Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIOII_LaDy_LuCk_IIOII, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. Nah, we are free to do what we like.

    If you believe in it, then my answer is valid. If you don't, that means you were lying and trying to deflect my question previously.
  2. Not really i gave a valid answer becausse you asked me too leave
  3. and you couldnt answer my question
  4. I accepted your answer because it's what I believe in.
    And I replied what I believe in.

    You really make no logic again because:

    1) If you have bothered to read older posts of mine, I have posted way earlier we are free to do what we want, in response to Osiris posts. Since we are in a thread talking about our OSW with Osiris, maybe I should be the one to accuse you of taking my answers?

    2) It is a valid answer to your question. And definitely so because you implied you believe in it.

    3) It is a valid answer because it is referring to a different context from you. You were asking why you were hit. It is the standard answer we have given for at least a year.
  5. I do not recall you posting that but ok

    and sorry gtg i have a life to return too so i will lurk on and off enjoy my 1.23 million i have out 
  6. ohhhh nooo apples on this forum going have a lot of pages soon hahah well done necro good looking family my friend
  7. Sack Thats what i Wrote Long b4 in a Old Forum - yafi its only a Bully Clan ! There clanpage says all ! The only Problem they found a Clan like osiris they have Fun to war yafi - judgment - Wilders
  8. Let me try to clarify some of this:
    First, "Poostage Niar! Poostage poofen Niar" Yafee Poof to all Poostage Niar"
    Applesauce is referring to him calling out Os-Going_Postal for alluding to the fact that there was a mole (possibly applesauce) in Yafi. Apple went on to claim Yafians are a tight knit group and it would be impossible for them to have a leak. That, of course, proved Postal was a liar.
    Postal then reminded them of the last informant they ran out. They refused to acknowledge that was true and insisted they proved he was a liar.
    Postal then offered a deal to Yafi that he would produce the evidence if Yafi agreed to disband. If he could not produce it, he would reset. Yafi refused the deal. So there you have it, Postal is a liar.

    Second: Applesauce repeatedly told Osiris that he doesn't hit us because he is "retired". We bashed him for constantly being in forums but claiming retirement. Little did we know, but "retired" is actually the Yafian word for "retarded". We all feel terrible about the misunderstanding. Here is a guy brave enough to explain to us all that he is retarded and we bashed him for it. That's not how Osiris rolls and we are sorry for that.
    I also want to validate Applesauce's statement above that he can do what he wants. I discussed it with his mom last night during pillow talk and she did, indeed, tell him repeatedly he could do whatever he wants in life. I for one applaud this encouragement of a mentally handicapped person and urge you all to do the same.
  9. Yafian translate service 
    And good job NECRO ;) very short, straight to the point ;P
  10. As far as the whole Os soldiers thing is concerned, we didn't recruit more people cause we were on the losing side.

    And soldiers is really fun. What a shame you can't experience it.

    You remember our fun, right appleseeds? Our game on your wall? Good times.
  11. From OS:
    "Applesauce repeatedly told Osiris that he doesn't hit us because he is "retired"."

    Prove it. Or just another liar exposed? :lol:

    "Postal then offered a deal to Yafi that he would produce the evidence if Yafi agreed to disband. If he could not produce it, he would reset. Yafi refused the deal."
    Prove we refused.
    Will Os disband if I can prove we challenged him to accept?

    Seriously, resorting to just not personal attacks, but also attacks to one's parents?
    Does Osiris really support Os-Yafian_Translation_Services?
    Does the mod support the way Os-Yafian_Translation_Services is talking about my parents?
    This is Osiris?
  12. Ummmm...Applesauce...the challenge post to Yafi was not in the 55 page forum thread you guys cried and had deleted. It is still in off topics...you might wanna check on that....

    I read the whole thing again and see no disrespect to your parents. Sorry if there is a language barrier.
  13. Also...when you repeatedly call people liars, that is generally taken as a "personal attack"
  14. I see this sentence as disrespect to my parents
    "I discussed it with his mom last night during pillow talk"

    I'm sorry if you can't comprehend it

    And we challenged Going-Postal for his SS which he claims he has. Till now? None.
    For record, his claim was that I was a mole and he has SS to prove it. Both Zombie and I challenged him to post it, but he is still unable to do so.
  15. A lie is a lie. I state facts because when you make a claim that you cannot prove, it is a lie.

    You said this
    "Applesauce repeatedly told Osiris that he doesn't hit us because he is "retired"."
    I am asking for proof for this.

    Next, your personal attacks include labelling me as "retarded" and "mentally handicapped"
    Well, I see no point in resorting to labelling me as such when you are unable to prove your claims (or lies) which I challenged.

    I really can't believe Osiris will condone posts like yours. I have great posts exchanges with Os-Ace. But posts like yours? :?
  16. Apple one quick question - does your previous post about your feelings on lies and personal attacks get directed at your clan member RIP too? Please avoid a politicians answer 
  17. I will be honest with you. No.

    It's more important on how RIP feels about personal attacks on her, not me.
  18. Personal attacks? I say treat others how u'd expect to be treated and she didn't treat anyone well
  19. Apple I genuinely applaud your honestly but unless morals and opinions are equal across the board it'll never be seen than anything more than hypocrisy.
    Don't get me wrong everyone is entitled to their opinion however if you castigate someone for their actions when your own clan mate does the same if not worse no one will take you serious. Just a thought 