Discussion in 'Wars' started by *YAFI_CRAPS_ON_OSIRIS (01), Oct 24, 2012.

  1. @Dionese for your first question, yes its the same war which also involved zaft a while ago.

    For your second question, Big clans have an image which they dont want to get tarnished.
    They take the beating even though, they know they are losing everything and gaining nothing.
    Thirdly, i have been following this war since start and i have to say yafi is winning. They have nothing to lose. They strip trillions whenever they want.
    It would've been better if AAH never brought this war to the forums. They brought the war to the forums and it only fueled yafi's fury.
    Right now AAH and Os clearly want to end this war but Yafi dont. If this continues Yafi will keep stripping and it will keep going downhill for AAH and Os.
  2. Oh I see. Well boring your rival into quitting the game does not make sense to me.
    I've learned way more loosing a kaw war than winning. This girl I use to play chess with in College always beat me. On rare occasion I won but enjoyed every game.
    Heck what do I know I was raised by blondes.
  3. * All YA_JUDGMENT_FI members, please do not post in this thread further. Thanks! *

    Hi ladies and gentlemen,

    let me clarify that YA_JUDGMENT_FI does not stand by the side of the thread starter. Also, the thread-starter is not an alt of anyone in our clan. Like Macabre said, we have nothing to lose, and there is absolutely no need to hide behind an alt because of that.

    Some facts:
    1) YAFI did not make Osiris look silly.
    Most of Osiris seniors had behaved and fought us as warriors. It is only the selected few in the clan of Osiris Soldiers who are trying their best to destroy Osiris reputation.

    Also, I have talked to JB in private, and he's doing an immense service to his community in real life. Much to be respected.

    2) Os-Macabre said YAFI has the upper hand
    I can't say he's right or wrong. We are still being outnumbered, but hey, we play the game like he said, keeping gold in attack pots. Our clan has been designed for everlasting war since day 1.

    3) However, Os-Macabre is being extremely silly for saying we bore him to tears.
    i) We are not responsible for whether he is bored a not.
    ii) We care only whether we find it interesting. We make it interesting for our clan members too.
    iii) The game mechanics is designed that if he finds it boring, he could do EBs while waiting for us to hit. There is even CC chat, PM chat. And if it is really that boring, he could just quit. Why stay to remain a crybaby?
    iv) KaW is actually designed as a social game; it's the human interaction that counts and make it interesting.

    Putting the blame on us for making him feel bored is just plain childish and immature.

    4) I am certainly surprised how Osiris and AAH would blame an innocent party for their strip.

    Certainly, they are trying to play a guilt trip on us, by hitting innocent parties and purposely blaming us for it. Such are the new tactics that Osiris and AAH are playing. ;)

    Hitting innocent parties while leaving our bank high and dry does not add to their cause.

    5) Yes Dan was stripped, and he was identified a target because he was involved in a strip on our member. And yup, our member was stripped of 1.2T, with about 350B left when he realised it. It was a strip well done by Osiris.

    ** This is my one and only post for this thread for clarification. We do not support this thread. **
  4. You're an alt. so I'm not even going to read your thread.
  5. Alt threads commenting on legitimate clans, wars, or players should get an instant lock.
  6. Well thanks for the explanation everyone. I'm beginning to accept the realization that despite my many wars, politically I'm a noob. I've met my best KaW friends warring against them.
    Sorry I'll mind my own business.
  7. Why? It's in the ToU that we are allowed to make threads bashing clans or players. Whilst this one sucks, the poster is within their rights.
  8. Nice reposte apple... Except the crybaby part. I'd hardly describe myself as that.

    I would like to reiterate a point a put in a different thread; that perhaps the devs could spend a few minutes over their day looking at the alts posting in forums. Run a simple IP check. Multiple accounts run against ToU should mean a ban on all accounts linked.

    Hopefully this will slow the downpour we have where this war is taking over the forums.
  9. I have read the ToS, too. I am fully aware this thread doesn't violate the terms.

    I think the rules need to be changed.
  10. Well, my question remains: why?
  11. Macabre gave a perfect enforcement mechanism that doesn't require a rule change.

    Make it so that mods can flag alt posts for IP verification to check for excess accounts to get that person banned.
  12. Why?

    1. It floods the AT with garbage; therefore, it's "spammy."

    2. It spreads false, inflammatory information, which is against the ToS.

    3. My personal opinion - it's annoying.
  13. I agree with that one. Definitely makes more sense than completely changing the rules for those who post legitimate threads that comment on wars and players- like Wulf's Foxes thread.
  14. Irregardless of whether the op posted with an alt or not, I'm sure he got the exact reaction he was looking for. Just look at some of the posts on this thread, from OS and Yafi both.

    You all know I hate alt posts just as much as the next player, and when I myself end up posting with an alt, I always clarify that I'm the main. But you have to admit, there are rare occasions where a no stat balless alt that has nothing to lose, gets the conversation flowing.
  15. Wow Kawolotics anonymous sign me up. Is there an emoji for over my head?
  16. This war still going on? Damn even after disappearing I really haven't missed anything.

    Duke and his yafians only have their ego, that's it.
  17. Turtling? Boring. I thought war was supposed to be fun. Lol. This war sounds like no fun at all!
  18. I can't say I disagree with Mac on the part where yafi has the upper hand. They do not care about lb ranks, ally plunder, pots. I admire that never say die attitude that they have. I mean, come on. Name me a Clan which takes on Osiris aah and zaft and still continues to fight? They let u pin them day in and day out and then once a month, boom they strip us. Of course they have the upper hand. They're like dead cats who let us pummel them and then wake up in the night to whack one of us. They are persistent, and most are true warriors. *sorry if the simile offended anyone*

    Furthermore, most yafi-ians have nth much in allies to strip except their top two, which in one look, u would know it would be extremely hard to strip. they are also awake about 20h a day...:(

    However, I too agree with one of the earlier posts that this war should never have been brought to the forums. It has aided In tarnishing the images of all three clans. I recently have made an effort to communicate with some in yafi/judgement and they are really decent blokes.

    This is just my two cents on the topic. I would hope that future posts on this thread would not elevate this thread into another platform for smack-talk. Cheers all. Have a good day/night ahead.