The fact its you can allways Play with or without allies so afther lose all you sell Pots and you are maxplunder again ! I make Easy a Day 15b a Day ! Without xtal ! So the only who lose are they buy nobility or Accounts or use xtal for Strip ! And the Winner its ? ATA
Great thread, lots of good points, some statements of course can be argued over depending on resources availability, play style etc. But one thing I completely agree with: Kaw will remain a PvE game for its majority for as long as the few remaining war clans fight each other How many times u farmers and warriors have heard 'thank u for farming me, I now enjoy Kaw more and would look for a war clan to join' or 'if u didn't war our clan, we'd still be eb fairies'?! I've heard it too many times to remember all the names! Actually, this is exactly how I turned from an eb babeh to a KaW fighter and till day one I'm grateful to the guy who stripped me out of nowhere After all, stripping a war nub is easier and more fun as well as successful rate is way higher. there is a reason u Troll choose to harass nubs for the most partcos it's entertaining, and actually impacts the game! Let's make KaW a war game again! Let's show eb babies how fun PvP can be! Get over ur pride dear war clans! KaW have changed and its in ur hands to keep it a game u once loved!
Oh yeah harassing nubs is the joy of my life, fun, easy and they always talk trash for about a day or 2 then ask to be forgiven. I like that idea too
Exactly!! Stop wasting ur time and resources Yafi/judg/Os/aah and whoever is involved in this mess! I'm not a member of any clans involved. So I have absolutely no interest in y'all coming to a cf but I do think it's time to do so. Wait, I do have interest in cf. I want my Kaw back! Let's teach nubs what it's all about! U yafians say u wanna keep kaw a war game - well, u doing it wrong!
Well?? Lets see some sign ups right here and let's do it. in? Hitting the EB world has gotta be more profitable for us all. You gotta admit, it's a nice way for everyone to honorably redirect hostilities! We have seen each other naked, so...we are past the tough part...
Yeah true all the new game stuffs messed up strip mechanics , strip is not that profitable anymre please fix it devs
I agree yafi/judges/aah/os should end this war and join together and other war clans and proceed to lay the smackdown on eb world's ***.
If all the war clans joined together and cleaned out all the EB clans it wouldn't take ATA too long to improve the PvP aspect of KaW.
Postal, props for a very good open thread mate, based on purely kaw mechanics your figures are pretty close. Of course there are other, cheaper methods but I digress. So many good points in this thread, it's true the eb warriors are getting bigger whilst a lot of the true kaw war clans butt heads - is it time for a change ? mmmm.......... The reality is most war clans will never quit or admit defeat, and why should they? It's not in our nature - that's what sets us all apart from the rest. The eb warrior threatens whereas we do. The game has changed immensely, with the new equipment and pots, hitting up or down has become somewhat of a stalemate at times and becomes boring. I totally agree that the old war strategies have to be rethought but evolution isn't a bad thing if its done in the spirit of the game. Until people stand up and do something the only winners will be ATA.
Not like PvP is being improved much ATM. Except for system wars but that's not the PvP I miss personally. But killing off eb clans really wasn't my point. Just show other players that know nothing but pve what kaw can be. Fight them. Strip them. No long wars. Just to give them a taste of kaw wars. One by one. Let them choose what they like better: ebs or wars? Or maybe both? We can all co-exist anyway. It's a matter of taste after all. But I'm pretty positive, this can change Kaw in a better way. Many old school warriors have retired and most of newcomers know nothing but's in our hands, of those who still remain and maybe if PvP becomes a trend again, devs will start improving it. I can't blame devs for working mostly on what makes their income. Strips and xtals are a part of osw and can be profitable for ATA too
Wow if Zaft Ig ISs Os TSC Ad AAH Kotfe Ts Cr Wog Wit Res All of there families Vs. all of kaw EB clans 0.0 =battle to remember Sorry if I forgot a ton of other war clans
In real honesty, I think ebs are necessary for any clan or a player now a days. But when a war clan fighting another war clan - there is no place for ebs. Fighting osw nubs will allow the clan to keep growing by running ebs (eb items, pots, eq etc) and enjoy PvP at the same time. Cos lets face it, osw nubs don't require that much effort. Game changed and it is ignorant to not follow and adopt to those changes. I hit ebs and farm at the same time. I enjoy it this way as I keep growing my power and get to test it on my farmsadopting to changes is what made human a human ffs
Lol JB. I could care less about being diplomatic, I'm just trying to find a solution to bring the game back. Game I and I know, most of those who reads this thread, liked. However, I can't be selfish. Many players downloaded this game for pve and I respect other's preferences. Let them admit a defeat and go back to ebs Most of the good old war clans disapeared because of fighting just as stubborn and knowledgable clans as they were. Makes me sad. U are right, keep up the fight no matter what it takes is one of the aspects that differentiates a war clan from eb fairies. And fighting one another..To me it sounds like cannibalism lol and sooner or later it becomes boringof course warring each other will still remain for whatever reasons but it should not be a priority if we want good old PvP Kaw back.