You see.. I reckon Yafi are ATA, designed to try make us buy nobs and stuff Hahah joke.. But wow wouldn't that be interesting?
Yafians and judgement, I know u guys as good warriors and knowledgeable players. Or at least the most of u. I also know ur clan is full of alts u dont really care about, that u log into once or twice a day or for a strip. I would like to hear ur opinion. Are u ready to give up the pride and have way more fun than ur current war can bring? Impact the game? Bring back the KaW we loved? Time to speak out
Numbers really do talk, uh? I used to love EB, until I joined Os and started hitting Yafi. Why would I want to waste my troop hitting eb for 25 to 45m a hit, when Yafi pays 50 to 65? If eb clans were made to fight back, you'd be surprise how many of them would actually enjoy it. Clan pride would be restored, people would stop bouncing around for personal rewards. Instead we would start communicating on cc again and work as a team for a greater reward. Glory. Can't put a price tag on that. Osiris has taught me a lot about war. First, that you stick to your guns and have your brothers back. Second, that everything has to be taken with sense of humor because after all, it is a game. Third: that taking a few hits, getting stripped and being frustrated, are part of the game. Cause this is a WAR game. If they wanna sit around, hit eb and chat about the weather, go play Haboo hotel or Sims live... I love my clan and all of Osiris Family. I'm honored to be a part of it and will support my King on whatever decision is made. But I'm sure we all agree it will get boring eventually if we keep aimlessly hitting each other for god knows how long. Dont get me wrong, I'm having a blast and you guys pay great (specially with those new pots! Thank you devs!!!) But is this what Yafi wants out of the game? There's some awesome warriors in that clan. Its just a bit of a waste!... That's my two cents. Kiddie to post for an awesome read! I learned a lot.
As i remember, items don't effect your base stats, whereas BFA does? So if i attempted to hit a top 50 player (assuming i was build complete and had all items) i would still get a return of DTS, due to their massive BFA and the X5 mechanic. If i have read this wrong then please can someone correct me?
These threads are boring, when you do something interesting, then talk about it, seems to me that everything yafi does pisses you guys off, seen as how u make alts saying yafi suck etc. Just war them, I've got a lot of respect for both sides but Os seem to talk about yafi a damn lot. My guess is AAH just war them lol
Two things BioHazard - 1 - if they're boring why do you read AND comment on them? 2 - your guess is completely wrong ( shocker ) Not that I need to explain to you or anyone else but the truth is Osiris stayed off forums for a long time, during which Yafi had everyone terrorised and terrified with their propaganda nonsense. We decided to face that head on and show the KAW community they have nothing to fear from these bullies, we fight them on all fronts.
Lol such big words for such poor comments! Propaganda? Terrorizing? What else JB? wake up it is a war game
Hey, I spy another alt And why not post on the forums if Os can post witty banter AND kick Yafi butt.
Dont fall for the trolls.... We can fight yafi for the next month, year or decade. I think over the last few months, we have shown we will fight and have the stomach for a long war. Yafi doesnt fight conventionally, that is agreed, they hang back, let us take billions from them, then every now and then strip pne of our players (which we promptly return in kind). No headway, no clear winner, which is why it invariably turns to a forum war. I respect yafi in their methods, its a boring way to fight a war, but one that was created by the current mechanics and methodology in place. I think what trouble is trying to say is it is time to CHANGE this mindset throughout KAW. Bring war to all of KAW.. Problem i see is stubborness. None of us will ever will take a better man than me to negotiate a cf, be it temporary or permanent. We can continue to fight this out amongst us, occasionally other clans will join in and drop out, while the rest of KAW merrily whacks away at ghosts and squids, or we can do something about it. I see enough comments from many to sense this is what is wanted. I for one would much rather spend my time attacking (or defending) with actions rather than words... Its better to war and lose than spend all freaking day in forums talking about it.