Discussion in 'Wars' started by Noobicus_Maximus, Sep 11, 2012.

  1. Hey awesome kid guy!! Long time no see!
  2. Blazey this is a thread where yafi alts congratulate yafi mains for doing nothing...nothing more than that to this thread
  3. Lol i thought you reply next post is you already sold your xXIl__TrOuBLeMaKeR__IlXx account. But i was wrong lol.
  4. No hurt feeling but take me little bit time to understand your sentence. Maybe i'm so slow. I'm go back to study now. Happy Kawing Everyone!!!!! :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
  5. No! She never sell me! I'm Blazy mainpls strip me her tz
  6. @ blazin.. It's funny you should mention the allies.. I find it funny that I used the money from the 45 bil strip to upgrade an pot up.. In all about a 5 bil loss.. Why put more in allies when I won't be on for more than 16 hours a day due to rl issues?
  7. Dear Mr. UnderScore.

    Yes I am pale skinned. Way back when I used to play I acted like a rabbit. Swift and clever. I knew when to tun and hide. I wasn't very big. So the name fits me.

    With respect, --White_Rabbit--
  8. I dot know why everyone pots with alts.. It's dumb why are you scared for an account on an iPhone/android/computer game it's not like someone is going to hunt you down in the real world.. Just sayin I don't care who your main is you just get more respect by posting with a main..
  9. hahaha Chop, ya looks like a bad mole to me lol Btw, you should join the club and be my alt too - your spy was already claimed to be mine in one of the wars :cool:

    daddy, yes, all on purpose - i used it to upgrade just to see how soon 'strippers' will notice new stats.....they didn't lol was fun :lol: but as you can see, i got max plunder, and a pot bank too in case i reset this allie on some smart ass lmao you know, max plunder is actually an essential in this game, right? lol...
  10. Anyway, i'm really happy not much changed and i can still attract as much attention to a thread and myself, but i gotta go now :D happy kawing ;)
  11. Bye blazey best thing bout you being here is it isnt yafi alt crying time
  12. Daddy - of course you did . You get stripped just admit it as we all know the truth lol.

    Nothing wrong with being stripped at all, we all been there lol.
  13.  forumwarriors YAFI? I'm still waiting for some incoming. Stop talking  and start warring. If you're trying to bore us to death it might actually work.
    All you guys do is talk and hit EB. I have more inc from my clanmates than from YAFI...
    It was nice to upgrade thou, thanks for that. Didn't need to bank in 5 days. 
    I have to give respect to RIP thou, at least she hits back. Also CAMB returns hits. Besides you two I just had a few (floating?) hits.

    Oh, before I forget: next time you try to strip me, please do as good as you did before (4x)... I would really love to upgrade again 

    To all alts: just shut up. Post with mains or don't post at all. Show some balls  or grow a pair before posting 

    Now, can we please start warring? I hate it that hitting you (YAFI) is as boring as hitting EB.

    Oh btw, I'm at MP and fully potted, you might need to EB some more to buy pots  Guess you don't want to keep failing hits on me...

    And please buy some dp and sdp, makes you pay better 

    No disrespect intended, just stating the facts and my opinion. If I knew how to upload SS I could show you a empty newsfeed  please fill it. I really need some loving. You do love me right???

    Writing this took me way to long. I'm done now. Let's stop talking on forums and start talking on newsfeeds shall we?

  14. How is the weather today?
  15. @ blazin I still have enough in pots to get mp I just choose not to..

    @snr that's pretty funny because I'm pretty sure that I have one more T5 than I used to and about 500 of each attack pot.. I guess your definition of stripping is different than mine.. 
  16. To all my bro's at YAFI - glad to see you still going strong. AAH you have no chance . Much respect to all.
  17. Raining cambji .

    Course daddy - you are da man - couldn't ever strip you  
  18. So snr, stripping daddy of 45b is sumthing aah proud of? Compare to thrillions yafi strip aah? LOL!! Wad a comparison! U jus make aah look stupid..

    So where the coward inter gone to? I heard he left kaw, jus as expected he do that.. A coward will always b a coward! Hahaha!!

    And j_starr, wad u mean by asking for peace? Isnt that cf? So who twisting whose words? U guys jus love lying your way out.. Don't fret over our popularity.. LOL!!!

    U guys keep saying we dun do much n we finish eb n all.. Ya, we r feeding from u guys to upgrade t5.. And some of u guys taste very nice, yummy yum yum! But irony thing is, we dun even have any inc at all from u guys.. Look at j_starr eb plunder.. LOL!! Tats gd engh to sum up how pathetic u guys are!

    So aah without inter, is just like headless chickens running around!! Hahahaha! Please change clan name to 'We are hopeless' hahahaha!

    Since inter the most coward has left the game, the award for most cowards belong to........

    J_starr!! Hahahaha!!
  19. lol why you guy never tell the true? that why Zaft got my respect a lots more because they use their fist to fight. How many time i steal you or atk and how many time you hit me back? you? i got none inc back lol . I'm like stealing and atk a "Dead fish floating on the water". And you're are idiots to tell our hansel in war to buy dp and sdp and some of us don't have allies lol. YOu sure is a war clan? lol. You talking about respect this war i only got INC two people the most is SNR and SirHayden. They earn my respect. But the other AAH? Omg is like a "Dead fish floating on the water"