YAFI's Christmas Present to Kaw -- Freeing the Allies Market

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *_AppleSeeDs_ (01), Dec 6, 2013.

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  1. Easier link is his ally KillerElvis
  2. Ah. This restores my faith in humanity
  3. Mickeyknocks clearly doesn't listen to HEADHUNTERZ.

    Head hunter isn't my main. 
  4. Mikey, you are mistaken. My alt or main is not headhunterz. I do think I know who you are 
  5. We're not the only head hunters in this game (lmao)
  6. Go YAFI!! 
  7. Truebloods cr 46 Tiffany violates the banner law
  8. Not that I have this problem however when all is said and done with this ally market freedom will all the good allies be overpriced and actually lock down the market to ppl that can only afford the 1.6t allies that are overpriced. I appreciate the allies for sale and all just looking towards the final results to a noble action. Will it actually help in the long run after all allies are volleyed up past values? Not a complaint just a thought I put out there. Like I said it doesn't pertain to myself I don't have 40 t in gold locked up in allies and my allies are all for sale alwaysbuy away pls all of them
  9. My ally is not for sale
  10. Noo just kiddn pleas buy
  11. For those posting to free them of their allies, please brush up on your comprehension. We are freeing the market, and not asking for your allies to be bought.

    We are currently warring some hard-heads to change the banner.
    The eventual outcome? (will be put in FAQ soon)

    (i) banner change, or
    (ii) experience long hours of pots burn, or
    (iii) a allies-not-for-sale banner existing because there aren't any more allies left for sale ;)
  12. So what I am getting from this entire thread.

    Yafi, is a bit bored and they need new targets and they want a new osw to have fun in. - True statement to all OSW clans who has been at peace for awhile.

    Yafi has an honor and respect system and will not just create an osw out of thin air.

    Yafi sees something that they personally have an issue with, ally market, and have decided to kill 3 birds in one stone by:
    1: Announcing, with fair warning, those who have banners that say, allies not for sale, will be enemies of Yafi unless they change their banners
    2: Doinf so by givint he fair warning (up to 2 or 3 days to change the banner) to show they actully have respect towards players1
    3. By farming or going into an ose with all of those who do not comply. - Why? BECAUSE IT IS A WAR GAME.

    In short, once again, Support to Yafi!!!!!
  13. Support for open Allie market 
  14. Understood the Free trade agreement yes and not trying to sell allies actually trying to keep them especially great stats. However when all the great allies get overpriced just wondering what the market will look like after campaign. Well let's all just think about it for a moment. So what is the ultimate goal here after u buy that 1t ally u had your eye on and the banner says do not hire. So u buy them, they buy back, u make 17 bil on trade then u do it again on dif ally cuz they aren't worth the buy back and again til everyone burns all trades out. Then guess what? The ppl with the gold that they have stocked for years all of a sudden own all their same allies now overpriced and unable to buy, as we nickel and dimed some gold from them however we now look at good allies and say I don't have 1.8 tril for a 1.2t valued ally. So what happens when they all get overpriced is my question?? U don't see that coming or is that the plan ?? And if so can I hear next plans pls?? And btw I do support free ally trading. Just a question I had come up when pondering where this leads with such an aggressive move
  15. Not a YAFI fan but I like this
  16. 100 % support 

    I Like to see Them having a go at the lb'ers that are hogging a gros chunk of underpriced allies, its within the lb that the Real fight lies
  17. Since when is a banner threatening enough to keep you from hiring allies anyway?
  18. It has already been answered in FAQ.

    That means to say that you support having two groups of allies, one group of excellent stats and active players while remaining at a low price and owned by people who disallow others to buy, and the remaining for others to bid up as way overpriced.

    Please let everyone knows what you think and explain your reasoning.
  19. Love the idea love the way your doing it but blatantly some.clans will purposefully change there banner just to force your hand should.be funny to see thou may change my banner to actually get inc which i see very little.of.from new age and there bore tactics lmao
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