Yafi vs Aah+Os+iG+War+Voodoo

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hhdueuejeejehhdh, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    You'd think after being called out and made to look like an idiot you'd give up and go away. Props to lovely for her dedication in making herself look stupider than anyone in forums. Round of applause 
  2. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    I actually was not aware of the war when I joined.
    At that point I had only ever been in 1 SW, and allowed into Os by a semi-rl friend.
    Made friends with 1 yafi(not mentioning names because I'm unsure of his wishes) and noticed I was attacking Yafi less. Made friends with some more, remained nameless for same reasons, and decided I have made too many friends to continue the war.
  3. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    How exactly am I making myself look stupid.
    My posts are unbiased, truthful and, for the most part, answers the questions.
  4. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    See. Exactly what I was getting at. You joined while in war while you guys thought you had the upper hand. Then obviously Yafi handed you your ass. You openly admit attacking Yafi. Which means you were involved in the war. And now you claim that you are leaving because you can't hit friends. That you were obviously by self admition already hitting. And now you want to tell people that you arent running or surrenderingand all of forums sees this. So they can all see exactly how stupid you look. OS-Lovely the war runner who can't admit that she is actuall surrendering and running away from a war she joined when she thought that it was going to be won by os. And then the realization that os won't beat Yafi must have kicked in. And now you are leaving. Yet it's not runnin or surrendering. Would you please enlighten us all and tell us EXACTLY what YOU would call this???

    If you havent surrendered officially then I call it running..................
  5. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    An to be honest it doesn't matter what you call it or how you perceive it. You have proven yourself to be a moron like the 3 stooges. Too bad you can't admit what everyone else now sees
  6. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    No. You misread or something.

    I did NOT know of the war, much less who was winning.
    I made Yafi friends AFTER I started hitting.
    Then I stopped BECAUSE I had friends there.
  7. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    That's a blatant lie. No way os allowed you in and allowed you to tag up and you had no clue that they were in war. Cmon. Even you can't seriously expect people to believe that. And no I read it right. I just easily saw straight through your lie
  8. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    No, my friend recruited me.
    I joined soldiers at first and went through training for the war and given tags.
    I didn't say "oh, Os is fighting yafi, I gotta get in on that."

    I didn't even know of Osiris OR Ya__Judgment__Fi.
  9. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    Lol see you did join doms fail clan. Exactly as I had guessed. No way on earth you got recruited and they never told you about the war. I'm done here. I've proven you to be a runner and a liar. Anything else you say will be classified as a lie by all who read here. You shall forever be remember by me as a runner and worse a LIAR. No point in me arguing the facts with you anymore as you obviously have no problem lying in feeble attempts to save face. Happy kawing lovely the runner
  10. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    And I'm 100% positive that I'm not the only one who perceives you to be a liar and a runner
  11. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    Ok, but I legit was recruited by a friend without being told all the details.

    Cause that's never happened before :roll:

    But sure. Call me what you wish.
    Fact is, I'm done. For the reasons as I have explained as best as I know how to.
    Sorry you feel like way. I really am.
  12. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    Lovely i don't want to say anything bad about you. Today is Thanksgiving Day. And i want to be very nice and just want tell you the true. Please stop talk in forum anymore. You make your self embarrassed now. I just want to help you out but if you don't care then keep talk =). Happy Kawing Everyone!!!!!
  13. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    MickeyMouth, you sure are keen on calling others runners, but you left many clans in your little temper tantrums. In fact, you left KAW altogether. I also dont recall you talking smack in these Yafi threads several months back. You did only once, and you were talking smack to Yafi, not us. So...i have to ask...whats worse? A person who leaves a war or a person who straddles fences and is a bandwagon groupie?  I dunno...you tell me..
  14. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    Why is ashen aka black hand satan on this thread?
  15. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    He is a Yafi cheerleader
  16. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    Stop bothering Lovely Everyone
  17. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    @ Hunter. I'm not neither side you or Mickey. But just want make the fact straight. Mickey never smack talk to us before. I been read all our old and new post. So i'm sure Mickey never trash talk about us (YAFI).
  18. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    Better go back and look then....
  19. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    An what if we don't?
  20. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo
