YAFI's Christmas Present to Kaw -- Freeing the Allies Market

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *_AppleSeeDs_ (01), Dec 6, 2013.

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  1. support. so much support.
  2. Why even do this except for drama then obviously? If players like Cella are exempt then please tell me how this is for the greater good.

    They have all the awesome allies that are underpriced. Tell me how someone with a banner saying "do not hire (his crappy overpriced) allies" being farmed is going to help the majority of KaW.

    Hit em where it hurts, don't continue to hit the hurting.
  3. Support for yafi!

    If y'all ever find anyone dtw, tell me I'll be glad to help :) haha
  4. ^ooo scary
  5. full support, I've always lived by those rules. People holding on to allies then making up some fake "OSW" Reason why there allies are not for sale. I'll still give those people a heads up, or every attempt too, but don't tell us they are not for sale....
  6. When is this *************** starring :)
  7. *hires Warlock's allies*
  8. I did have to smile at the cella point. Farming dnh banners but then posting protection on cellas wall.... Who has a dnh banner.... Riiiight.... Lol
  9. I call this bollocks as looking at Cella's wall I see u people protect the No.1 "DNH my allies, hire at own risk" banner. Either there's no exception and you prove it to us or just call this whole thing off before you loose all kawer's respect.
  10. for clarity.

    It matters not the rank of a player. Anyone that has hitherto posted in their banner a warning that their allies are not for hire and have made known,explicitly or implicitly, that there will be a penalty for hiring allies should be subject to this proposal.

    Under this proposal all players that attempt to ally horde and abuse those that deprive them of their bfa by intimidation or action shall be subject to indefinite farming by the self imposed banner police.


    But this proposal fails to address the root cause of the ally hoarding issue. Banners and words are meaningless. It is the taxation placed upon the buyer that is the issue. If this is to be a free market then there shall be no tax of any sort.

    How does yafi propose to deal with those that pass the banner test, yet continue the behavior that is at the core of this issue?
  11. Yeah since no one can hit another top 50 unless u are one yrself, I guess lb are exempted. 
  12. and of course,

    what hypocrisy yafi has shown already by posting protection on cella's wall.
  13. I bet you wouldn't warn Bomanator :lol:
  14. And having traded with IMF even b4 his osw started, I would say he's the only top lb tat allows ally hires as far as I know of. Couple of top lb only changed banner recently Cus of the osw so can't say it's the same.

    Tat said, it is indeed v interesting to see how yafi would handle lbs tat hav notorious reputation for hoarding underpriced allies and threatening to farm/hire hit over hiring.

    True respect will goes to the clan tat can make this kinda thread and bk it up with impartial actions and support 
  15. Thanks for making this thread more interesting! For those doubt about this campaign then please relax, watch the show and put some little faith on us. We have been supporting allies free trade since first day of YAFi.

    For those think we won't touch top LBs then please take a look of my wall, some seniors walls. We vs Bom, Orio, Luke.. for taxing our member over an ally hired past 30 days.. And many other cases we won't mention all here. IMF was 1 of our target, you can check with him too. That how we could become friends and most LB are open allies for YAFI but now we want to bring these to everyone not only YAFi.

    So give us a hand, support us, together we work on campaign instead of making us busy here. 

    We are not no.1 Kaw clan or GoD clan so we have our limits but I do believe with all supporters around we make this campaign become a Christmas gift to everyone

    Please don't take it as a whole, some Zaft did hit, tax but not all. this happen to every clans in Kaw even to those are our friends.

    You don't need to tell us what to do or ask us to prove our integrity, abilities...We have our own ways - it's Yafi style

    As we said early we work on common senses, some targets don't need to use forces they will remove, some we need to give them a good lesson then they might change or even we need an osw to settle...all these are what we need to go through. This is not easy campaign since we need to face with lots friends, clans, alliances during doing our jobs.

    Basically we will warn most of banner that doesn't fit for allies market before we take any actions. Some are fake banners..yes we know, we need times probably 40-60 targets daily. For those really do tax on allies pls post Ss here we will verify and go after them

    If everyone open allies market I believe even top LBs can hire allies any times easily since they don't need to avoid this Lbs, other LBs (their own agreements)

    Thanks and happy kawing all
  16. ^Owned by Cella himself -_-

    I'll sit back and watch the show.
  17. I think a lot of people don't understand simple English or is yafi's English too difficult to understand.?? Only stated protected n love.. Nothing to do with don't hire..

    And most importantly we do respect those that are in osw.. That's y we are not going to disturb them for the time being..

    Showing a basic respect to others before others will respect u..

    If you are jealous that yafi posted a wall art on others, then try to request for 1..

  18. Damn. I need 400b more in price..
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