Yafi vs Aah+Os+iG+War+Voodoo

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hhdueuejeejehhdh, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    Apple, that post is completely unnecessary. We all know that everyone except Yafi is proven liars. We all know that everytime an alt posts for Yafi you come tell us all that the alt was not affiliated with Yafi. We all know that you are 1 gazillion percent positive nobody in your clan has any affiliation with ATA...and we all know you are also 100% positive nobody in Yafi owned that alt or any other altthat has ever posted in forums.
    In fact, the only thing in question, really, is how can you be so positive? I could not honestly vouch for every other member in my clan on a personal matter of theirs. How can you? Are you all one person? If not, how is it possible?
  2. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    @BHsatan The war is going on too long and we want to end it quicker. YAFI was never winning, just sitting their admiring the view, not even warring. BH understands that more than anyone, remember a cetaint year long war.

    Thats my two cents.
  3. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    I remember. And the war didn't last a yr at bh but I know what u mean. I don't think iG joining in is going to do much in the way of ending it sooner bid I remember correctly iG just had a stalemate with the not Wilson army so I don't know why u think iG is going to be able to help end this any time soon. Os and ahh are still going to go belly up. Joining the weak people in your alliance to help them only proves to the rest of KaW that aah os are two very weak clans that although have multiple lb accts can't seem to stop Yafi. So either way you guys only make aah os look even weaker which is definitely going to hurt recruiting in the future. Look what happened to iG. Y'all are merely a shell of a great clan y'all once were. It's the way of the world. Aah and os are following along nicely into oblivion.
  4. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    Of course we are just sitting there admiring the view! Well at least we managed to do some strips on several opponents that are listed on our clan page and on you ask for it clan page. I know someone will come and say those strips never happened and are just the fruits of our imaginations! Well I guess there are some opponents who will at least be honest enough to recognize the truth and give us some credit! This being said I am quite amazed and sad to see how much hate, lies and disrespect this long OSW has generated!
  5. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    @ Chad You never think before you talk right? Or IG and you not even close enough that why they don't tell you?"Just Sitting their admiring the view, not even warring"? We just strip your guy "JohnSlayer" naked yesterday.
  6. And my self only give 18fb steal yesterday. I know our member give more then me yesterday. But i'm saving crystal & nobs for the big strip :p :p :p
  7. Many clan think OSW is like System War. You think pin your enemy will make them lost. Will make them sleep and boring. But we །༜།ᎩᎪ_Judgment_FེᎥ།༜། got our own clan tactics. We don't go out and pin our enemy. But we only go out and strip our enemy target only. And until this day many noobs think RyAn and Rocket is only our bank. Then you're so estimate about us . Our first war vs Osiris we already have 25Tr to strip Os-Romeo but lucky our mole in clan leak out the information and he's quick pm us apologize to us and quit Osiris. Happy Kawing Everyone!!!!!
  8. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    Heyyyyy look it's dRIP, hey cutieeeee 
  9. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

     @ Backhand
  10. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    Well, your post was completely unnecessary as well. I'm only returning you your favour. ;)
    It is your words that everyone except yafi is proven liar. In my posts, Postal was the well proven liar, who had lied again and again, even when being caught with his pants down.

    How could I be so positive about my clan? As I have stated clearly in forum to Os-Ace before, we are a bunch of real life friends, some even with business dealings with one another. We have met up with one another, and we have shaken hands, and had dinner together too. It was really fun to be in a group gathering, all farming you guys at the same time, while chatting and partying happily :)
    We know each other on a personal basis.

    It's no fault of mine that you do not know your clan members well enough.
  11. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    Let's just say that
    1) we don't go after small fish; it's a waste of focus, time and resources. There are many businessmen in my clan who know these simple concepts well.
    2) we have much more worthwhile targets than you.
    3) we concentrate on specific targets for greater impact.

    If 90 of us are warring at least 500 ~ 800 of you guys (I didn't bother to count), we simply don't plan to hit everyone. We just need to create the impact. ;)

    Don't learn from certain Os members who describe the war as blind men would describe an elephant. They are prone to doing so. ;)
  12. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    Very sad even more join against Yafi my money's still on Yafi.
    tbh now more have joined against them it looks from an outside point of view that the many clans are bully's
    Good luck to all though
  13. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    Tbh iG are probably a 2/10 of what they used to be, if that.
    I had an alt in there, my owner clan member was having a bad day and flipped out on me for no reason, guess what. I got the blame for it so i stripped him.

    I like having alts in these big clans, it shows truly who they are. Respect to zaft, still classy. But all these others just let you walk straight in with your big accounts.
  14. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    So, I know this is a little off topic,
    But I own Yafi :lol: :lol:
  15. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    That's basically the point I was getting at Val. IG is the scariest clan involved and they are but a mere shadow of what they used to be. Which says a lot about the other clans involved. As I see it basically there is quite a few clans that have passed their prime and are still wanting to be looked at as "war clans". But jumping in a failed war clans war to "help end it quicker" actually makes YOU and your entire alliance look weak. Now everyone is going to be laughing at voodoo and iG in a few months when they still haven't been able to dismantle Yafi and are still getting stripped on yafis whim.

    I love yafis war strategy. It's perfect. Everyone is just hating on it because they can't seem to stop it and Yafi isn't playing like they want them too. Only way to stop Yafi is strip their banks. Till then I see it as Yafi doing as they please and everyone else involved protecting their allies as best they can. Pinning a strip farmer doesn't stop a strip farmer. Only stripping all gold from a stripper can stop him. Maybe. Simple logic. Which seems to obviously elude most clans involved against Yafi
  16. Mmmmm, one strip. You want a medal or something? Subclans are managing more strips than you.
  17. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    @blackhand! U perfectly got it! Clear, short, simple, accurate and true analysis of the situation! Cheers bro
  18. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    You can never take strip funds away from anyone, spend a few hundred pounds/dollars you get Trillions and maybe even a new T5 HLBC...
  19. Players come, players go, we still strive. Can't say the same for your clan Satan.
  20. Re: Yafi vs Aah Os iG War Voodoo

    Strive all u want Chad. I don't mind. But will you be able to thrive? From what I've seen last 1 year from iG is they have lost all the real warriors(then got asses kicked by them), and started letting anyone willing to join that spends real life money on this game. I see it as basically a last ditch effort of a dying clan. Which works perfectly into yafis strategy. They obviously only play this game to strip farm. And who better to strip farm than people who spend real $$. It makes it less of a game as more REAL LIFE when you have money involved. So basically iG joined in to have their real life money stripped from themcongratulations.

    Chad be sure to shoot me a pm or wall message in 6 months and let me know how well y'all are still striving. Guess time will tell but I don't personally see these yafians going anywhere