. Lmao I agree with the last 2 threads - a changed banner does not necessarily mean a changed behaviour. I am not supporting DNH in any clan including Battlegrounds. Like any clan, the people that are members of the clan are not clones, and their views on this are likely to be varied. As I stated I support an open and free ally market. What players and clans have done in the past in many cases needs to change.

    And yes it will be interesting to see how YAFI approach those who change their banner but not attitude and response to ally hires, which is the key issue.
  18. @___ZERO___

    U make a valid point bro  Not that I need to explain myself but might as well since I'm here. Well over a year ago I was getting increasingly sickened by the amount of people hitting for ally hires, I myself being a victim of ally cyber bullies lol...anyways I proposed an idea to council about making a thread where people can post if they were being bullied over ally hires and we would protect them, I even approached other clans about it. I had a lot of backing, but unfortunately literally later that day it was announced that Apocolypse would be warring zaft, so it got put on hold. Then that war lasted so long that once it was over I needed to take time off, as I had a busy year getting married and building my first home. When I returned late this year I was ready to go ahead with my plans again, only to find out that yes u guessed it, we're going to war with zaft yet again...so if u read back to my posts u'll notice I used the words i and me...because I myself am a strong supporter on the subject...i didn't say we or Cr. Guess u can blame it on bad timing, but I never quite got the chance to make it a clan wide concern. Hope that answers your question.
  19. Guys, please be clear. The players that change their banners are mainly because of the mutual respect, friendship and trust with us. Most of our requests are done diplomatically.

    We sincerely appreciate the support by these players.

    There are also players who have pledged to change their banner and open their allies shop. They are in OSW and want to volley up their underpriced allies, and we believe this is a fair request. Due to the amount of allies they have, they need a few days to volley it up. Our main issue is never on volleying up underpriced allies, but the taxing and threatening of buying of allies that are underpriced.

    Of course, whether it is underpriced or overpriced, depends on market conditions and game changes. However, over time as kaw changes, overpriced allies may eventually become underpriced.

    We do not support players who attempt to exploit this campaign. If any of the players who have supported our campaign by changing their banners, especially those within top 200 ally LB, and show us SS and sufficient reasoning of players who have exploited and tried multiple times to profit off them, we will throw some love on the players who have exploited it.
  20. So you are telling that I have no right to own my alts and a friend or two? you come up with an idea and "force" it on others? I raised my alts as reset bombs... if someone asks me politely I allow them to hire.. if someone hires them 1st time ignoring my banner and the banner on my alts.. I warn them.. reset if repeated.. you want me to open my alts for sale even though I raised them for this purpose? I've had problems buying good allies myself.. so I came up with this solution to raise my own allies... its a way in which I do not bother others.. u are calling people on LB who have those banners as bullies.. what are u doing now? farming me with groups of people, some of which have stats much higher than me, just to force an idea u came up with? that my friend is bullying.. u say it as if u are doing it for the good of KAW but what u are doing is the same as what dictators tried to do in history.. they also believed they were doing it for "good".. if u want to come up with the solution to a problem try to come up with something that does not cause trouble to others only then will your idea actually be appreciated.
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