Discussion in 'Wars' started by TheLastOneAlive, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. Great war thread  Lots of information...

    Just one note: if you're going to post on forums, be sure you can properly form a sentence in the language you're speaking. If you can't, don't post or switch servers. When you can't type a comment, threat, back-up statement, or even a come-back that isn't properly written if losses most, if not all, of it's seriousness.

    If you have a reading/writting disorder, such as dyslexia, if may be in your best interest to refrain from posting in forums. Especialy if you're from a clan with a high reputation such as the clans involved in this thread.

    Improper grammer and spelling coming from highly respected clans is just sad.
  2. Hey frankenstine. How about we just compose our forum posts in chinese. Im pretty sure we would have no grammatical mistakes that way. English isnt our first language, but apparently i can spell better than you do
  3. Rip - you're so worked up your writing is like someone whose got so much to say before they collapse Iol. I think you really are trying too hard to make your point . You never gonna bother me nor AAH with your nonsense and poor attempt at talking tough so waffle away if it makes you feel better.

    T was a noob. So confused about what happened n certainly not who you guys thought. You stripped a guest/prospective new member whilst in our clan without talking to anyone in aah about the issue first. You now sound surprised we did something about it which shows you know nothing about AAH. Does this mean if someone strips a guest of Yafi without talking to you first whether you wouldn't care? If so then I'm surprised as I thought you guys were better than that.

    I like a number of Yafi but don't care whether I war you for 1 day or the rest of my kaw time. You talk like a strip is an issue - I've been stripped many times as have most of AAH, ita part of the game. We strip and get stripped - so be it.

    I'm happy to talk n laugh as much ad you want, but you'll get nowhere trying to sound tough with me - seen it all before .
  4. Although you are my enemy, I have to admit this is the best statement so far :)
  5. Just noticed that 8 clans on us lol wonder how many clans more will join. Again and Again we fight many LB clans lol

    Happy Kawing all :)
  6. Bully -  can I have your autograph please - I'm in awe 
  7. Dude this game is not about school is about War. Btw is "grammar" not "grammer". Spelling check. :lol: :lol:
  8. I would add ,
    Writing not writting
    Especially not especialy

    Lol jk
  9. Yoyo get the hell out. You can't even spell yourself, damn noob. If anyone does have dyslexia, please don't let that moron deter you from posting on the forums.
  10. What an idiot! Don't post on forum if u can't write or English isn't ur first language or u have dyslexia... 
    That has got to be the funnies  I have ever read on forum ! 

    love and respect to yafi/judgment now a power house full of warriors. 
  11. [​IMG]

    This thread is heating up! You should remake a merger thread and rename this one ya-judgement-fi vs ZAFT Corporation. Let's face it - it's off topic for 90% of the thread and there's some good stuff here.
  12. It's only off-topic because certain individuals have their personal interests to make it so :lol:
  13. Try to make my point? lol I don't care what AAH or you think. I just say if this make you feel better i will sent you SS about -T- is --Tyrant--. And if (AAH) war us (YAFI) because of -T- one of your guest (you say is noob) and war with us? that is not smart at all sorry for the insult but is a poor decision by your council and leader. Because one of your guest (you say is noob) and make other member of you got strip and suffer?. Our YA__JUDGMENT__FI only protect and fight for our member and family only. We will whack and fight whoever bully to our clan member. We don't care how strong you are we will fight til the end. But whatever your stupid excuse to war us. We don't care. When you touch us we will bring the end to you. Enough the talk c ya in battlefield.
  14. How you post that? i like it lol
  15. "bring an end to you" - ok enough talk - show me on the "battlefield" how you're gonna do that .

    You really are sn excitable one rip but you should think before you post such things. You can strip me so I look like most of you guys, you can pin me till you get bored or tired but as we both know you have no chance at all of "bringing an end" to anyone who you can't scare with such comments.

    This has been fun banter, take care all 

  16. its this kind disgraceful and ignorant posts that makes me dislike forums in the first place. Sorry if we dont meet your expectations but we will put that into consideration next time :roll: :? if this is what you really complain about, i suggest don't post here at all. :|
  17. Lol frankieboy gettin owned by both sides!

    Not everyone's english or american you know.
  18. Wow this thread got trashed lol well I'm done reading this talk. 
  19. Still an informative thread, there was kotfe/cr/wog/ts vs aots, iG vs New Age, Pure Evil, and Noor?

    But damn this is the biggest. Yafi n judgment are fightin 2 fronts now.