Discussion in 'Wars' started by *XxXiiilllD34THllliiiXxX (01), Sep 13, 2012.

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  1. using Siri to post on forums? Is that possible? Otta try it now 
  2. And kumoku. Speak to shogun nicely. Odds are he'll be stripping you naked someday so better not be on his/our bad side 
  3. Cynder, this thread is 3-4days old 
  4. Cynder, that's what you claim but when Alison and cheese were doing what you claim Yafi to be doing. You called the warriors, double standard much?? You can't claim Alison and cheese are winning fighting with no allies and than turn around and say the opposite.
  5. I hear a pure spy facing 3 clans by himself or herself is bad ass. How exactly? Pure spy's got nothing to lose
  6. Just find it funny how your opinions change depending on which side your friends are on. As far as aah vs Yafi , great osw clans, it takes a lot to osw for this long. Just comes down to who gets tired first.
  7. Exceptions.... Allies if any which would be stupid, kicked from clan if in a clan and others start farming them.
  8. Yo Korean. It's a whole different scenario. It's a single person being bullied by a bunch of clans. NOT a fair fight. Clan vs clan. They got destroyed. Fair fight. Accept it and move on. That's what happened when ISS fought V_Warriors. We stripped most em naked in a month and all but 1 by 2 months. War still lasted 3.5 months.

    I'm not commenting further on the Kotfe cheese Alison business because u all know my opinion and it's over and done. Did I agree Alison should have apologized? HELL NO.

    A fair fight is a fair fight. When a group attacks an individual it's usually for a stupid reason and one that most don't understand they're just happy to hide behind numbers and feel like they're right.
  9. Cynder, how many clans were on YAFI a while back? A few zaft...AAH...Osiris...

    Fair fight, I know.
  10. That has nothing to do with AAH calling in help. Why do ppl jump on a topic when they don't know the origins of it? (/).-) war started as AAH vs YAFI! The fact that YAFi kept starting **** with other clans doesn't reflect ANYTHING on AAH OR the war.
  11. Wrong, zaft were on judgment. After Yafi and judgment merged; that's when we were all on one clan; but not everyone can hit if most of them are pinned so it defo was not 800v100
  12. Moral: AAH never called for help.

    I never claimed Cheese and Alison to be winning cuz they were pinned 24/7

    Have any further problems or issues, express them in my news feed or stfu
  13. True blue. But after the merge, they were all on YAFI/judgement.

    Just asking Cynder, Alison started **** with a KotFE member and it blew up big even if the circumstance was a bit different. YAFIs 1v1 became a 2v1. Not exactly the same, but not fair either.
  14. Alison had a 1v1 with a Kotfe member. Doesn't matter who starts it. Kotfe was waiting for Alison to run her mouth and incite a couple outside hits so they could get their gun off. And then proclaiming anyone who do much as supported them would be hit. Has AAH proclaimed such an absolute? No.

    Yafi and judgement merged. They both lost enough members due to the ass kickings to fit in one clan. So they brought this on themselves by making themselves a single target. No ones fault but their own.
  15. Alison reported inc to ISS if I recall as she was there for an eb. I suppose that would be normal, but perhaps she shouldn't have set off the gun like that because as it was, a few ISS members did some outside hits. And then Korean mistook that and it blew up. In any case, did Osiris jump in only after YAFI attacked them or did they have a different reason?
  16. Why do I need to express them in your newsfeed or stfu? This is forums, why don't you stfu or show up on my news feed. See how stupid you sound?? I was merely pointing out your opinions flip flop. Also since I am off topic, I apologize and wont comment on this thread.
  17. Go Go Yafi!!
  18. Eh ISS guys, u guys talk too much.. Had enough of this nonsense talk.. Dun jus talk if u dont dare to war... So bring it on ISS.. Full of crap clan..
  19. First, it's none of your business. Second, ask Osiris. Third, answered over the last few pages /lock
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