YAFI's Christmas Present to Kaw -- Freeing the Allies Market

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *_AppleSeeDs_ (01), Dec 6, 2013.

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  1. Total support.

    After all, I did make a thread about the same topic like two years ago.

    Please do not bump that thread!
  2. If you wish to see clan of idiots who think they own the rights to all allies they decide, look at at a clan called 1st coy
  3. I've recently put a lot of thought into this post.. and after going to the "Leaderboard" and going down the top 50, only to see about 30 of them with "ALLIES NOT FOR SALE" ... I've come to the conclusion that Yafi is probably either bluffing, or this "present to kaw" doesn't touch the LB.

    If I'm wrong Yafi, please correct me and I'd gladly retract my statement ;)


  4. hahahaha
  5. o_O best thing ever maybe i can get back at sone people xD
  6. If pps put the "yafi free allies" thing in their banner, then hire from pps with "dnh" in their banner n get farmed, will yafi back them up?
  7. Umm I'm not to sure what the point of this is, but ok.... My owner has don't hire my allies banner, show em how it is
  8. For the "all your doing is changing banners, you can't force people to change banners, etc" people-you're missing the point.

    For all of you that think yafi fears the lb, or can't back up what they say-you obviously do not know yafi history.

    I am not yafi and cannot speak for them, but from what I do know of them, they believe in what they stand for and will not back down. Outaide of my own family, yafi is the clan I respect the most, and if not for this osw and making our own statement I would be right there with them. Its game gold people. don't fear the lb
  9. Great idea. Now hire me PLEASE!?!
  10. I am pretty sure YAFI will touch the LB, they have changed Allie LB before of course. Taking someone like Cella or Donno or anyone without top 10 lb off is insanely hard and requires a crazy amount of gold but i am sure they will get to them.
  11. YAFI initial targets are probably the top 200 in allies LB. Redstar banner says allies for sale, so is Laoda and IMF. These are 3 of the LBs we respect.

    Waiting for the official word now.
  12. Full support. One day, hope to be yafi
  13. Haha, well done YAFI 
  14. Thank you for all the support, it is truly appreciated! If you would like to support in more than words follow me to the clan I currently reside in. BUT remember abuse will not be tolerated. Also read clan page CAREFULLY.
  15. Wait my banner is safe right?
  16. Yafi you guys never seem to surprise me...

    Well done
  17. I've been playing kaw for a little bit now and I never have nor ever will bother to look at who owns an ally I want to hire. Regardless of OSW, EE, banners or whatever, the market is always open if I want to hire someone. Should be the same for everyone.
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